He closed the door on their confused faces, then turned to go after his Breedmate.


Sera folded the red silk gown and placed it on the bed, trying not to let her heart crumble into pieces.

Outside the massive bedroom suite, the villa had gone quiet. As much as she wanted to celebrate Leila and Marcel’s newfound love and bond, part of her was aching for everything she thought she might have had with Jehan.

Now that the handfast was over, she didn’t even have those few remaining nights left with him.

Which was probably for the best.

Being around him now was its own kind of torture.

He was already making plans without her. Plans he didn’t intend to discuss with or allow her any say in.

So why should she mourn the fact that their week together had just been cut short?

“Where do you think you’re going?”

She froze at the sound of his voice but forced herself not to turn around. If she did, she was afraid she’d be tempted to run to him. With her heart so heavy in her breast, she was afraid she’d be unable to keep herself from whirling on him with pounding fists and streaming tears. Demanding that he explain how he could look at her so tenderly and make love to her so possessively if he only meant to leave her behind in a few more nights.

Although she didn’t hear him move, she felt the heat of his large body at her spine. “I asked where you think you’re going, Seraphina.”

“Home,” she said. “As soon as possible, I hope.”

She walked back into the wardrobe to retrieve another of the pretty, feminine dresses that Leila had packed for her. Jehan was waiting when she came out. He had placed her bag on the floor, and now he sat on the edge of the bed, his sky blue eyes holding her in an unwavering stare.

Why did he have to look so intense and imposing, so impossible to ignore?

The sight of him waiting there, his handsome face grim with purpose, made her limping heart start to gallop.

She forced herself to move, walking over to pick up her bag and place it on a nearby chair so she could continue filling it. “Shouldn’t you be packing your things too? If we’re lucky, we might be able to get out of here in the next hour or so.”

“I’m not leaving, Seraphina.”

She glanced up at that. She couldn’t help herself.

He stood up and walked over to her. “I’m not going anywhere tonight. Neither are you.”

“What are you talking about?”

Her breath caught as he closed the space between them. As always, his presence seemed to suck all of the air out of the room. Right now, it was leeching away some of the resolve she wanted to hold on to so desperately.

“You heard it yourself, Jehan. The handfast is over. We’ve both made good on our obligations to our families, so now we’re free to go.”

He shook his head, his expression sober. “Eight nights, Sera. That’s what we agreed to. I’m holding you to it. I don’t give a damn if the pact terms say you can leave me now. I have four nights left with you, and I mean to claim them.” He reached out and stroked his fingers down the side of her face. “I mean to claim you, Seraphina. As my woman. As my Breedmate.”

“What?” Shock and confusion washed over her. “But I heard you on the phone today. You said you were leaving. That you had decided to go back to Rome. You disregarded me to your commander as if I didn’t matter at all. I heard you—”

His thumb swept over her lips, stilling them. “What you apparently didn’t hear was that I also told Lazaro Archer I had fallen in love with you.”

No, she hadn’t heard that.

And hearing it now sent spirals of joy and relief twisting through every cell in her body.

“You didn’t hear me tell him that I needed to make a place for you in my life. Or that I couldn’t leave the handfast without knowing you were mine.” He caressed her cheek, eyes smoldering with affection and desire. “My life is with the Order, Sera. I can’t give that up.”

“I would never ask that of you, Jehan. I understand that you’re doing something important, something that you’re devoted to. After what we found at the camp, I realize your mission with the Order has probably never been more crucial.”