“Yes, mum.” Meg hurried from the room.

Helen stared pointedly at the remaining servants until they followed reluctantly.

“Won’t you offer your sister a seat?” Helen murmured to Sir Alistair.

“I’ve got work to do,” he grumbled, but said, “Please sit, Sophia, Phoebe. You, too, Mrs. Halifax.”

“But—” she started, then thought better of her objection when he turned his one eye to glare at her. She sat primly in an armless chair.

“Thank you, Alistair,” Miss Munroe said, and lowered herself to one of the settees.

Miss McDonald sat beside her and said, “It’s so nice to see you again, Alistair. We were disappointed that you couldn’t come for Christmas. We had a lovely roast goose, quite the biggest I’ve ever seen.”

“I never come for Christmas,” Sir Alistair muttered. He chose a chair next to Helen, making her rather self-conscious.

“But perhaps you should,” Miss McDonald chided gently.

Her words seemed to be much more effective than Miss Munroe’s strident ones. Sir Alistair’s high cheekbones actually looked a little ruddy. “You know I don’t like to travel.”

“Yes, dear,” Miss McDonald said, “but that’s not sufficient reason to ignore us. Sophie was quite hurt when you never even wrote her a Christmas letter.”

Beside her, Miss Munroe snorted, looking far from hurt.

Sir Alistair frowned and started to open his mouth.

Helen feared what he might say and hastily addressed Miss McDonald. “I understand you live in Edinburgh?”

That lady beamed. “Yes, indeed. Sophie and I have a lovely Whitestone house with a view of the city. Sophie belongs to quite a few scientific and philosophical societies, and we can attend a lecture, a demonstration, or a salon nearly every day of the week.”

“How lovely,” Helen said. “And you must be interested in science and philosophy, too, Miss McDonald?”

“Oh, I have an interest,” she replied, smiling, “but not the avocation that Sophie has.”

“Nonsense,” Miss Munroe barked. “You do quite well for an untrained mind, Phoebe.”

“Why, thank you, Sophie,” Miss McDonald murmured, and twinkled conspiratorially at Helen.

Helen hid a smile. Miss McDonald seemed to know exactly how to handle her formidable friend.

“Did you know that Sir Alistair is working on another wonderful book?” she asked.

“Really?” Miss McDonald clapped her hands. “Can we see it?”

Miss Munroe arched an eyebrow at her brother. “Glad to hear you’re working again.”

“It’s still in the early stages yet,” he muttered.

The maids returned with the tea things at that point, and for a moment all was chaos as they set up.

Sir Alistair took advantage of the bustle to lean toward Helen and murmur, “Wonderful?”

She felt her cheeks heat. “Your book is wonderful.”

His brown eye searched her face. “You’ve read it, then?”

“I haven’t—not all of it—but I looked through part of it last night.” She felt her breath catch at the intensity of his gaze. “It was fascinating.”

“Was it?”