He stared down into her dusky eyes as he filled her, needing to see her as he gave her some of the same pleasure she was giving him.

I was greedy, he murmured, bending down to kiss her in apology. He didn't dare get close to her luscious throat, not when his fangs were throbbing with another need that was raging to be sated. If you want, we can take it slower now.

Don't you dare, she said, wrapping her legs around his thighs to make her point.

Tegan chuckled, and some distant part of him wondered when the last time was that he'd actually felt humor. When was the last time he'd felt anything close to what Elise roused in him?

He didn't want to explore the place she seemed to have breached inside him. All he wanted right now was this.

It's been a long time for me, Elise whispered. And you feel so good...

Her words trailed off on a moan as Tegan pushed as deep as she could take him. He withdrew and thrust again, feeling the walls of her channel grip and contract around him.

My God, he rasped, hissing with the pleasure of it.

Already another orgasm was ratcheting up within him.

Elise's climax was swiftly building too. She took him deeper with every furious pound of their meeting flesh, clutching at his shoulders and panting as her body's need overtook her.

Tegan could feel her pleasure in each stroke of his fingers on her flesh, each silken caress of her core. Her emotion seeped into him from every point of contact, swamping him with a surfeit of sensation. He absorbed everything she gave him, all his focus on bringing her toward a shattering release.

He kissed her passionately, with tongue and teeth and fang. Elise met him every inch of the way, and when he felt the sharp nip of her blunt human teeth sink into the flesh of his lower lip, he bucked wildly, groaning as her tongue lapped at the small wound she'd made. She sucked a little harder and he was totally lost, fevered with the desire to have her at his vein.

Before he could think better of it, Tegan reared back and punctured his wrist with his fangs. Blood dripped in steady rivulets onto her bare breasts and throat as he offered the gift to her and gently pressed his arm to her mouth.

Take it, he said. I want to feed you.

With her eyes locked on his, she sealed her lips around his flesh. She drank him down, pulse after pulse, her tongue creating a mesmerizing, erotic suction. And all the while, Tegan thrust into her, taking carnal delight in every gasp and shudder of her body as she spiraled closer to release. Her fingernails scored his skin where she gripped his arm, holding him fast against her mouth, pulling hard at his vein as her orgasm seized her.

She broke apart on a violent tremor, crying out as Tegan drove in a relentless rhythm, chasing his own fierce climax now too. He plunged deep, felt the rush of hot seed jetting up his shaft, erupting from him in a gushing wave as Elise's sex milked him like a hot, wet fist.

Ah, fuck, he gasped, rolling away from her, spent but not sated.

Not even close.

The scent of blood and sex was ripe in the room, a potent fragrance that only reminded him of the savage side of his nature. The part that had once ruled him...had almost destroyed him.

Beside him on the bed, Elise crept closer. Her naked breasts pressed against his shoulder as she leaned over him. Her fingers were tender as she stroked the side of his face and smoothed his sweat-dampened hair off his brow.

You didn't finish. He scoffed weakly, still weathering the aftershocks of his release. You obviously weren't paying attention.

No, Tegan. I mean...you didn't finish.

Her arm came around him, hovering in front of his mouth. Alarm arrowed into his brain, overriding the hard-core impulse that made him want to fall on her like the beast he was and fill his mouth with the sweet heather-and-roses taste of her blood.

He got up like he'd been spurred in the ass, vaulting to his feet next to the bed. He licked the wound at his wrist, sealing up the punctures with an efficient sweep of his tongue.

You won't drink from me?

No, he said, forcing the word past his tongue. I can't do that.

I thought maybe you wanted to--

You thought wrong, he snapped.

His denied hunger made his voice take on an even sharper edge. He cast a glance at his discarded clothes and weapons, wondering how fast he could pull them on and get the hell out of the room. He had to go, before he gave in to the temptation Elise presented, sitting naked and beautiful in his bed, cradling in her lap the delicate wrist he had so callously refused.

Tegan's breath sawed out of him as it passed over his fangs. Shit, he said, his voice rough gravel, harsh and otherworldly. This is going too damn far. I need to...ah, fuck. He raked a shaky hand over his face. I need to get out of here.