She laughed. "Ask him to deny it. Ask him why he deprives himself of blood until he is nearly starving for it!"

Lucan said nothing in response to the very public accusations, because he knew them to be true.

So did Gabrielle.

It moved him that she would rise to his defense, but this moment wasn't so much about him as it was Rio and the deception that would shatter the warrior. Perhaps already had, judging from the increased sawing of the male's bandaged limbs and his struggling to speak past his injuries.

"How did you strike this bargain, Eva? How did you make contact with the Rogues - one of your day trips topside?"

She exhaled with mocking humor. "It wasn't so hard. There are Minions walking around all over the city. You only have to look. I found one and told him to put me in touch with his Master."

"Who was it?" Lucan demanded. "What did he look like?"

"I don't know. We met just once and he kept his face hidden. He wore dark glasses and kept the lights off in the hotel room. I didn't care who he was or what he looked like. All that mattered was that he is powerful enough to make things happen. I only wanted his promise."

"I can imagine what he made you pay for it."

"It was just a couple of hours with him. I would have paid anything," she said, no longer looking at Lucan, or everyone else who was gaping at her in disgust, but instead staring down at Rio. "I would do anything for you, my darling. I would bear... anything."

"You may have made a bargain with your body," Lucan said, "but it was Rio's trust you sold."

A rasp slipped from between Rio's parched lips as Eva cooed and caressed him. His eyelids fluttered open. There was a shallow, gasping breath as he tried to form words.

"I..." He coughed, his wracked body spasming. "Eva..."

"Oh, my love - yes, I'm here!" she cried. "Tell me what you need, baby."

"Eva..." His throat worked in silence for a moment, and then he tried again. "I... denounce... you."


"Dead..." He moaned, his mental pain no doubt deeper than the physical, but the fierce look in his bleary, bloodshot eyes said he would not be deterred. "No longer exist... to me... you are... dead."

"Rio, don't you understand? I did this for us!"

"Leave," he gasped. "Never... see you... again..."

"You can't mean that." She lifted her head, her eyes darting frantically. "He doesn't mean that! He can't! Rio, tell me you don't mean that!"

When she tried to reach for him, Rio growled, using what little strength he had to shun her touch. Eva let out a sob. Blood from his wounds covered the front of her clothes. She stared down at the stains she bore, then over to Rio, who had now shut her out completely.

What happened next took only a few seconds at most, but it played out as if time itself had slowed to a merciless crawl.

Eva's stricken gaze lit on Rio's weapon belt lying next to the bed.

A look of resolve crossed her face as she lunged for one of the blades.

She raised the gleaming dagger up near her face.

Whispered to Rio that she would always love him.

Then Eva flipped the weapon around in her hand and pressed it to her throat.

"Eva, no!" Gabrielle screamed, her body jerking in reflex as if she thought she could save the other female. "Oh, my God, no!"

Lucan held her at his side. He swiftly took her in his arms and turned her face into his chest, shielding her from seeing Eva slice through her own jugular and fall, bleeding and lifeless, to the floor.

Chapter Twenty-eight