Jesus, Tegan muttered. We all say things we regret, Elise. You were only trying to keep him safe.

Instead I killed him.

No. Bloodlust killed him. Marek and the human he paid to create Crimson killed your son. Not you.

She crossed her arms over herself and gave a mute shake of her head. He didn't miss the sudden flood of tears that filled her eyes.

You're shivering. Tegan shrugged out of his heavy leather coat and draped it around her before she could refuse him. It's too cold. You shouldn't be out here.

Not with him, he thought, so very tempted to touch her now.

Before he could stop himself, he was raising his hand to her cheek and smoothing away the wetness that streaked down her fair skin. He caressed her face, letting his thumb brush across her lips. It was all too easy to recall how sweet her mouth had been, pressed against his wrist. How heated her tongue had been when she lapped at him, drawing strength from his blood.

How the feel of her body, hungry and writhing next to his, had inflamed him.

He wanted that again, with a ferocity that stunned him.

Tegan, please...don't. Elise sighed, closing her eyes as if she knew the direction of his thoughts. Don't do this if you don't mean it. Don't touch me like that if you don't...if you don't feel it.

He lifted her chin, tenderly sweeping his fingertips over her petal-soft eyelids, compelling her to see him. They opened slowly, dark lashes framing pools of beautiful light amethyst.

Look at me, Elise. Tell me what you think I'm feeling, he murmured, then bent his head to hers and pressed his mouth to her parted lips.

The warmth of her kiss was like a flame, kindling the cold space in his chest. He let his fingers thread into the short, silky hair at her nape, holding her against him as he slid his tongue along the seam of her lips. She parted for him on a gasp, trembling in his arms as he tasted the wet velvet of her mouth.

When her hands came up to touch him, Tegan was the one to tremble, shocked by the sensation of being held, astonished by how much he needed it--how much he needed her. It had been so long since he'd allowed himself this kind of intimacy. The centuries of solitude had been their own comfort to him, but this...

The craving for this woman seared him with its intensity. His gums throbbed with the emergence of his fangs. Even behind his closed eyelids he could tell his irises were throwing off amber light, evidence of his desire for Elise. His skin was tight, his dermaglyphs prickling with the sudden rush of blood that would deepen their color to vivid shades of indigo, burgundy, and gold. He knew she had to feel the hard ridge of his cock, which was wedged between their bodies, pushing against her abdomen.

Elise had to be aware of all his body's responses to her--she had to know what it meant-- yet she didn't shove him away. Her fingers curled deeper into his shoulders, holding him with an intensity he could hardly fathom.

He was the one to pull back, breaking contact on a low, muttered curse. When he glanced up at the mansion, he saw several faces near the glass, Elise's Darkhaven peers staring out at them in open disdain.

Elise saw them too. She followed his gaze up the frozen lawn and gardens, but when she turned back to Tegan, there wasn't so much as a trace of shame in her expression. Only soft regard, and the lingering heat of desire in her eyes.

Let them stare, she said, stroking his jaw before their disapproving audience. I don't care what they think.

You should. That's your world up there on the other side of that glass. She sure as hell couldn't stay out here with him any longer, not when their kiss was still setting fire to his blood. You should go back inside.

She glanced back up toward the golden light spilling out of the ballroom and slowly shook her head. I can't go back in there. I look at them and all I see is a beautiful cage. It makes me want to run before the trap closes on me again.

Tegan was surprised at the frank admission. You weren't happy in the Darkhaven?

It's all I've known. Quentin was all I'd known. His family took me in as a baby and raised me as one of their own soon after I arrived at the Darkhaven. I owe them everything for the life they afforded me.

Tegan grunted. That sounds like gratitude to me. Nothing wrong with it, but what I asked was if you were happy there.

She turned a thoughtful look on him. I was mostly, yes. Especially after Camden came along.

You said you felt caged.

She nodded lightly. I was never very strong, physically. My gift made it difficult for me to leave the Darkhavens for any length of time, and Quentin thought it unwise for me to go anywhere by myself. He only meant to protect me, I'm sure, but at times it was...stifling. Then there were all the Agency obligations and the impossible expectations that came with being a member of the Chase family. It was a fine line that had to be walked at all times--allegiance to the Agency no matter what, know your place and keep it, never dare to speak out of turn. I can't tell you how often I wanted to scream, just to prove to myself that I could. Most days, I still want to.

So, what's stopping you?

She threw him a frown over her shoulder. What?

Go ahead. Scream right now if you want to. I won't stop you.