“No. Our ‘family tree’ split with that first murder. Vampires are capable of creating more of our kind. Wraiths—they have to be more creative.” A strange smile played upon Mrs. Bethany’s face. “Yet they can be spontaneously created as well. Certain kinds of murders—those involving betrayal and broken promises, in particular—have a tendency to create ghosts. It is rare, but it can occur.”

“If vampires and wraiths don’t have anything to do with each other anymore, why do they hate us?”

She studied me carefully before she said, “Most wraiths cannot long maintain any physical form. It must drive them mad in short order—

witnessing the world without ever being able to take part in it. Think how you would feel, Miss Olivier, if you were trapped and powerless in that way, and then you saw other undead creatures still able to feel, act, and enjoy their time on earth. Think how much closer we are to the experience of life. Does it seem more clear to you now?”

“Yeah, I guess it does.”

“If you witness anything else, of course, report it at once. Adrian, Celia, thank you for bringing her over so promptly.”

“That’s it?” My mother shook her head. “There’s nothing else we can do to protect—to keep the students safe?”

“The students should simply take care not to spend too much time alone.” Mrs. Bethany raised an eyebrow. “Particularly in isolated rooms far from the teachers in the hopes that their paramours will soon arrive.”

“Next time I’ll bring Balthazar with me,” I promised. That made Mrs. Bethany scowl, but I could tell my parents were amused.

We walked back across the grounds from Mrs. Bethany’s carriage house toward the school. It was a cloudy day, unseasonably cold, and I wished I’d brought a heavier coat. Dad put one arm around me as we went. “You’re not worried?”

“No. Are you guys?”

“No,” Mom said. When she saw my expression, she sighed. “Okay.

Yes. But not for any good reason. Just because we’re your parents and we love you.”

“What did Mrs. Bethany mean by ‘constructive ways’ to get rid of ghosts?” I asked.

“Let’s hope the damn thing is gone already,” Dad said, which wasn’t exactly an answer. Before I could ask anything else, Dad grinned and waved. “Look who’s here.”

Balthazar came across the grounds toward us, wearing a long coat and a dark blue scarf looped casually around his neck. “How was the in-quisition?”

“As much fun as you could imagine,” I said.

“Well, as long as this place is haunted, I think we might want to try doing something a little different.” Balthazar deployed his most charming smile, which was pretty incredibly charming. “With your permission, of course, Mr. Olivier, Mrs. Olivier.”

“What do you mean?” Mom asked.

“If you think it would be all right, I was hoping to take Bianca off campus once in a while. Starting this weekend, maybe. We could go into Riverton or wherever, and she could show me a little bit about twenty-first-century life. I could tell her more about where I’ve been, what I’ve seen.” Balthazar said it like this was a brand-new idea, not like we’d been plotting this for weeks. “I know she’s young to go on dates off campus, but as long as this wraith is here, I’d feel safer somewhere else.

I bet Bianca would, too.”

“Definitely,” I said. “Absolutely.”

My parents didn’t suspect a thing; in fact, they looked thrilled. A little too thrilled, really. I mean, I knew they liked Balthazar. Who wouldn’t? But they seemed overeager to match us up. Still, as long as it was working for us, I wouldn’t argue. Dad spoke to Balthazar first.

“You’ll have her home by a decent hour.”

“Of course.”

“And you’ll let us know what you’re doing and where you’ll be,” Mom said. She bounced a little on her heels.

“At all times,” Balthazar promised. “I’ll ask Mrs. Bethany’s permission as well.”

“I can handle that,” Mom said. “She’s more likely to say yes if we do the asking.”

“This is a big responsibility,” Dad said to me. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

I was only thinking of the fact that soon I’d be with Lucas again.