Tegan acknowledged the news with a vague nod. It had been a couple of hours since his encounter with Elise at the pool, and his blood was still drumming in his temples, his body still alive with a tingling sense of awareness that was frankly starting to annoy him.

At least he had an escape plan. Tomorrow night he would be on his way out of the country, putting several thousand miles between him and the woman who was driving him to a very uncharacteristic distraction. It didn't look like his mission in Berlin was going to be easy; he would probably be gone for at least a week, maybe longer. Plenty of time for him to put Elise out of his mind.

Yeah, just like he'd done so effectively in the four months since he'd first met the female.

Taking her home that night from the compound had been a mistake. Stupid impulse-- something he rarely indulged in, and, on the occasions he did, generally lived to regret. The way he reacted to her earlier tonight only drove that point home like the sharp edge of a blade. He hungered for her, and he couldn't delude himself with the hope that she hadn't seen ample evidence of that fact. He hadn't been able to curb the transformation of his glyphs in her presence, let alone suppress his unwilling arousal just from being near her.

Jesus Christ, he needed to be gone, and gone soon.

Across the lab, Dante and Chase were going over tactics with Niko and the new recruits. A couple of heads lifted as Tegan strolled inside and dropped into a chair next to Gideon at the bank of computers and compound surveillance monitors.

You all right? Gideon asked, glancing at him from under an arched brow. You're throwing off heat like a radiator.

Never better. Tegan punched the speaker key on the telephone near his elbow. Let's give Reichen the flight details and see if he's been able to get anywhere with the suits in charge of the containment facility.

Tegan dialed the private line of the Berlin Darkhaven and was immediately put through to Andreas Reichen.

Everything is in order, he told the German vampire, not bothering with the pleasant hi-how-are-yas in his impatience to get the mission underway. Expected arrival at Tegel Airport is two days from now just before sunrise. Think you can get me to your place before I go crispy?

Reichen chuckled. Of course. I will have a car waiting to retrieve you. His deep, accented voice rolled through the speaker. It has been too long, Tegan. I have not forgotten my debt to you for your assistance with our little...problem over here a while ago.

Tegan remembered that time. The Berlin Darkhaven's little problem had entailed a string of Rogue attacks on its residents, several ending in grisly killings. Tegan had gone in as a one-man commando unit, tracking the Rogue cell into the thick forests of Grunewald then wiping out the Bloodlusting predators who'd been terrorizing the region. That had been, shit...almost two hundred years ago.

We'll be square if you can get me inside that Enforcement Agency facility, he told Reichen.

Ah, that is resolved, my friend. The head of security phoned only moments before you called. The Director of the Agency here in Berlin gave specific license for access to the facility. There is no issue with permitting your emissary into the facility to question Petrov Odolf.

My emissary...

As the words left his mouth and suspicion started to simmer in his blood, Tegan heard the soft whisk of the tech lab's glass doors as they slid open to let someone inside. He knew who that someone was, even before he saw Chase's jaw go tight across the room. Tegan pivoted around in his wheeled chair and found Elise standing there, looking guilty as sin.

What the hell have you done?

It wasn't my doing, Reichen said over the speaker. I assumed it was something you initiated...

The German leader of the Berlin Darkhaven was still talking but Tegan wasn't hearing a word. Elise walked forward, her steps a bit halting. One of the other Breedmates had given her a change of clothes. The purple knit tunic and dark blue jeans were an improvement over the havoc of the revealing swimsuit, but it still didn't totally conceal her petite, feminine lines.

Which only pissed Tegan off more. Whatever you think you're doing, forget it. I told you, I work alone.

Not this time. The arrangements are already in place with the Agency and the containment facility. They are expecting me.

This must be a fucking joke.

I'm completely serious. I'm going with you.

Tegan dismissed her with a brief look and went back to his call with Reichen. There will be no Darkhaven emissary accompanying me. Just me alone, Andreas, and we're still getting in to see that Rogue, even if we have to break into--

Tegan, I think you misunderstand. Elise's voice was unwavering behind him and dangerously bold. I wasn't asking for your permission.

He froze, stunned at the woman's nerve. I'll be in touch, he told Reichen, then severed the connection with an overzealous punch of the keypad.

I'm the one who delivered the journal to the Order, Elise said as he turned a glare on her. Without me, you wouldn't have known anything about the inpidual you mean to question. Without me, you won't be permitted to get within viewing range of him, let alone speak to him. I am going with you.

Tegan vaulted out of his chair. Elise leaped back, startled--the first show of good sense he'd seen in her since she walked into the lab. He pinned her with a narrow stare that swept with scathing, deliberate slowness from her flushing cheeks to the tips of her borrowed shoes. You're in no condition for travel. Look at you--you're weak, little more than skin and bones. We won't even talk about the fact that you can hardly be near humans without inviting vicious migraines and nosebleeds.

I will manage. He scoffed. How?

She frowned, dropping her gaze as Tegan's voice boomed around them.