She shook her head, biting her lip. She held very still as her stays drew apart. His fingers brushed her bare skin, but he didn’t pause. She was conscious of each breath she drew into her lungs, of his own even breathing, of his unwavering gaze. Then her stays were off, and he drew her shift down her shoulders until she was bared to the waist.

He simply stared.

She raised her hand without thought, instinctively moving to cover herself.

He caught her wrist and drew it to her lap. “Don’t,” he whispered. “Let me look at you.”

She closed her eyes then, because she could no longer bear the sight of his gaze taking her in.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured. “Beautiful enough to drive a man insane.”

He traced the forefinger of his left hand from the rapid pulse at her throat, down, down to the swell of one breast. She waited, her breath nearly stopped. He drew his finger slowly to her nipple and circled it, making it pucker.

She swallowed.

“I want this,” he said.

She opened her eyes to see him staring at her intently, his mouth hardened into an arrogant, flat line.

His gaze flicked up to capture her own. “I want all of you.”

Her mouth went dry. “Then take me.”

He reached behind her and shoved aside the mess on his desk. She heard pencils skitter and drop to the floor and the thump of a book. Then he grasped her about her waist, lifting to set her on the heavy table.

“Take off your skirts.” He rose suddenly from his chair and strode to the tower door, locking it.

When he returned to her, she was still fumbling at the ribbons at her waist. He pushed her hands aside and began working at them himself. She felt a wild spurt of joyous laughter start in her mouth, but she tamped it down ruthlessly. Instead, she reached up and around his head and drew the tie from his hair. The heavy dark locks fell forward against his lean cheeks, wild and untamed, and she threaded her fingers through them, reveling in the intimacy.

He didn’t even seem to notice her gesture, so intent was he on removing her remaining clothing. A moment later, he flung aside her skirts. She was left in just her stockings and shoes and would’ve felt more than a little silly if he wasn’t so grave as he drew them off. Then she was naked, sitting with her bare bottom on his wooden table, and he was looking at her as if she were Aphrodite come to life. It was a heady feeling, being regarded thus. Heady and frightening at the same time, for she was no Aphrodite. She was simply a woman past her third decade. A woman who’d had only one other lover in all her life.

“Alistair,” she whispered.

He shrugged out of his coat. “Aye?”

She didn’t know how to put her concern into words. “I don’t… that is, I’m not very experienced with… with…”

A corner of his mouth kicked up. He was only in shirtsleeves now. “Helen, lass, dinna fret.”

And he brought his mouth to her breast, sucking strongly, warmly, on her tender nipple. She arched her back in reaction, catching his head, holding it close to her breast. She stroked her fingers into his silky hair. Maybe he was right. Maybe she shouldn’t worry. Maybe she should, for this short while, merely feel.

He switched to her other breast, holding her in the curve of his left thumb and forefinger. He thumbed the damp nipple he’d just left, starting twin flickers of desire in her. She widened her legs, trying to pull him closer, but he was solid and heavy and wouldn’t move until he was ready.

A small whimper of frustration escaped her lips.

He raised his head, his cheekbones flushed, and his eye gleaming roguishly. “Is this what you want?”

He held her gaze as he trailed his hand down over her trembling belly and into the curling hair at the juncture of her thighs.

“Alistair!” she gasped. “I don’t know if—”

“Don’t you?” he murmured, his gaze growing heavy. “Don’t you know, Helen?”

And as she watched his face, mesmerized, embarrassed, and hotly aroused, he touched her there. Her lips parted in soundless wonder. His thumb rubbed her in gentle circles. His fingers softly petted her, parting, stroking, exploring.

“Oh,” she gasped.

“Look at me,” he whispered. “Keep your eyes on me.”