Marek drew back with a smile as his brother heaved forward. He raised the sword high above his head. And as he began to swing it down, a sudden flash of light cut across Marek's face, hovering in his eyes. It was piercingly bright, the sun reflected in a powerful ray that burned Marek's eyes and nearly blinded Tegan where he stood.

He averted his gaze and found Elise on her knees in the broken glass. In her hands was a large shard, which she held steady and unflinching, throwing the light in a deliberate beam into Marek's face.

It was all the chance Tegan needed.

Crossing the room in long strides, he swung the chains that hung from his wrists. He caught Marek around the neck with one, coiling the thick links and wrenching the vampire off his feet. The other snaked around his sword arm, losing Marek his weapon. Marek fought Tegan with his mind, but every attempt was blocked by Tegan's rage. He pinned the bastard under his foot, ignoring the sudden pleas for mercy and forgiveness.

It ends here, Tegan snarled. You end here.

Tegan unslung the chains from Marek's arm and reached down to retrieve the sword. He saw Lucan's somber nod as he raised the blade over Marek's neck. Marek howled a curse, then fell silent as Tegan brought the sword down in a swift, lethal swing.

Tegan! Elise cried, racing over to him as soon as it was over. She threw her arms around him, helping to unwind his chains from Marek's lifeless body. She was at Lucan's side next, helping Tegan to move him into a shaded corner of the room.

Tegan saw her glance anxiously up at the open ceiling. Come on. We have to get you both out of here right away.

She led them down the stairs, then disappeared into one of the bedrooms. She came out carrying a large duvet and a thick wool blanket. Take these, she said, helping to drape the shrouds over both of them. Stay under there. I'll help you out of the house and into the car.

Neither of the two warriors had any argument. They let this petite female--Tegan's mate, he thought with a swelling surge of pride-- guide them into full-on daylight, then into the back of Reichen's car.

Keep your heads down and stay covered, Elise ordered them. She closed the back door, then ran around to the driver's seat and hopped in. The engine fired up, tires squealing a bit as she hit the gas. I'm getting us the hell out of here.

And, by God, so she did.

Chapter Thirty-five

Elise watched Tegan sleep, relieved that his ordeal was over. With Marek's death, there would be much healing to come, not only for Tegan and her as well, but for Lucan and the rest of the Order. A dark chapter of their past had closed at last, the secrets aired. Now they could all look ahead to the future, and whatever tests the new dawn would bring. Elise had thought she'd feel some sense of triumph over Marek's death: the one ultimately responsible for Camden's suffering was no more. She'd made good on her promise, with Tegan's help.

But she didn't feel victorious as she smoothed a strand of soft, tawny hair off Tegan's brow. She felt anxious and concerned. Desperate that he be all right. The Crimson that Marek had given him was slow to wear off. He'd been sleeping fitfully since they arrived back at Reichen's Darkhaven estate. Bouts of convulsions had wracked him, and his skin was still clammy to the touch.

Oh, Tegan, she whispered, leaning over him to press her lips to his. Don't leave me.

God, if she lost him to that hideous drug too, after everything they'd been through...

The tears slid down her cheeks, the first time she'd allowed herself to break down in the hours since they'd been back. The first time she'd actually let herself consider what would be the worst scenario.

What if Tegan didn't fully revive? He'd been so close to Rogue once before--what would it take for him to slide into that pit of hopelessness? And if he did, would he be able to climb back out?

You won't get rid of me that easily.

She wasn't sure if she heard the words spoken out loud, or merely as a wish in her heart. But when Elise drew back, she was looking into Tegan's eyes. His gorgeous, gem-green eyes. Only the barest trace of amber remained.

His name was a sigh on her lips, a thankful prayer. She kissed him hard, and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders on the bed. His answering growl of interest made her smile against his mouth. You're back, she murmured, so relieved.

Mmm, he grunted, his hands coming up to caress her. I'm back, Breedmate. Thanks to you.

So, you finally admit it--you need me.

His smile was wicked. Come up here with me. I want to show you just how much.

She got up on the bed with him, straddling his hips and fully expecting him to pull her down on top of him and begin the seduction he was so skilled at. But he only looked at her. When he stroked her cheek, his fingers were tender, reverent.

I admit it, he said, his gaze so sincere it made her heart clench. I'll admit it to you now, and to anyone, anytime. I need you, Elise. I love you. You are mine. My woman, my mate, my beloved. My everything.

Her vision swam with watery happiness. Tegan...I love you so much. Tell me this is real. That this is forever.

You think I'm the type of male to settle for anything less?

She shook her head, bleary-eyed with joy as she leaned down and kissed him.