Fourth baby one year."

"Hey, how many kids are we talking about here?"

"Lots. I'm good at the bossy big sister-mom role. Got a problem with that?" "No, ma'am."

"Smart man." She traced the ridges on his forehead. "And I can already hear you thinking. I don't have a problem going off active duty and flying fighters for a reserve unit once our house starts overflowing with all of those holiday babies." She bracketed his face in her soft palms. "I do make plans, Josh. I've just never had anyone to share them with before."

"You really are incredible." His mouth found hers with a wealth of friendship and respect all wrapped up in even more love flowing between them.

Eventually, she eased back, her eyes dazed. Her hand unsteady, she reached to bat at the box behind her. "I need your help now."

"As long as you want help unpacking a box of sheets for the bed. Or pillows. For the bed. Or maybe a blanket. For the bed."

Laughing, she angled away to reach inside the box, giving him a glimpse of creamy thigh as her pleated miniskirt hitched higher. Dangerously high. His mouth watered.

She spun back to face him, her creche in hand. "I'd like you to help me set this up first in our new home."

"My pleasure." Together they placed all the mismatched figurines around the barn. He laid claim to the angel, placing her smack dab on top of the star, where she could fly among the clouds like his ladylove.

Alicia scooped out another smaller box, the one with mailing wrap on it. "And this came from Nonni."

"Nonni already sent something for me?" She always mailed him the best cookies, but they were probably moldy by now. Damn.

"Actually, she sent this to me. But I thought you might want to be the one to place it on the mantel."

She lifted the lid. A dark wood antler he recognized well peeked from the tissue wrappings. His favorite moose.

"Would you please place it on the mantel, our mantel?"

"Of course." He took the wooden moose from her hands and placed it above the fireplace, beside her creche.

The moment went still in one of those times a guy knows life is about to change—and in a moment he knew he would never forget. Still, he took a minute longer to imprint the image of his wife right now, the aurora borealis through the wall window bathing her feathery hair in a light festival all their own.

This was it, the start of their traditions. Quirky. Mismatched. And somehow perfect for the two of them.

Life with Alicia would never be boring.

Who needed a bed when they had a fire and blanket? Josh snatched an Aztec blanket off the back of the rattan sofa and spread it on the carpet. "I wonder where we'll be next year when we're making that baby,

and if we'll even get the chance to unpack the decorations then, either?"

She melted against him, his very own snow angel with whispery-blond hair. "That's one thing we never have to worry about—planning where we'll be during December."

"How so?" Tugging the ends of her scarf to draw her closer, Josh lowered his wife to the blanket while she sent one, then the other elf boot flying.

"Simple," she whispered against his mouth, northern lights streaking through the picture window and playing with the glimmer in her eyes. "I've found my life-long home for the holidays—anywhere, any day —in your arms."

>Patience, he reminded himself. He tore through the gold foil paper and lifted open the lid. An antique brass sextant gleamed up at him. A smile spread across his face. "This is really great."

And he meant it. She'd been searching for the perfect gift for him even during the worst low point of their relationship, and that brought hope. Well, hell, hadn't he been doing the same in shopping for her?

"I thought it would look good in your office." She fidgeted with the hem of her fuzzy sweater, nerves unlike her but endearing all the same. "And when you see it, you can think about me."

"I don't need reminders to think about you." He dropped a quick kiss on her lush mouth, but pulled back before she could pull him closer or shove him away. He tucked his head into the box. "I had something for you in that stack of presents the movers packed up."

He shuffled past the snail-mail package from his grandma and lifted out the silver foil package. "Here.

Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah to you, too."