Sydney snuggled close to him, soft, warm. Her contented sigh purred up her throat and vibrated against his bare chest.

Even hoo-ya or words like "great sex" didn't sum up their first night together. Never before had a morning after felt so... mellow.

He stroked his knuckles along her back and up again. "Tell me about Red Branch, Texas.''

"Not much to tell.'' She tucked her head under his chin, her tousled, toffee-colored hair tickling his nose. "It's just a wonderful sleepy tiny town. Nothing you 'd be interested in.''

"You came from there. I'm interested."

She tipped her face to smile up at him. "You're too sweet.''

"I'm trying, lady, I'm trying."

She stretched to skim a gentle kiss over his mouth before nestling back against his side. "Like I said, sleepy town, small.''

"Family? Parents?"

"Mom and Dad met in the auto parts factory where they both worked. Settled down. Had some kids. Got divorced.''

"That must have been tough.''

"At first maybe, but everything worked out okay. Being in a little town made things easier on my dad, I think, with all the close-knit feel, and my big sister is a whiz at keeping things organized.''

He couldn't miss her positive spin on life, admired that, needed it in a world that was showing him the dark side of humanity far too often lately. "You stayed with your dad?"

"Yeah, my mom moved overseas, so legally she couldn't take us.''

"But she wanted to.''

"Of course.''

He waited for her to volunteer more, but apparently he'd landed in bed with the one woman who wasn't into post-sex chitchat. "You mentioned a sister. Any more? What about brothers?"

After such a solitary childhood, he vowed to pack his house with kids and noise, a haven after he quit active field ops.

Or sooner maybe.

"I have the older sister I mentioned, my best friend actually.'' She paused. "And another younger half sister, too.''

"You're lucky to have siblings."

"Living the American Dream.''

God, he liked her upbeat attitude. Sure she'd come from a broken home, but focused on the positive. Her small town. Her father. Her best friend sister. With everything he learned about this woman, he became all the more certain he wanted to keep her and her light in his world.

Her soft thigh tucked between his and already he was plotting how he could convince her to move in—her with him or him with her. He didn't care where as long as they shared a bed and a breakfast table.

Morning rays through the blinds played on her pale skin. His hand rested on her side, his thumb tracing a small strawberry birthmark on the right side of her flat stomach.

She squirmed, laughed lightly. "That tickles.''

Another discovery about his new lover, a passionate woman who liked to take things slow. Who enjoyed long, gentle lovemaking.

And so many more things about her left to uncover. His hand smoothed around to cup her bottom as he rolled, her onto her back...

An explosion shook the ground.

From his head or in the compound?