“Sylvia and I had an amicable parting of the ways. It was never serious.” And by now he was a frickin’ pro at how to handle a breakup.

Time to change the subject until he had a better handle on what the hell was going on.

His attention shifted back to Rachel. Her back stiff, her hand resting on her dog’s head, she looked strong and wary.

But alive. And he intended to do whatever it took to keep her that way.


If he had his way, they would all be dead before sunrise. But that wasn’t a wise strategy. And above all, he was a man who planned his next battle move very carefully.

Pitching a paperweight from hand to hand without so much as a glance, he studied the row of computer screens hooked to surveillance in the OSI building. This wasn’t his office, but no one would question his being here. He had access anywhere he wanted on this base.

Headphones in place, he listened to the interrogation in progress between Special Agent Sylvia Cramer and Rachel Flores. While on another screen he watched the video footage of the Flores chick breaking into McCabe’s Jeep earlier. When that tape had come to his attention, he’d backtracked through video feed until he saw her ditch her car. His people were supposed to have handled the whole situation, damn it.

How had such a well-planned operation become a cluster f**k so quickly because of one little lieutenant who barely had his head on straight?

Discrediting Brandon Harris’s claims had been easy enough at first. Although who could have predicted Harris would find such a persistent champion in a lady dog trainer? A lady dog trainer who apparently had some connections. But he refused to let them or anyone else stop him.

His own connections were far more extensive, and he wouldn’t hesitate to use them. He just needed to find more competent resources than the idiots he’d sent to torch Rachel’s apartment. They’d gone rogue in trying to run McCabe’s Jeep off the road and into the ocean. A staged accident was one thing. But gunfire in the middle of traffic, for God’s sake? All mistakes they would pay for. People only acted under his orders. Going rogue was not acceptable.>“Relax,” Sylvia said, settling into the chair by the sofa, resting her iPad on her knees.

“Easy for you to say.” Rachel clasped the soda can between her palms. “No one tried to blow up your home today or run you off the road.”

Poison one of her dogs.

Threaten her on the phone.

But hey, one thing at a time. No need to sound like a paranoid lunatic straight out of the gate.

“You’re right. My day was quite mundane until now.” She smiled again, pearly teeth flashing as the chilly gust of the air conditioner wafted around more of her subtle signature scent.

Sylvia smelled like expensive perfume and Rachel smelled of Liam’s soap. And Liam had appreciated her just fine when she’d been covered in grime, working an earthquake rescue. He didn’t need glam. She grinned inside.

Then remembered why she was here in the first place. “What happened to my condo?”

“The police are still investigating. But from what my people hear, it appears to be a kitchen fire that spread… quickly.” She assessed her with icy-sharp blue eyes. “Now let’s talk about what’s been going on for the past few weeks.”

“Talk?” Like chitchat over tea and finger sandwiches? While she trusted Liam, she didn’t know this person, and clearly things on this base weren’t as secure as they should be. “I’m not sure where to begin.”

“Wherever you wish. I’m here to listen and do what I can to sort through everything. I can also provide protection if need be. This is a win-win situation… as long as you tell me the truth.”

“This just seems so informal.” Rachel lifted the Coke, shifting on the sofa.

“I can assure you, I’m taking this very seriously.” Sylvia tapped her iPad. “Our session is being taped, if that makes you feel any better.”

“Ah, so you just officially informed me.”

“That I did.”

Rachel cocked her head to the side, starting to feel more than a little claustrophobic. “Should I have a lawyer?”

“This isn’t a civilian police setting.” Sylvia placed her iPad on the side table. “I have no jurisdiction over you. And nobody’s read you your rights. I understood from Liam—Major McCabe—that you want my help.”

“Of course I do. I’m sorry for acting paranoid. This has just been an insane couple of weeks where I’ve been let down by law enforcement. So forgive me if I’m overly cautious.” She rested a hand on her dog’s head, grateful they’d let her keep Disco with her. “Have you been able to track Brandon down yet? I’m worried about him.”

“As well you should be, and we’ve got people searching now.” She scooped up her iPad and, glancing down, tapped along the touch screen. “Let’s just review everything again, in your own words rather than via Major McCabe. It’s surprising what different people will pick up on or things that will come to mind for you because I ask a certain question.”

“Ask away, then.”