He lost all control at her words. He reared, withdrawing and slamming back into her, the man entirely subsumed in the animal. All he was, all he could feel was his cock conquering her pussy, making her his mate for now, forever.

He bowed over her and bit into the back of her neck, holding her hips still so that he could plow into her over and over again until he felt her shudder under him, contracting around him. She moaned, low and lost, as she came, and he knelt up then, never stopping, never slowing, pounding as she trembled beneath him until he threw back his head and roared his own release into the night.

The stars whirled above them as he slowly sank back over her, panting, wondering if he’d ever again regain his humanity.

Or if he’d lost it forever to this woman.

Chapter Seventeen

Now, though a bull’s visage may be wild and beastly, its eyes are quite beautiful. Ariadne saw a soft brown eye, large and liquid, surrounded by thick lashes and filled with pain. In that moment she forgot fear of the monster and felt only pity. Instead of fleeing, she knelt by his side and began to bind his wounds, and as she did, she wondered what had become of Theseus, for surely it was he who had hurt the monster…

—From The Minotaur

Lily woke late the next morning with a feeling of both elation and dread. Elation because she would see Apollo again. She knew now that their liaison would by necessity be short. Soon she’d have to go back to her own life and he to his—wherever that was. Aristocrats and average persons could not permanently join—at least not happily. Their worlds were too different, the imbalance of power between highborn and low simply too great. Even if he cared for her in some way, Apollo would have to wed a lady of his own rank one day. Lily hadn’t the heart to be a mistress. But knowing that their time together was finite made it all the sweeter. She vowed to enjoy every minute left to her.

But her anticipation at seeing Apollo again was tempered by a feeling of dread. At a house party there was no way she could avoid Richard forever.

She pushed the second thought aside, however, and made sure to walk down to luncheon with Moll.

All the guests were gathered there, it seemed, for it was quite late—nearly one of the clock—and well past the time a working person might break his fast. Of course working people didn’t stay awake dancing past dawn, either.

Three large tables had been set up to accommodate so many at once and footmen were moving swiftly, bringing coffeepots and plates of cold meats, coddled eggs, and rolls. Lily saw Apollo almost at once and shared a secret smile with him. Then she glanced around and found Richard, sitting next to a pleasant-looking woman who had to be his wife.

Lily felt nothing but pity for her.

She ducked her head and marched determinedly with Moll toward a table holding John, the Warners, and, unfortunately, her brother. But it was on the opposite side of the room from Richard and that, at least, made it the best choice. When she glanced up again, Apollo was frowning thoughtfully at him.

Damn. The man was much too perceptive.

“Miss Bennet,” lovely Mr. Warner exclaimed as they approached. He rose at once, followed more slowly by Edwin and John. “And Miss Goodfellow. What a splendid accomplishment your production was last night. Mrs. Warner and I enjoyed ourselves enormously. And you must be very proud of your brother, for I understand he is the playwright.” He turned and beamed at Edwin, who, for once, seemed a bit taken aback by the approbation.

“Indeed,” John said. “Mr. Stump is well known in the theater community for the intelligence and wit of his plays. I’ve acted in two myself.”

“How wonderful,” exclaimed little Mrs. Warner. “You are very talented, Mr. Stump. I vow I would not be able to write a single line, let alone five entire acts.”

Lily met her brother’s eyes and saw a shadow of guilt there. She really ought to be used to seeing him lauded for her own work. Still, it hurt, just the tiniest bit, like a pinched heart.

An odd look came over Edwin’s narrow face and suddenly he threw wide his arms. “Gentlepeople! Might I have your ears!”

s rather cool and if she hadn’t just been running and then dancing, it might’ve been too cold, but as it was, the night chill was rather nice on her overheated skin.

“Careful,” he whispered as her slippered feet trod on grass. “We’ve left the pavement behind.”

She closed her eyes a moment and when she opened them again, she looked up. “Oh, the stars.”

She could see him now—or at least his silhouette.

He tilted his head back. “They’re rather nice tonight.”

They walked in silence for a bit, the music wafting behind them, and then a sort of wall seemed to loom ahead.

“What is it?” she asked.

He paused for a moment and she knew—she wasn’t sure how, but she knew—he was smiling. “A maze.”

PERHAPS APOLLO WAS mad to bring a girl to see a maze at night, but somehow it’d seemed exactly the right thing to do.

“Come on,” he said to her, pulling her hand.