Was it so wrong to seek his advice? Was that a step backward when more than ever she needed to add years in wisdom to her adult resume? Still she couldn't stop the words. "Am I delusional to believe I can handle a relationship with a recovering alcoholic?"

"You're too old for me to tell you what to do."

Was she? At the moment it seemed less mature to assume arrogantly that she had all the answers. "I'm learning that you're never too old to ask your father for advice."

"Which proves you really don't need me after all." He patted her hand clutching the whipped cream can in a death grip. "You're more than ready to leave the nest."

Parental approval sure did feel nice no matter what her age. She flipped her hand to link fingers with her dad. "Does that mean I'm out on the sidewalk?"

"Not hardly, baby girl." He squeezed back with a familiar comfort that stung her eyes with tears at this landmark moment.

She really was crossing into a new era of her life. Would it include Carson?

Nikki slid her hand away and took another warming gulp from her mug. "What made you and Mom stick it out so long even though things were rocky?"

"But we did quit."

"After over twenty years of working at it." She hadn't been surprised when her parents announced they'd seen a divorce attorney, but it still hurt even as an adult.

A rare smile creased her father's craggy face. "Your mother and I are particularly hardheaded. It took us a while to get it right."

"That doesn't help me much."

"I assume this isn't a rhetorical question."

"I wish. He also worries about me being too young. And I think he puts too much stock in your certainty that I'm not equipped for the stresses of being an Air Force wife."

"Whoa. Wait." He held up both palms. "Of course I don't want you to go through the struggles. This is a tough life after all, but I've never doubted for a minute that you can handle anything that comes your way as long as you go in with your eyes open."

"Who are you, and what have you done with my quietly looming overprotective father?"

His smile cranked broader. "Your mother and I are working on better communication. Never thought I would buy into the notion of counseling, but it helps. What your mother and I have is worth fighting for."

She'd known they sought help to put their marriage back together. They'd even invited Chris and her along for a couple of family sessions. Why not apply that to her situation with Carson?

He assumed the alcoholism was more than she could handle. He might be correct—a possibility that closed her throat—but he might well be wrong. Either way, he had been making a decision that affected both of them. She should be a part of that equation, and to do that, she needed more information.

She'd been so set on protecting her heart, she'd let him shield her, as well, and that wasn't right. No one had ever fought for Carson. Sure he'd sought out A.A., but as far as she could tell, other than a lone English teacher, no one had offered help.

Yeah, she might get her heart pitched back in her face again, but she loved this man. Deep down loved him, flaws and all. Damn straight she wouldn't be like her mother waiting around for over twenty years.

Nikki was ready to fight for her man.

Chapter 15

"Do you want me?"

Carson lost total track of whatever Reis was saying to him on the other end of the phone, stunned instead by Nikki in his open office door.

From the determined look in her eyes, Carson suspected he had a fight on his hands. He just wished he knew which direction to check for the ambush.

He held up a hand indicating a one-second-wait while he finished his call to Reis about tapping the civilian police to do extra surveillance of the Price home. "Glad you're on top of this. I'll be in touch." He hung up the phone and redirected his attention to the hot-as-hell woman in front of him. "How did you get here? Please say you didn't drive alone."

"Dad's got leave since his return. He came in for some paperwork and I rode along." She lounged against the door frame, a seductress in khaki. "So? What's the answer to my question? Do you want me?"

"Before I answer, you should probably close the door."

Nikki stepped across the threshold, one long khaki-clad leg at a time—and holy crap, those were black heels to match her black silk shirt. Could her heels be the promised pair from their conversation a few days ago in this same room?