Yes. She is a dear friend...with certain other benefits. Reichen grinned. She's human, not Breedmate, in case you wondered.

Tegan had been wondering, in fact. He hadn't missed the healing bite mark on the woman's throat as Reichen had kissed her good- bye at the curb, but he hadn't detected any kind of blood scent on her. Nothing beyond the bland, coppery tang of basic Homo sapiens red cells.

And it hadn't appeared that Reichen had scrubbed the woman's mind after feeding from her either.

She knows about you--about the Breed?

Reichen nodded. She can be trusted, I assure you. I've known her for many years, and we are business partners in her club as well. She has never betrayed my trust. She won't betray yours either.

Reichen smoothed his hair back at his temples, then gestured for the mansion's front door. Come. Let me make some introductions for you.>Before he could think better of it, Tegan reared back and punctured his wrist with his fangs. Blood dripped in steady rivulets onto her bare breasts and throat as he offered the gift to her and gently pressed his arm to her mouth.

Take it, he said. I want to feed you.

With her eyes locked on his, she sealed her lips around his flesh. She drank him down, pulse after pulse, her tongue creating a mesmerizing, erotic suction. And all the while, Tegan thrust into her, taking carnal delight in every gasp and shudder of her body as she spiraled closer to release. Her fingernails scored his skin where she gripped his arm, holding him fast against her mouth, pulling hard at his vein as her orgasm seized her.

She broke apart on a violent tremor, crying out as Tegan drove in a relentless rhythm, chasing his own fierce climax now too. He plunged deep, felt the rush of hot seed jetting up his shaft, erupting from him in a gushing wave as Elise's sex milked him like a hot, wet fist.

Ah, fuck, he gasped, rolling away from her, spent but not sated.

Not even close.

The scent of blood and sex was ripe in the room, a potent fragrance that only reminded him of the savage side of his nature. The part that had once ruled him...had almost destroyed him.

Beside him on the bed, Elise crept closer. Her naked breasts pressed against his shoulder as she leaned over him. Her fingers were tender as she stroked the side of his face and smoothed his sweat-dampened hair off his brow.

You didn't finish. He scoffed weakly, still weathering the aftershocks of his release. You obviously weren't paying attention.

No, Tegan. I didn't finish.

Her arm came around him, hovering in front of his mouth. Alarm arrowed into his brain, overriding the hard-core impulse that made him want to fall on her like the beast he was and fill his mouth with the sweet heather-and-roses taste of her blood.

He got up like he'd been spurred in the ass, vaulting to his feet next to the bed. He licked the wound at his wrist, sealing up the punctures with an efficient sweep of his tongue.

You won't drink from me?

No, he said, forcing the word past his tongue. I can't do that.

I thought maybe you wanted to--

You thought wrong, he snapped.

His denied hunger made his voice take on an even sharper edge. He cast a glance at his discarded clothes and weapons, wondering how fast he could pull them on and get the hell out of the room. He had to go, before he gave in to the temptation Elise presented, sitting naked and beautiful in his bed, cradling in her lap the delicate wrist he had so callously refused.

Tegan's breath sawed out of him as it passed over his fangs. Shit, he said, his voice rough gravel, harsh and otherworldly. This is going too damn far. I need to...ah, fuck. He raked a shaky hand over his face. I need to get out of here.

Don't bother. Elise crawled off the bed. It's your room. I'll go. She hastily gathered up her clothes, yanking on her blouse and pulling the navy jacket over the top of it, buttoning it with sure, steady fingers. She grabbed her pants and stepped into them, fastening them as she headed for the door. This was a mistake. Another one, where you're concerned. You win, Tegan. I'm finally giving up.

She ran out, and he forced himself to let her go.

Chapter Twenty-two

Elise closed the door of her guest room behind her and sagged against the carved oak panel.

She felt like an utter fool.

Bad enough she'd thrown herself at Tegan like some kind of wanton idiot, but she had to top it off by offering her blood to him. Blood that he rejected.

Of course, it didn't surprise her that he had refused. To drink from her would irrevocably complete their blasphemy of a blood bond, a fact that Elise had been willing to accept in those heated moments of passion in his bed. At least Tegan had the good sense--the levelheaded self-control--to avoid that kind of disaster.