She shrugged at the reminder of the small lie she’d told him. “I found an opportunity to get away for a little while, so I thought I’d run to Marrakesh and see what I could do about the supplies.”

Karsten made a wry sound in his throat as he tossed the box of bandages to a passing camp volunteer. “How much did it cost this time?”

“A few thousand.”

After haggling the checkpoint supervisor down as far as she could manage, she’d arranged to have the money wired to the corrupt official’s personal account. It simply was the way business was done in her line of work sometimes, but all of the “few thousands” had added up over the years. Her account was nearly tapped dry now—at least until she completed the handfast and her father released her trust.

A group of children ran past and shouted for Yasmin to join them in a game of tag. The promise of treats in the mess tent quickly forgotten, the little girl ran off to join her friends.

“Stay close to camp, all of you!” Karsten called after them, watching them go. Then he cocked his head at Sera. “It’s good to see you. When I heard you’d left to go to your family without telling anyone what it was about, I was afraid something was wrong.” He glanced down, finally taking in her appearance. “What the hell happened to your clothes?”

Seeing how Leila had outfitted her for a week of lounging and potential romance, before Sera left the villa, she’d raided Jehan’s wardrobe for something practical to wear out in the field.

hrugged faintly. “Does it matter? Karsten hasn’t been able to get them on his own so far, and by the time our week is out here, it’ll be too late. Food and medicine doesn’t last long in the desert.”

No, he supposed it didn’t.

But maybe there was some way to fix the situation.

“You say you know the checkpoint where the supplies are being held up?”

“It’s on the outskirts of Marrakesh. A lot of our materials pass through that same one.”

Jehan considered. “That’s only a few hours away from here by car.”

“What are you saying?” She frowned. “Jehan, what are you thinking?”

“Let me borrow your phone.”

She handed it over, still staring at him in question. Jehan entered his brother’s number and waited for him to pick up. It took several rings, then Marcel’s confused voice came over the line in greeting. “Hello?”

Jehan got right to the point. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

“Jehan? What the hell are you doing calling me? And where did you get the phone? You know there’s supposed to be no technology or outside communication—”

“I know,” he bit off impatiently. “Where are you right now?”

“Ah...I’m home, but I’m getting ready to head out for a while. What’s going on? Is everything all right with Seraphina?”

“She’s fine. We’re fine,” Jehan assured him. “I need a vehicle. As soon as possible.”

Marcel gasped. “What?”

Seraphina’s eyes went about as wide as he imagined his brother’s had just now.

“It’s important, Marcel. You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t.”

“But you can’t leave the villa. If you leave Seraphina alone out there, you’ll be breaking the pact. Hell, you already are just by making this call to me.”

“No one will know I called except you.” Jehan glanced at Seraphina and shook his head. “As for breaking the pact by leaving her at the villa without me, not happening. She’s coming with me, and we won’t be gone long. No one will be the wiser.”

“Except, once again, me.” Marcel groaned. “I probably don’t want to know what any of this is about, do I?”

“Probably not.” Jehan smiled.

Marcel exhaled a curse. “Please tell me you don’t want my Lambo.”

“Actually, I was hoping for one of the Rovers from the Darkhaven fleet. With a full tank of fuel, if you would.”