Bella frowned. “What? Then where—”

“The vineyard is my home, sorella. That’s where Pietro and I belong.”

Although it made sense, the thought of leaving her family behind still put a pang of sadness in her breast. Ettore must have registered the spike in her emotions. His fingers came to rest lightly under her chin, tipping her face up to meet his.

“Do you want the same thing, love? To go home to the vineyard, instead of living with me at the command center in Rome?”

“The vineyard hasn’t been my home for a long time. Where you are, Ettore, that’s my home now.”

Because of him, her family was safe now.

o;If you don’t mind, I’d like to go draw a bath for my lady.”

“Actually, I’d prefer a shower,” Bella interjected, glancing up at him wryly. “No more baths, at least not for a while.”

Savage chuckled. “Baby, whatever you want, it’s yours.”

“You, Ettore.” Her soft brown gaze turned serious as she reached up and held his face in her warm, courageous hands. “You’re all I want. You are all I’m ever going to need.”

“You have me,” he murmured quietly. “You have every part of me, sweet Bella. You always have.”

They kissed again, his love for her soaring in his chest, in his veins. Through their bond.

Her love twined with his, and the depth of their connection was so profound it nearly brought him to his knees.

He didn’t care that they had a small audience in the room with them. He didn’t care who knew how completely he adored Arabella.

Loved her.

Desired her.

He wanted the whole world to understand that she was his.

And he was hers…in all ways.


Chapter 14

“Keep kissing me like that, female, and I may decide to keep you here permanently.”

Bella laughed and gazed up at Ettore, both of them now dried off and dressed after taking their time to clean up together. “Live in a sassi cave house and make little Breed babies? Sounds just about perfect to me.”

Ettore paused. “Is that what you want?”

She smiled, lifted her shoulder in a faint shrug. “The cave is optional.”

The sound he made as he wrapped his arms around her was one of joy and wonder. Even reverence.

“Do you have any idea how much I love you, Arabella?”

“I do,” she said. “Because I feel it inside me. I hope you can feel even a fraction of the love I have for you, Ettore.”