Not the answer she expected. She was frowning when he lifted his head to look at her. But his dark, blue-green eyes didn’t have a speck of doubt in them. They glittered with bright amber sparks. And deep inside her, his cock twitched, already hard again.

Nathan grinned, one black brow rising wickedly. “I have a feeling it’s only going to get better.”

Then, with no more warning than that, he rolled over onto his back, bringing her with him so that she was seated astride him, their bodies still joined.

“But why wait to find out,” he said, and dragged her down for another hot, claiming kiss.



He’d been right; sex was only going to get better between them. Nathan had enjoyed watching Jordana’s pleasure as she straddled his body and set the tempo for their next round.

He’d never seen anything so erotic as her insatiable enthusiasm—her relentless ferocity—while she chased a second, and then, God help him, a third and fourth explosive climax.

No doubt about it, his lovely mate was extraordinary.

But then, he’d known that all along.

And he knew it was going to take a lot longer than the years they would have together—eternity, if he had anything to say about it—before he would desire her any less than he did tonight.

It was desire that woke him from a brief, recharging doze. He wanted Jordana again, but when he moved his hand to find her, he felt nothing but cool, empty sheets.

Where was she?

He vaulted out of the bed, alarm shooting through him.

But only for an instant.

Then he felt her, safe and serene, in his blood.

Their bond reassured him. It led him out to the terrace, where he found Jordana, wrapped in a thin coverlet from the bed, standing beneath the moonlight.

She sensed him as well. Without turning around, she reached back to him, beckoning him out to join her. Nathan took her hand and walked up beside her. Then he gathered her into his arms and looked out with her at the dark, rippling water and shadowed cliffs below.

“It’s so beautiful here,” she said quietly. “I can see why this place was special to him. It must have broken his heart when my mother decided she couldn’t stay here with him. With us.”

Nathan kissed the top of her head and nestled her closer. She was talking about her parents, Cass and Soraya. Jordana had told him about them while Nathan and she had lain in bed a short while ago. She told him everything Zael had shared with her, including the fact that Jordana had been born in this very villa.

And he knew about her mother’s punishment for falling in love with a man deemed beneath her. He knew about the suicide that had robbed Cassian Gray—Cassianus—of the woman he loved and sent him on the run with an infant daughter he was desperate to hide.

A daughter who would never know him.

A young woman who wouldn’t find out just how loved she’d been by her father until it was too late to return that affection.

Nathan hugged her deeper into his arms. “Do you think you’ll want to come back here sometime?”

She shook her head where it rested against his bare chest. “No. This was his place, their place. It belongs to them, not me.” Her face tilted up to meet his gaze. “The only home I need is in Boston. With you.”

They’d already discussed living arrangements, and although Nathan’s quarters at the command center were nothing close to Jordana’s lavish penthouse, she conceded to living with him as part of the Order.

Nathan was prepared to go anywhere she wanted. There was a part of him that wanted nothing more than to take her as far away as possible from Boston and this villa—all the places Selene’s legion might begin to look for her again—but she refused to run. She refused to cower or hide.

She was stronger than either of her parents; Nathan recognized that easily enough.

Jordana was gentle and sweet, innocent in many ways, but she was also fierce and courageous. If the Atlantean queen was a force to be reckoned with, she would find her granddaughter every bit her equal in terms of tenacity and the refusal to let anyone intimidate her.

It would likely surprise few to learn that royal blood, immortal blood, ran through Jordana’s veins.