Stella held hands with Jose, the sailboat rocking gently by the Nile River. His voice rumbled low and firm as he spoke his vows with a firm conviction that tingled through her. And then it was her turn.

“I, Stella, take you, Jose, to be my husband…”

She and Jose had decided to keep the wedding simple and celebrate later with a larger party in the States. Today, this moment, was just about the two of them, affirming their love and their future by each placing a simple gold band on the other’s ring finger.

“…to have and to hold, from this day forward.”

Thanks to Jose and his fearless rescue, she was alive to enjoy that future.

“For better or worse…”

They’d been through so much and survived so much already this past year, coming through it all stronger. Life wouldn’t always be easy, but together? They were rock solid.

Stella continued, “For richer or poorer. In sickness and in health.”

She’d started attending Al-Anon meetings, arming herself with the knowledge to better understand his recovery and the challenges they could face. And each day made her all the more certain she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, as his wife.

“…to love and to cherish from this day forward, ’til death do us part.”

And before the chaplain could even finish with his official blessing, Stella arched up to kiss her husband. Warm anticipation curled deliciously through her veins, along with love. So much love.

She’d been wrong about one thing that day they’d met. She’d thought the timing was off. But she’d fallen for the right man at the right time, and looked forward to falling for him all over again every day for the rest of their lives.