"I've always trusted you, Lucan. I always will. But that's not - "

"What else, then?" he asked, cutting her denial short. "Tell me what else I can give you to make you stay."

"This isn't going to work," she said, inching backward. "I can't stay. Not like this. Not when my friend Jamie..."

"He is safe." When Gabrielle looked at Lucan, confused, he said, "I sent Dante topside to find him soon after we arrived. He reported back a few minutes ago that he retrieved your friend from a police station downtown and took him home."

Relief flared in her, but it was quickly followed by concern. "What did Dante tell him? Did he wipe Jamie's memory?"

Lucan shook his head. "I didn't think it would be fair to make that decision for you. Dante merely told him that you were safe as well and that you would be in contact with him soon to explain. Whatever you wish to tell your friend is up to you. You see? Trust, Gabrielle."

"Thank you," she murmured, warmed by the consideration. "Thank you for helping me tonight. You saved my life."

"Then why are you afraid of me now?"

"I'm not afraid," she said, but she was moving away from him, hardly aware of that fact until the bed came up behind her, blocking her escape. In an instant, he was right there in front of her.

"What more do you want from me, Gabrielle?"

"Nothing," she said, hardly more than a whisper.

"Nothing at all?" he replied, his voice dark, demanding.

"Please. Don't make me want to stay with you tonight when you will only wish me gone tomorrow. Let me go now, Lucan."

"I can't do that." He took her hand and lifted it to his lips. His mouth was warm and soft on her fingertips, weaving a spell around her as only he could do. He brought her hand closer, pressing her palm to his chest, to the heavy throb that beat against his ribs like a drum. "I can't ever let you go, Gabrielle. Because whether you want it from me or not, you have my heart. You have my love, too. If you'll accept it."

She swallowed hard. "What?"

"I love you." The words were low and earnest, a caress she felt deep inside of her. "Gabrielle Maxwell, I love you more than life itself. I've been alone for so long, I didn't know enough to recognize that until it was nearly too late." He stopped talking then, searching her eyes intensely. "It's not... too late, is it?"

He loved her.

Joy, pure and bright, poured through her to hear those words coming from Lucan.

"Say it again," she whispered, needing to know that this moment was real, that it would last.

"I love you, Gabrielle. With every ounce of life in me, I love you."

"Lucan." She sighed his name, tears rising, swelling, spilling over to run down her cheeks.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply, a passionate joining of their mouths that sent her head spinning, her heart soaring, her blood pulsing like fire in her veins.

"You deserve so much better than me," he told her, reverence in his voice and in his bright, amber-flecked gray gaze. "You know the demons in me. Can you love me - would you have me - even though you know my weakness?"

She cupped his strong jaw in her palm, letting him see the love she held for him reflecting in her eyes. "You're never weak, Lucan. And I will love you no matter what. Together we can get past anything."

"You make me believe that. You've given me hope." Lovingly, he caressed her arm, her shoulder, her cheek. His gaze roamed over her face, following the reverent path of his hands. "My God, you are so exquisite. You could have any male, Breed or human - "

"You're the only one I want."

He smiled. "God help you, but I will have no other. I've never wanted anything so selfishly as I want this moment. Be mine, Gabrielle."

"I am."

He swallowed, glancing down as if suddenly uncertain. "I'm talking about forever. I can't settle for anything less. Gabrielle, will you have me as your mate?"

"Forever and always," she whispered, leaning back onto the bed and bringing him down with her. "I am yours, Lucan, forever and always."