Not canned meats, that much was certain.

Each container held a palm-sized electronic object comprised of a metal casing and a glass center chamber. Inside the glass was a milky blue substance that glowed like a vial of pure energy.

Like a source of harnessed, weapons-grade ultraviolet light.

Holy shit.

The instant realization dawned on him, Karsten’s cohort came around the back of the building. He was empty-handed, but the second his eyes lit on Jehan, he reached for his gun and fired a panicked round. Reacting almost instantly, Jehan let his blade fly, dropping Massoud dead in the sand.

The discharged bullet flew wild into the air. The cracking report of the gunshot echoed, shattering the sleepy calm of the camp. Screams and commotion stirred at once in some of the nearby tents.

Karsten raced out of the supply building. “Massoud, for crissake—”

He drew up short when he came face to face with Jehan holding his comrade’s gun.

Jehan bared his fangs. “Doing a little dealing on the side, I see. What’s the going rate on UV grenades these days?”

Karsten narrowed his eyes. “More than you could imagine, vampire.”

The impulse to blow the human’s head off was nearly overwhelming. But caution warned him that this was also Seraphina’s longtime coworker. She considered Karsten Hemmings her friend.

As much as Jehan wanted to waste the bastard for profiting off Breed-killing UV arms and using Seraphina’s goodwill to front it, that call wasn’t his to make. Not like this.

“We both know you’re not going to use that gun on me,” Karsten taunted. “She’ll hate you for it. Of course, if you pull that trigger, you’d better be prepared to die with me.”

It was then that Jehan noticed the human held something tight in his fist. The blue glow poured out between his fingers.

“The detonator is already tripped,” he confirmed. “The UV blast won’t give me more than a sunburn. You, however...”

Jehan ignored the threat. He would deal with the fallout if and when it occurred. Right now, he wanted answers. If he had any chance of getting information to the Order, he needed answers.

“Who’s waiting for this shipment, Karsten? Who’s paying you for this shit?”

“Oh, come now. I think you know. Every warrior in the Order should know the answer to that question.” He chuckled. “Yes, I know you’re one of them. I did some checking tonight. Made a few calls. You’re part of the Rome unit.”

Jehan glowered. “And you’re part of Opus Nostrum.”

Karsten pursed his lips and gave a faint shake of his head. “Merely a businessman. And a like-minded individual. I despise your entire race of blood-sucking monsters. If Opus wants your kind eradicated and a war to make it happen, I’m only too happy to help send you all to your graves. Or into the light, as the case may be.”

“Karsten?” Seraphina emerged out of the darkness, disheveled and confused. “Oh, my God. Jehan, what on earth is going—”

“Seraphina, stay back!”

Jehan’s warning came too late. She had already strayed right into the middle of the standoff.

And Karsten seized his chance to let his weapon loose.

The UV grenade went airborne.

Jehan had precious little time to react. He dived under the Jeep as the light exploded all around him. The power of it was immense. Even from beneath the undercarriage of the vehicle, he could feel the searing energy of the solar detonation. It extinguished a moment later, plunging the desert back into darkness.

He was shielded.

He was alive.

But the act of self-preservation had just cost him dearly.

He heard Seraphina cry out, and he knew Karsten Hemmings had her.