“Of course.” Jordana nodded. “We can do whatever we like with it. The sculpture—and any secrets it might contain—belongs to the Order now. You’re all my family now. Whatever I have belongs to all of us.”

And Jordana had a lot.

A vast wealth in priceless art, as it turned out. Soon after their return to Boston, Nathan and Jordana had gone to see Martin Gates. Jordana wanted the Breed male to know that she was grateful for the life he gave her as his daughter, and assured him that he would always be her family—the father who raised her.

No more secrets. No more lies.

The only unknown that remained was the terra cotta piece on the table before them.

Savannah reached out cautiously, settling her hand lightly on the sculpture. No one spoke in the long moment that followed.

Then she shook her head and withdrew her touch. “I don’t feel anything. It’s as if there’s something standing in the way of my ability. Blocking it.”

Lucan grunted, his dark brows knit in a heavy scowl. “We need to know what this sculpture means. Not only to the Order, but to the Atlanteans and the rest of the world.” He turned his sober gray gaze on Jordana. “If this contains what you suspect, we need to understand its power and either harness it or, if necessary, take steps to destroy it.”

Carys glanced at her best friend. “Do you really think there’s an Atlantean crystal in Endymion, Jordana?”

Jordana looked up at Nathan before meeting the expectant eyes of everyone gathered in the war room. “There’s one way to find out.”

Lucan gave her a resolute nod, but Nathan noticed the Order’s leader protectively pulled his Breedmate closer to him. The rest of the warriors did likewise with their women, everyone braced for whatever was about to occur.

Jordana lifted the sculpture in both hands.

With an indrawn breath and a confirming glance at Nathan, she released it.

The terra cotta hit the floor at her feet with a hard crash. It shattered into pieces.

In the center of the rubble lay a polished metal box about the size of her palm.

“Titanium,” Nikolai guessed, the blond warrior well versed in the material, having handcrafted custom bullets and blades out of the precious metal for the Order over the years.

Jordana bent down to pick up the box.

With an encouraging look from Nathan and the rest of the Order, she carefully unfastened the latch and opened the container.

A smooth, silvery crystal the size of a hen’s egg rested inside.

It was remarkable, otherworldly. A thing of cosmic power and beauty.

Just like the woman holding it.

Jordana rose, looking up at Nathan and smiling. Wonder and amazement danced in her ice-blue eyes.

“The crystal,” she whispered, as everyone moved in closer to have a better look at this extraordinary treasure.

Jordana handed it off to Lucan, and Nathan took the opportunity to pull his mate into the shelter of his arms.

He kissed her, relished the feel of her body against him. Savored the feel of her heart beating in time with his.

And as he held her close, he understood with his whole heart—with his entire being—that whatever power the crystal might contain, with Jordana at his side, loving him as she did now, he already possessed the greatest treasure any world would ever know.

>His hands fisted where she’d tied them to the headboard, muscles straining but making no effort to break loose of his bonds. He was learning to enjoy letting Jordana be in control.

Enjoy it, because eventually it would be his turn, and he loved dealing pleasure to her as mercilessly as she did to him.

She’d already sucked him off once, so he was content to watch her ride him for now. Jordana rocked atop him, her breasts bouncing prettily, rosebud nipples still peaked and glistening from his kisses. She pinched them as she slid up and down his length with deliberate slowness, ruthlessly teasing him with all the fruits just outside his reach.

“You feel so good, Nathan. I think I may never let you out of this bed.” She leaned down over him then, bracing her forearms on either side of his head while she kissed him.