We kissed each other tenderly, then simply gazed at each other for a few moments. There were times during the past year when we’d hardly been able to keep our hands off each other, but this night was different, quieter. I think we both knew how important this moment would be.

Finally I said, “The last Friday in May.”

“Is that the last day of exams?”

“Yeah. That means it’s also the day tons of cars will be pulling up to take students back home. I can slip away easily in the crowd. My parents—they’ll assume I went home with Raquel or somebody. That will buy us a few days while they call around looking for me.” Despite everything, I didn’t doubt they’d search. “I could leave tonight—I wish I could—but they’d know right away something was wrong. If we wait for the last Friday in May, it’s our best chance to get a head start.”

“Only one more month, then.”

“Until we’re together all the time.”

“I meant, one more month for me to figure out what we’re going to do afterward,” Lucas said. “But I’ll figure it out. I promise, Bianca, I’ll take care of you.”

I pushed his scruffy hair back from his face. “I’ll take care of you, too.”

Far away, something snapped with a sharp pop. Lucas and I both jerked upright, but to my relief, it turned out to be nothing—a tree branch, probably. Still, the moment had reminded us both how dangerous it was for Lucas to be here.

“You have to go,” I said. “Right away.”

“I’m going. Love you.” Lucas kissed me roughly, bruising my mouth. His hands gripped my hips, and I wished I could keep him close.

But when he pulled away, I let him leave. He ran into the underbrush without looking back. I knew why he had the strength to do that. It was easier to say good-bye when it wasn’t for long.

May was just about the best month of my life, at least at first.

Every single day was just a box on the calendar that I could put a red X through; each one brought me closer to Lucas and to liberty. I day-dreamed through classes and was spoken to sharply—not just by Mrs.

Bethany but by my other teachers, too. What did I care? If I flunked all my exams, it wasn’t like I’d be around to pick up my report card. It was easier to stare out the window and fantasize about Lucas, fiddling with the obsidian pendant around my neck, than it was to concentrate on Henry V.

Sometimes I felt weird tremors of uncertainty—I won’t go to college now. How will I keep in touch with Vic and Raquel? Will I ever see Balthazar again? How will I protect myself from the wraiths? Can I bring my telescope? But nothing was as important as escaping Evernight or the “destiny” my parents and teachers had decided on for me. I had only one chance to be free and to be with the guy I loved. I intended to take it.

I even started packing the few clothes I had in Mrs. Bethany’s carriage house. That’s what I was doing one night in mid-May when a rap on the door startled me.

Who could it be? I quickly stowed my half-packed bag under the bed, hurried into her living room, and called, “Come in!” Mrs. Bethany entered, imposing in a long black skirt and gray, high-necked blouse. “What a nuisance,” she said, apparently to herself.

“Knocking on one’s own door.”

“Hey, Mrs. Bethany. Is there something you need?” If I was helpful, I reasoned, she’d get out faster.

She didn’t pause as she swept past me into her bedroom. “I require some of my things and wanted to ensure that you hadn’t failed to water the violets.”

o;I love you, too. I swear to God, I’ll never screw up like this again.”

“But you were right about everything.”

Lucas’s hands combed through my hair. “Hardly.”

“Lucas, I mean it. You knew my parents were lying. You knew what vampires really were. If I’d only listened to you, none of this would have happened.”

“Whoa.” Lucas took my hands and pulled me down onto the gazebo bench. The blue moon shone down on us through the ivy leaves. “What are you talking about?”

I spilled out the whole story—the truth about how I was born, about how the wraiths were coming after me, about how I was apparently a pawn in a battle between wraiths and vampires in which both sides were evil. I didn’t even skip over what nearly happened with Balthazar and me, because I was sick of secrets. That part made Lucas press his lips together into a thin line, but he listened without a word.

When I was finished, my head leaning against his broad shoulder and his arms around me, he said only, “We have to get you out of here.”

“Are you asking me to run away with you again?”

“Yeah. This time forever.”