“Kids?” He asked, stepping back slightly. “But..b...but, but you look too young to have children,” he stuttered like a blubbering fool.

“Oh, do I? Well, if I was being honest, I started quite young.”

“That’s nice. Listen, I see my friend calling me over to him. It was nice to meet you, Jenny?”

“Yes, Jenny. Oh, but wait, Brandon. You didn’t ask for my number.”

“Oh, well, I don’t,” he spit out.

“That’s okay, Brandon,” I chimed in. “She’s with me, anyway.”

Brandon looked so incredibly relieved, I almost laughed.

“Good luck to you, bro,” he said and bolted.

Harper and I leaned against the back wall, holding in our guts.

“So, Jenny, what are these kids of yours named?”

“Oh well, there’s Bosephus. He’s my youngest. Just two months old.”

“That is hideous, Harper.”

“I know, but it’s his grandpa’s name.”

“Oh, well, then it’s understandable.” I smiled at her. “You’re a goofball.”

Harper and I laughed ridiculously hard when we noticed Brandon talking animatedly and pointing our direction.

“I think you may be a genius, Harper Bailey.”

“You know it.”

I turned my body her direction, my left shoulder leaning against the brick wall. She followed suit and leaned on her right, facing me. I brushed her hair behind her shoulders and blew at her neck, trying to cool her off. She closed her eyes, enjoying the makeshift breeze, her lips parted slightly. She inadvertently succeeded at driving me insane. I instantly stopped and drank her face in. Her eyes popped open.

“And here we are again, Callum. We really must stop playing these games.”

I swallowed hard. “What could you possibly mean, Harper?”

“Oh, just that you and I are walking a razor thin line and I’m trying to find out if it’s sharp enough to actually hurt us.”

“Anything can hurt you, Harper. Even things you’re supposed to be able to count on can hurt you.”

“These things you speak of, do they include how we’re supposed to rely on mothers and fathers never to die or leave us alone?”

“Exactly, but that’s life, Harper. Nothing is guaranteed.”

“You’re right.”

“But I can promise you that I would never intentionally hurt you and, although a promise is not a guarantee, it is still a promise and you can ask anyone I know, I’m good on my word.”

“I don’t know why but I believe you.”

“Harper, I...”

But Sam interrupted us.

“Hey, you guys!” Sam said emphatically, a little too emphatically. Great.