The world went still. His ears rang, the gun in his hand pointed toward the headless snake, still thrashing. A scream split through the aftermath. The baby. Joshua grabbed and clawed at Hugh’s shoulders. He reached around and pulled the boy out, holding him.

Amelia slumped down with her back against a tree, drawing in shaky breaths one after the other. She hugged her knees to her chest.

“Amelia”—he knelt beside her, holding Joshua—“I thought you were scared of snakes, but good God, woman. You didn’t even flinch.”

“I was afraid if I took the time to say something…” She turned toward him, burying her face in his chest. “It was so close to Joshua. I didn’t have a choice.”

He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arm. If they were alone he would have done more. His insides were shaking with relief. “You did well.”

Her breath hitched one after the other, visibly pushing back hysteria. “Hugh, I need to know. Was it a poisonous snake?”

Hugh looked at the thin length—about five feet long. “A brown racer, a mature adult. They carry a minor poison, for small animals.” He tucked Joshua closer. “A child would have been particularly vulnerable. Even some small adults, given its size.”

“But Joshua’s okay?” She skimmed her fingers along her nephew’s cheek. The little boy hiccupped as his cries died down.

“He’s fine.” Hugh scanned his tiny arms and legs again to be sure. “Just scared. I don’t see a mark on him.”

“Good, good.” A sigh of relief shuddered through her. “Hugh?”

“Yeah, Amelia?” He rested his chin on her head, willing his heart to slow.

“You were really great there, doing your Superman PJ rescuer.” Her fingers toyed with his survival vest.

“You weren’t so bad yourself.”

“Yeah, well, I need you to be the medic PJ now.” She looked up at him, the fear finally showing on her face as she held up her arm, her hand puffy and red. “The snake… It bit me.”

Chapter 11

Amelia’s hand hurt. Really hurt.

It throbbed as if she’d been stung by a wasp a million times. She glanced down and—

She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the two puncture marks on top of her puffy, red hand. She’d been bit on the same hand that had been cut in the earthquake. She resisted the urge to make a fist. Something told her she needed to hold still, not circulate the venom around. Tough to do when she was shaking like a leaf in the aftermath. Or maybe that was another aftershock buzzing the ground under her feet.

Hugh clasped her trembling fingers in his. “Keep it below the level of your heart. Don’t panic. Everything’s going to be fine.”

“Joshua? Where is he? If there are more snakes…” She shuddered. She wasn’t feeling nearly as brave now as she had a few minutes ago.

“He’s okay. Right here beside me and I don’t see any sign of more snakes.” His calm bass rumbled over her just as it had at the earthquake site. That voice was pure intoxication.

Sighing, she felt her pulse settle and her eyes fluttered open. Hugh tugged his T-shirt off—gulp, there went her heart rate again—and he started ripping it into strips.

“Put Joshua in the baby sling again anyway, please.” Her hand throbbed and fear clogged her throat. “No matter what you say, I won’t be able to stop hyperventilating until I know he’s not going to get bitten by Sammy the Snake’s brother or sister lurking around in there.”

“All right, all right.” He started plucking things from his survival vest… alcohol swabs, gauze, and some kind of ointment.

Then he shrugged into the vest again and the makeshift baby pack. He tucked his arms under Joshua’s armpits and swung him around, settling him in place. The toddler locked his arms around Hugh’s neck.

She kept her eyes averted from the throbbing snakebite. “What do we do now? Do you cut it open, draw out the poison?”

She eyed his knife and struggled not to wince. Whatever needed to be done. Right?

“Sucking out the venom is a myth from Wild West films.”

Thank God. She sagged with relief.

He twisted open a bottle of water and poured it over the bite. The coolness momentarily soothed the heated sting. Hugh tore open antiseptic pads and cleaned around the puncture marks so gently she barely knew he touched her. She remembered well those same fingers stroking elsewhere, so controlled and tender… just before they’d both turned frantic and overheated.