The crack of Kuhn's office door being smashed off its hinges split the air. There was a sudden report of gunfire, staccato blasts that came from no less than four armed security guards as they poured inside and opened fire on Kuhn's assailant.

The warrior roared as the guards hit their mark all at once. As soon as the grip on Kuhn's throat began to ease, he backed away--as far as he could get out of the massive vampire's reach. He watched in stricken relief as the warrior slumped, then rolled off the desk onto the floor.

A wordless snarl curled out of the slack mouth, the ruthless eyes rolling back into the warrior's skull. Kuhn gathered his courage now and approached the fallen beast. He stared down at the collection of tranquilizer darts that protruded from his body.

Are you all right, sir? one of the guards asked.

Yes, Kuhn replied, even though he was still trembling from the altercation. That will be all for now. I don't want this incident recorded in any way, do you understand? As far as anyone here is concerned, it didn't happen. I will see that the intruder is removed from the premises.

When the guards had gone, Heinrich Kuhn took out the cell phone he'd been given and dialed the sole number that was programmed into the device. When the low voice answered on the other end, Kuhn told him, Something interesting just arrived. Where would you like me to deliver it?

Lucan knew something was wrong even before the night gave way to dawn. Now, a couple of hours toward noon, he could only assume the worst. It wasn't unusual for Tegan to go solo on his own personal missions, but this time he was off grid completely. He hadn't returned from the containment facility. He hadn't reported in, and there wasn't even so much as a cell phone signal to indicate where he was or what kind of shit he might be into.

Calls to the facility had been useless. According to everyone Lucan spoke with, Tegan had never arrived. As for getting some intel on Odolf 's death, all inquiries were being personally handled by the director of the place, one Heinrich Kuhn, who would not be reachable until he reported back to work at nightfall. Lucan didn't appreciate the bureaucratic stalemate, particularly when he was getting a very bad feeling that Tegan was in trouble.

Still nothing? Dante came out of the room where the rest of the Order and Reichen were covering the night's upcoming trip to Prague. The warrior exhaled a low sigh when Lucan gave a shake of his head. I know this mission is critical, Lucan, but damn. I don't feel good about leaving Tegan behind.

We're not. Lucan met the serious stare of his brethren. I need you and Chase to head up the mission. I'm going to stay behind and locate Tegan.

How are you gonna go about doing that? We've got no idea where he is, or if he's even still in the city. It'll take you forever if you're planning to go door-to-door.

Lucan shook his head. I think I know of a better way to find him.

Chapter Thirty-two

Tegan's mind came awake before the rest of his body. His throat burned, still raw and coated with the residue of whatever drug had been shot into him by Kuhn's guards. He was no longer in the containment facility; his nose told him that much. Instead of the clinical stench of that place, he smelled old wood and brick, a hint of fresh paint as well, coming from somewhere overhead...>You know, Kade interjected, I've heard that under the right conditions, the Ancients were capable of hibernating for generations.

Try centuries, Tegan said, reflecting on the savage otherworlders who spawned him and the rest of the Breed's first generation progeny. For all we know, that last remaining Ancient is still out there, holed up near Prague and waiting to be unleashed.

Christ, Dante hissed. The world would be a very different place if an evil like that was turned loose again.

Niko clucked his tongue. And if someone thought to ally himself with that kind of deadly power? Somebody like Marek...

We can't afford that risk, Lucan said. So, it looks like we need to haul ass to Prague and see what we can find.

Reichen's only a few hours away from there in Berlin, Tegan said. He's offered us his help in whatever way we can use him.

Lucan narrowed his eyes, considering the idea. Can he be trusted?

Yeah, Tegan said, nodding in certainty. I can vouch for him.

Give him a call then. But keep the details to a minimum. Let him know we're on the way and we're going to need transportation. We can rendezvous with him on arrival at Tegel Airport.

Shouldn't we head straight for Prague instead and meet up with him there? Brock asked. Tegan shook his head, picking up on Lucan's tactic. Reichen may be trustworthy, but we don't know about anyone else around him. Marek's already aware that we've got an interest in Berlin. No sense tipping our hand about Prague.

Lucan nodded. We'll fill Reichen in once we arrive.

Right, Gideon said. I'll get clearance for a flight out tonight.

There was none of the usual bravado as the lab emptied out and the warriors each went to prepare for the mission ahead of them. Tegan normally would have gone off to suit up by himself and think in peace. He thought he probably should now, but then Elise linked her fingers through his as the two of them paused in the vacant corridor.

Are you all right? she asked, her gaze as sober as his must have been. If you want to be alone, or if you have something you need to do...

No. I don't.

He thought about calling the denial back and feeding her some line of bullshit that he was needed somewhere else right then, but the words wouldn't come. And he found he couldn't let go of her hand.

He'd be leaving in a few hours, and the odds were pretty damn good that he wasn't coming back.