The Breedmate gave a wobbly nod. A sob hitched in her throat, broken and raw. Will you excuse me, please?

This way, Director Kuhn said as the Rogue's female slipped out of their company and headed down the corridor. I can permit you no more than ten minutes with him, Madam Chase. And I must reiterate that I think it best if the warrior--

Actually, Elise said, her voice full of confident authority, I would like Tegan to conduct the interview without me.

Wha--Without you? Kuhn's brows crashed together furiously. That was not the term of our arrangement at all.

It is now. I'm not about to let that poor woman leave here in such a state of distress, she said, then glanced at Tegan. Tegan will speak with Petrov Odolf. I trust him in this, Director Kuhn, and you can too.

She didn't wait to hear the facility head sputter his disagreement, just strode out of the observation room and went after Odolf 's distraught Breedmate like a guided missile in a designer suit and stilettos.

Tegan was tempted to smile, but instead he turned a flat gaze on Kuhn.

After you, he said, daring the director to try to keep him out of that containment cell.

Chapter Twenty

Elise found the Breedmate just a short way down the corridor. The woman was seated on a cushioned bench, her face pressed into her hands. She was weeping quietly, but her contained sobs shook her entire body.

I'm very sorry, Elise murmured, unsure if she should intrude on such a private moment, yet too moved by what she had seen to simply let the Breedmate suffer alone. She fished a small package of tissues out of her bag and held them out as she walked closer to the female. Would you like these?

Red-rimmed light brown eyes lifted to meet Elise's gaze. Yes, thank you. I always think I'll be strong for him, but it's so hard. It never gets easier, seeing him like he is.

Of course, Elise said, taking a seat beside her. I'm Elise, by the way.

Irina, she answered softly. Petrov is my mate.

Yes, I know. The facility director told us.

She glanced down as she took out one of the folded tissues. You're from America?


So far away. Director Kuhn informed me that some people were coming to see my mate, but he couldn't tell me why. What is it that you want with Petrov?

We just need to ask him some questions, Irina. That's all.

There was a worried glint in the female's sidelong look. That male you're with--he's not Darkhaven Breed. No. Tegan is one of the Order. He's a warrior.

A warrior? Irina went visibly rigid, her brow creasing. But Petrov has hurt no one. He is a good man. He has done nothing wrong--

It's all right, Elise assured her, placing her hand over the anxious woman's trembling fingers. Tegan is not here to harm him, I promise you. Only to talk to him.

About what?

We need some information about your mate's family line. We need to talk to him, and see if he recognizes a particular dermaglyphic symbol.

Irina sighed and gave a small shake of her head. He hardly recognizes me anymore. I don't think he will be much help to you.

Elise smiled, sympathetic. We have to try. It's very important.

You give me your word that no harm will come to him?

Yes. I give you my word, Irina.

The Breedmate stared at Elise for a long moment, those warm brown eyes searching, pining the truth. Yes, she said at last. I believe you. I trust what you are telling me.

Elise squeezed the woman's hand. How long have you and Petrov been blood-bonded?