He felt his Bloodlust rising, compelling him to feed the thirst that wanted to rule him.

He snarled as Elise came over to him and tried to work one of his manacles free. Get away, damn it! I don't want you here. Get out of here while you still can.

She kept tugging on the cuff, ignoring him completely. There's got to be a way to get these off you. He saw her eyes sweep the room, searching for a tool. Elise, goddamn it!

She scurried over to one of the dead Minions and pulled the semiauto out from under the heavy bulk of the body. Take this, she ordered him, slapping the weapon into his free hand. Shoot the chains, Tegan. Do it now!

He hesitated, and she made a hasty grab for the gun.

Damn it, if you don't, I will!

She didn't have the chance. The gun clattered to the floor, and, in a blur of movement, Elise was yanked off her feet by invisible hands and thrown several yards away. She crashed down, landing hard in the litter of broken glass. The scent of heather and roses swamped the room.

Marek stood in the open doorway, a sword in one hand, his other raised and pointed in Elise's direction, holding her there with the power of his mind. His mental grasp closed around her throat, cutting off precious air. She choked and clawed at the tight band of energy that was strangling her.

She bleeds, warrior, he taunted Tegan. And how your Rogue eyes thirst for it.

Lucan drew a blade from his hip and sent it flying. In that instant, Marek's focus switched, flicking to the airborne dagger and deflecting it with a thought. Undaunted, Marek strode forward, chuckling as he came up on Lucan's bloodied, UV- scorched face. Ah, my brother. Your death will be particularly sweet after all these years of waiting. I only wish you could live to see my rule come to pass before we say good-bye.

Marek raised his sword and swung it hard. Lucan rolled at the last second, leaving only hard wood planks in the way of his brother's weapon. The blade bit deep into the floor, momentarily frozen there. In a flash of movement, Lucan was up on his feet. He grabbed the nearest thing he could find--his hands closing on a length of copper utility pipe that ran up the wall. He wrenched it loose. Water spurted from the severed connection like a small fountain.

Lucan! Tegan called out as Marek yanked his sword free and spun to bring it down on his brother.

Lucan met the blow, blocking the downward arc with the long tube of copper. It bent under the strain, but Lucan held fast, fury blazing in his amber eyes. Marek's dark glasses were knocked askew in the scuffle, revealing still more amber as brother met brother in a murderous bid for control. Marek tried to drive the sword harder, leaning into the blade with all the considerable strength of his right arm. Lucan didn't give an inch. The two Gen One warriors grunted as they held each other at an impasse.

Above them, the sky was growing brighter, hotter, singeing both where the light touched open skin.

Released of Marek's hold, Elise coughed and gasped, struggling to breathe. Her pain lanced across Tegan like a physical blow. And the sight of her bleeding--the bright red lacerations on her hands, on her face--sent a jolt of adrenaline arrowing through Tegan's veins. He ripped his other arm loose of its bonds, roaring up into the rafters.

And across the space from him, Marek and Lucan's stalemate was taking a treacherous turn. It happened in an instant, Marek's hissed oath was vicious, the only hint of what was to come. Bearing down on Lucan with his right arm, he reached into his shirt with his free hand and withdrew a small vial of red powder. With a quick slash of his wrist, the Crimson flew at Lucan's face, coating his eyes and cheeks in the fine dust. He lost his hold on the pipe.

Ah, Christ.


Marek drew back with a smile as his brother heaved forward. He raised the sword high above his head. And as he began to swing it down, a sudden flash of light cut across Marek's face, hovering in his eyes. It was piercingly bright, the sun reflected in a powerful ray that burned Marek's eyes and nearly blinded Tegan where he stood.

He averted his gaze and found Elise on her knees in the broken glass. In her hands was a large shard, which she held steady and unflinching, throwing the light in a deliberate beam into Marek's face.

It was all the chance Tegan needed.

Crossing the room in long strides, he swung the chains that hung from his wrists. He caught Marek around the neck with one, coiling the thick links and wrenching the vampire off his feet. The other snaked around his sword arm, losing Marek his weapon. Marek fought Tegan with his mind, but every attempt was blocked by Tegan's rage. He pinned the bastard under his foot, ignoring the sudden pleas for mercy and forgiveness.

It ends here, Tegan snarled. You end here.

Tegan unslung the chains from Marek's arm and reached down to retrieve the sword. He saw Lucan's somber nod as he raised the blade over Marek's neck. Marek howled a curse, then fell silent as Tegan brought the sword down in a swift, lethal swing.

Tegan! Elise cried, racing over to him as soon as it was over. She threw her arms around him, helping to unwind his chains from Marek's lifeless body. She was at Lucan's side next, helping Tegan to move him into a shaded corner of the room.

Tegan saw her glance anxiously up at the open ceiling. Come on. We have to get you both out of here right away.

She led them down the stairs, then disappeared into one of the bedrooms. She came out carrying a large duvet and a thick wool blanket. Take these, she said, helping to drape the shrouds over both of them. Stay under there. I'll help you out of the house and into the car.

Neither of the two warriors had any argument. They let this petite female--Tegan's mate, he thought with a swelling surge of pride-- guide them into full-on daylight, then into the back of Reichen's car.

Keep your heads down and stay covered, Elise ordered them. She closed the back door, then ran around to the driver's seat and hopped in. The engine fired up, tires squealing a bit as she hit the gas. I'm getting us the hell out of here.

And, by God, so she did.