Yes, Anna said, sympathy still softening her eyes. It was good to see you, Elise. Truly.

Elise gave her friend's hand a gentle squeeze. You too.

As she started to walk away, a low rumble of conversation carried through the crowd. Elise hardly had to turn to see what caused it; she felt the disturbance deep within her bones, and in the warm prickle of awareness that settled in her breast.

For God's sake, Agent Waldemar muttered from a few feet away from her. He and several of his cronies were gaping in open contempt toward the entrance of the ballroom. You'd think he'd at least have the decency to dress accordingly for a function like this. Despicable savages, every last one of them.

Elise swiveled her head and saw Tegan making his way into the gathering. He was a startlingly grim vision, dressed in full combat gear and dripping with weapons. His overlong tawny hair was wild around his head and broad, leather- clad shoulders, and there was a lethal sharpness to his green-eyed gaze as he casually scanned the crowd.

He had to know how nightmarish he must look to these pampered civilians, but he only sneered at those few inpiduals who dared to stare at him as he strode into their midst.

Just look at that uncouth Gen One barbarian, Waldemar chortled, much to his Agency companions' smirking amusement. The younger generations may be impressed by the Order's violent methods--particularly after that bit of spectacle last summer in Boston--but they need only take a hard look at this one to see the warriors for what they truly are: uncivilized hoodlums who have long outlived their purpose.

The group of them chuckled, so pompous in their silk tuxedos, their arrogance rolling off them like a sour wind.

Elise hated how the Darkhaven males were looking at Tegan. And in a small, shamed corner of her conscience, she knew that she had been guilty of the same thing at one time. She'd been raised in an Agency family nearly from infancy, taught to believe that the Order was exactly what this man claimed them to be.

And when it came to Tegan himself, Elise had to acknowledge that she'd been judging him most unfairly of all.

Tell me, Agent Waldemar, Elise said, putting herself squarely in front of the Breed male and staring up into his surprised expression. Have you lived in the Berlin Darkhaven for long?

He puffed out his chest with pride. One hundred and thirty-two years, my dear lady. As I mentioned, most of them spent in service with the Agency. Why do you ask?

Because it occurs to me that while you and your friends stand around at fancy parties, patting yourselves on the back and condemning the Order as obsolete, the warriors are on the streets risking their lives each and every night to protect a nation that hasn't bothered to so much as thank them for their trouble in the past few hundred years.

Waldemar blanched, but then his feathery blond brows lowered dangerously. You are Quentin Chase's widow, so I'll be kind and not burden you with the facts about just how brutal those thugs can be. But I assure you, madam, they are soulless killers, each and every one of them. Especially that one, he said, his voice low and conspiratorial. He would slit your throat in your sleep if he felt like it, you mark my words.

That one, Elise said, knowing that Tegan was coming closer all the time. Her veins were lit up like live wires, her temples buzzing. But she was furious and getting more incensed by the second. That warrior you would insult so freely is the main reason any of you are standing here tonight.

Indeed, Waldemar scoffed, clearly incredulous.

Is the historical memory so short in this area that you have forgotten about the band of Rogues who descended on your Darkhaven two hundred years ago, killing many of your citizens? It was that warrior who took it upon himself to hunt the Rogues down. He saved your community single-handedly, and he asked for nothing in return. I don't think a little respect for him now would be misplaced.

None of the Darkhaven males said a word as she finished her diatribe and waited for their reaction. They were looking past her now, Agent Waldemar the palest of them all.

Chapter Seventeen

Tegan had known it was a mistake to walk into the reception. He'd been half a mile away from the mansion on foot when the urge suddenly struck him to go back and make his presence known to all of the Darkhaven idiots who thought they were better than him.

Or maybe he just wanted to make his presence known to the woman who had been turning his head inside out since the moment he first met her. Some masochistic part of him wanted to stake a claim here, even though he fully expected her to be appalled by his presence--much like everyone else who saw him strolling into their pleasant little party dressed for war.

What he never expected was to hear Elise rising to his defense as if he needed to be protected from a bunch of blowhards in tuxedos and bow ties. He couldn't remember the last time he felt the sting of humiliation, but he felt it now, left standing alone with Elise as the rest of the crowd shrank back.

Excuse me, she said, ignoring his demand that she explain herself. Without waiting for him to speak, she simply walked away. Tegan stood there, following her with his eyes as she deposited her empty wineglass on a server's tray and headed for the wall of glass doors that looked out over the estate's lakefront back lawn and gardens. When she slipped outside alone, Tegan snarled a curse and went after her. She was halfway to the water by the time he reached her, the frozen grass crunching under the slender heels of her shoes.

Tegan grabbed her arm and pulled her to a stop. You want to explain to me what that was about back there?

She shrugged. I didn't like what I was hearing. Those self-righteous stuffed shirts' as you call them were wrong, and they needed to hear it.

Tegan exhaled sharply, his breath misting in the chill air. Look, I don't need anyone coming to my defense--especially not with a bunch of assholes like that. I fight my own battles. Next time, spare me the concern.

Her eyes narrowed in the dark as she stared up at him. No, you can't accept even the smallest kindness from anyone, can you, Tegan?

Last time I checked, I was doing just fine on my own.

She laughed at him. Threw her pretty head back and really laughed, right in his face. You're unbelievable! You can take on an army of Rogues all by yourself, but you're scared to death that someone might actually care for you. Or even worse, that you might be tempted to care for someone else.

You don't know the first thing about me.