Page 154 of The Originals

“And we’re not taking no for an answer,” Ella says.

I think of all of Mom’s papers that I stole, of how I could blackmail her just like Maggie did. But in the end, I don’t need to.

Knowing she’s defeated—for now, at least—Mom stands and leaves the motel room. The four of us stare at one another in silence for a long time after she leaves. Then, Ella speaks.

“What just happened?” she asks.

“I don’t know,” I say, “but it’s possible that from here on out, we’re on our own.”

Late that night, I’m wide-awake, watching Sean’s sleeping body on the floor at the foot of Ella’s bed. Betsey whispers something from the other side of the one we’re sharing.

“What?” I whisper, turning over to face her.

“I said: It’s either Mom or Maggie.”

“What are you talking about?” I ask. “Are you asleep?” I sit up a little and squint into the darkness to see if her eyes are open. Eyes like mine stare back at me.

“If we want our own identities, we either have to make up with Mom or go back to Maggie,” she explains. “Those are our two options, and both of them suck.”

I think about this for a moment, then something hits me. “Maybe not,” I say. “I might have a third option.”

In the morning, when Betsey’s showering, Sean’s foraging, and Ella’s drying her hair, I open Mom’s laptop and log on. In thirty seconds, I confirm that, yes, I have a third option.

That is, if that option will cooperate.


Four five-hour shifts later, we’re in Northern California.

Nearing the end of the ride, Sean’s at the wheel and we’re listening to the kind of slow, heartstrings music that could put you to sleep if you weren’t anxious about being minutes away from potential freedom. Well, hours.

“Tell me again why you think he’s going to help us,” Sean says quietly. I like that he uses the word us even though this isn’t really his problem.

“He’s helped us before,” I say. “At least I think he did.”

“What do you mean?”

“A guy helped us when we relocated—he got us the new ID for Elizabeth Best and helped Mom set up her corporation and stuff,” I say slowly. “He works for the government or something, but he and my mom met in school. She never told us his name, but we used to call him the Wizard because he could conjure up identities out of thin air. Or at least he did that one time.”

“And this is him? The guy we’re going to see is the Wizard?”

I turn around to make sure Ella and Bet are still asleep. “I think so.”

“You don’t know for sure?” Sean asks, looking at me, surprised.

“He was the only person in my mom’s address book that I didn’t recognize.”

“Are you being serious right now?” Sean asks quietly. “We’ve driven all this way to see someone who could be anyone?” He doesn’t sound mad, just tired.

“Yeah, but when I saw his name, I just knew it was him.” I look at Sean, and he glances at me, then back at the road. “I know it’s him.”

“I guess we’ll find out soon,” he says with a small smile. “But you have good instincts: I’m sure you’re right. At least, I hope you are.”

“I’m right,” I say, hoping that I am, too. Then I yawn. “Hey, we have to stop somewhere until morning. It’s the middle of the night; we can’t show up now.”

“Good call,” Sean says, yawning too. Which makes me yawn again.

We start through a tunnel originating in Oakland and dumping us out in a town called Alameda. It looks cute, but it’s dark and my eyes are fuzzy from trying to read using a convenience-store flashlight, so I’m withholding judgment until the morning. Sean finds us a hotel, where we sleep for not enough hours. Then by the light of the too-bright California sun, we pull into a driveway in front of a massive Victorian; we’re filled with a lot of nervousness but also, though this part goes unspoken, high hopes.