“There’s an impressive generator,” he said, answering her unasked question. “And water from a well. The outside is deceptive. We’ll be safe here while we regroup.”

“If you say ‘trust me’ again, I think I’m going to scream.”

His dry laugh mingled with the cacophony of frogs and crickets. Everything out here was bigger, louder. Even the dragonfly buzzed around her face at concert level volume.

“Do you own this place?”

“It belongs to the uncle of one of my exes.” He worked the controls, slowing and revving the engine at just the right pace to ease up to the dock. “I have an open invitation to use it.”

How open? “Dare I ask which ex-wife?”


Yes. “Curious.”

“The second one.”

“Priscilla.” The cheater. The one Rachel actually wanted to kick for hurting Liam. Well, come to think of it, they had all hurt him.

“You remember.”

“That was very important information you shared.” And being jealous was churlish. She cupped his beard-stubbled cheek, full out touching him for the first time since they’d bolted out of bed. “I thought your parting with her was… acrimonious.”

“It was,” he said simply as he cut the engine. “But her uncle and I stay in touch even though I do my best to avoid her.” He pressed a quick kiss into her palm before stepping back to tie off the boat.

The kiss was nice and she wanted another, one that lingered, rather than a brush in passing. Was he just taking care of business or retreating emotionally, destroying another relationship? She desperately wanted to know more, to help herself sort through the jumble of emotions stirred up by this man. But now wasn’t the time. Maybe once they were settled inside.

The cabin windows were thick but surprisingly clean. Above the windows, there were metal roll-down shutters. And as she looked closer, she saw the generator he’d mentioned. It wasn’t just large. It was huge.

Liam vaulted onto the dock and doubled up the tie-offs. The dogs leaped up and onto the planked walkway, sniffing. Intrigued, she climbed out. Even from the outside, she could see now that the cabin offered more than she’d expected, sprawling back with an unseen added space, enough for a couple of bedrooms.

Boat secured, Liam charged ahead of her. Sunlight glinted off his chrome weapon as he advanced toward the shack. He held up a hand for her to wait, reminding her again that while they both had rescue experience, he had a whole added level of combat training. But he blended the personal and professional parts of his life so much better than she did. One minute he was kissing her hand and the next he was ready for a shoot-out.

Watch his back. Sunny’s advice filtered through her mind, sparking an idea she should already have considered if she’d been as good as Liam at staying clearheaded.

She touched his arm and whispered, “Wait.”

He glanced back. “What? Is something wrong?”

“Send Disco in. He knows how to sweep a building. He’s trained.”

Liam blinked in surprise. “Uh, okay. Sure.”

“Open the door. I’ll send him in.”

Liam lifted a small wooden plank beside the window and exposed a security system. He typed in a code, then leaned to twist the doorknob. The hinges creaked.

Kneeling, she looked Disco in the eyes as she’d done dozens of times for searches over the years, not so much lately. “Ready?”

Disco’s ears twitched forward, his body rippling with tensed muscles. Good boy. She unclipped his leash.

“Go find,” she ordered softly, intensely. “Go find.”

The black Lab launched forward in a sleek bolt of determination, sniffing, zigging and zagging into the cabin. He thrived when working. She’d forgotten how much Disco put into his job. A job she’d denied him over the past six months. She blinked back tears.

God, why was he taking so long? Fang started to whine beside her. She petted the pup to calm her, to silence her. Fear burned as she thought of something happening to Disco if he actually found someone. Had she sent him into a trap? Liam kept his gun leveled the whole time, his arsenal-filled duffel on the dock beside him.

Eventually—after what felt like forever—Disco trotted back through the door and stopped in front of her. She dropped to her knees in front of him.