Her mom had been emphatic about manners, a good thing really. All the past frustrations at her parents felt so very small right now.

She pulled the chair closer to Brandon’s bed and took his hand, the one without IVs taped on top. “I’m so sorry this had to happen to you. But I’m here. I tried to bring Harley, but they wouldn’t let me, since she’s a therapy dog and not a service dog. Hopefully soon, though, we’ll work something out. For now, all the dogs are with Sunny. So don’t worry.”

Her voice faltered and she pressed her forehead to his arm, just letting the tears fall. She wasn’t sure how long she sobbed her heart and fears out, but the sheet was getting pretty wet and she needed tissues for her nose. Still, she didn’t want to let go. Touching him was reassuring, and they could toss her out at any minute. She would just stay like this a while longer, enjoying the way he stroked her hair—

He stroked her hair?

She looked up. “Brandon?”

“Yeah, Cat,” he answered, his voice a hoarse whisper, his touch heavy and a little clumsy. “It’s me. The others? Rachel?”

Clasping his hand, she pressed it to her cheek. “She’s okay. Everyone is all right. You did it. You called base security and alerted them. You relayed details it would have taken critical time to figure out otherwise. They got Rachel out alive and arrested General Sullivan.”

“Good. Thas… good…” His words slurred.

His eyes drifted closed and she tried not to be sad over that. He needed his rest.

Angling over him, she kissed his forehead and whispered what she hadn’t dared tell him when he was awake. “I love you.”

His eyes fluttered open and she blushed.

“Hey, now, Brandon, you weren’t supposed to hear that yet.”

He touched her lips. “You deserve better than me… so much baggage…”

She cupped his face and stared straight into his surprisingly clear eyes. “Who makes up the rules about what’s fair and not fair? Because last time I checked, life rarely keeps a perfectly tallied scoreboard.” She smiled. “Like that football analogy? I threw it in there just for you.”

He laughed, then coughed.

“Shhh…” She pressed her fingers to his mouth. “You don’t have to talk. I just want you to know that I do love you. The man you are now and the part of yourself you’ll reclaim over time. I understand about journeys to strength.”

“God, Cat, I love you, too”—his chest pumped for air, from exertion and emotion—“but I won’t ever be… the same man I was before.”

“Brandon, I can’t imagine how anyone could remain unchanged after what you’ve been through.” She kissed his hand, sitting by his side where she intended to stay. “I accept you as you are. That’s a great gift, you know. You gave the same to me.”

She’d waited a lifetime for someone to accept her, see her, the real her. But then maybe a part of that journey was learning to accept herself first. Whatever the path, she was just so very glad it had led her to this man.


Liam stood outside the emergency room door, where Rachel was finishing up billing paperwork after her exam. She’d been smacked around pretty bad by General Sullivan, and Liam had been hard-pressed not to return the favor by beating the crap out of the bastard.

But this arrest was going one hundred percent by the book. No jeopardizing the conviction. When everything came out, after the military justice system finished with Sullivan, he would be lucky to get only a life sentence—treason, kidnapping, murder, attempted murder. There wasn’t a punishment harsh enough.

Liam cracked his knuckles.

The automatic doors from outside swished open, bringing in a gust of humid Florida heat along with Jose James. The younger PJ had changed into jeans and a marathon shirt, his gym shoes squeaking on the tiles.

“Everything okay with Rachel, sir?” Cuervo pulled up alongside him.

“Right as rain.” Thank God. “We’re out of here any second now.”

“Awesome. Awesome.” Cuervo nodded, fishing in his pocket and bringing out keys. “Data and I thought you might need some wheels, since that rat trap Jeep you bought is still down in the Everglades. So we brought you a rental car over. Data’s on the phone with a lady friend now or he would have come in with me. She’s pissed because he missed their date last night. I guess saving the free world isn’t a good enough excuse sometimes.”

“Data had a date?”

“Yeah, I know. Guess some gals go for pocket protectors.” He passed over the keys. “Here ya go. We even made sure it’s gassed up.”

“Hey, thanks.” He clasped the cool metal in his fist, searching for the right words, but hell, there weren’t ones big enough to thank a person for helping save his world—Rachel. “I appreciate this, and everything else you guys did for us these past few days.”