When we were spent and I could barely stand anymore, I turned off the recording. Cheeks flushed, her smile radiant, Anna sat up on her elbows. “Did you record that entire thing?”

Winking, I handed the phone back to her. “Oh yeah.”

Anna’s eyes were mischievous as she bit her lip. “Let’s watch it when we get home.”

Removing myself from her, I shook my head. “Fuck that, let’s watch it in the car on the way home.” Anna laughed, and I knew with absolute certainty that we would be watching it in the backseat.

When we finally left that office, hopped up on post-sex endorphins, we strutted back to the party like a king and queen entering court. Anna was charming and seductive as she stuck her hand out and made introductions. Even though I’d rather goof off than be serious, I tried to follow her example.

“Hey, I’m Griffin Hancock, star of Acing It.” The celebrity I was looking at still didn’t seem to know me, so I added in some backstory for clarification. “I used to be the bass player for the D-Bags.”

Her eyes widened as recognition seeped into her. “Oh yeah, the D-Bags, I love them! I thought I recognized you. I saw you on Live with Johnny when you quit…pretty gutsy. Your new show must be incredible to leave all that behind.”

Leaning in, I grinned at her. “You have no idea.”

With a laugh, she started in on what sounded like a resume of her accomplishments—off-Broadway plays, commercials, modeling shoots. When she was finished listing her positives, she pulled her phone out. “We should meet for lunch and talk more about your show. Let’s swap numbers…”

It went a lot like that for the rest of the night; I practically doubled the contacts in my phone. Whenever I explained the show, and that I was the member of the D-Bags who’d walked away at the peak of our popularity, people were thrilled to talk to me and eager to see what my new show was all about. They were all excited for my success and wanted a chance to work with me in the future. By the end of the night, I was the most popular guy in the room.

There was no stopping me now.

Chapter 15

When Awesome Attacks

Several weeks later, near the end of August, the moment I’d been dreading was finally here—the fucking VMAs. My entire immediate family was at the house, helping Anna and me get ready, plus a bunch of extended family too. I think they thought they’d get to go if they helped with Anna’s hair and makeup. Anna was both grateful for their help and annoyed with their hands-on presence. Stating that there were too many cooks in the kitchen, she sent everyone but Chelsey into the living room.

I was good to go in my snazzy dark gray suit. I even had styling gel in my dark hair; it was all slicked back like Jack Nicholson.

While I waited for Anna, I flipped through a gossip magazine resting on the coffee table. It didn’t take me long to find something that absolutely shocked me, and my chest went cold with icy dread. “What the fuck? Is this shit true?”

“Is what true?” Liam asked. Knowing he wouldn’t have a clue, I stormed off to find the one person in the house who might be able to clarify the crap I’d just read.

“Anna!” I yelled, bursting through our bedroom door. She was sitting at her vanity, watching Chelsey curl her hair. She looked like a million bucks in her clingy white dress, but I was too enflamed to really care. I did, however, sneak a glance at the ample cleavage she was showing.

“Have you seen this?” I said, thrusting the magazine at her face.

She pulled away so she could focus on it. “See what?” Chelsey stopped curling her hair, and both girls studied the article that had just blown my mind. Anna’s mouth fell open while she read. When she was finished, she looked up at me. “Is this true?”

“I was hoping you knew,” I told her. “Have you talked to Kiera, Jenny…Rachel?” Or the guys? I didn’t ask that last part though. I didn’t want to say their names, especially if this article was true. “What about last month, when Kiera visited? She mention anything about this?” Not wanting to hear any more gossip about the band, I’d spent the entire weekend at my parents’ place while Kiera had stayed with Anna.

Anna looked like she was at a loss as she handed the magazine back to me. “No…she didn’t mention anything, and we haven’t spoken in a week or so. They’ve all been so busy, and I knew we’d get to catch up tonight…There is just no way this is true,” she suddenly decided, her face firm. “One of them would have called me.”

She seemed so sure that for a second I believed her. But then Matt’s words filtered through my head—You’re dead to me. “I wouldn’t be so sure. Matt could have asked…” Anger flooded my stomach, and I tossed the magazine onto the bed. “That fucking son of a bitch! I can’t believe he eloped and didn’t invite me!”

The magazine landed on the article in question. It was a two-page spread on Matt’s nuptials. No wedding pictures were there, but then there wouldn’t be any photos. It said the couple had an impromptu secret wedding, with only close friends and family in attendance. Close friends and family. The article then went on to point out the very glaring fact that I hadn’t been invited. Or wanted. Or even informed. I’d been snubbed personally and publicly. He really had disowned me. They all had…

Standing, Anna looked over my face, then told Chelsey, “Give us a minute, please.”

I paced beside the bed, swearing and fuming. Chelsey gave me a sympathetic pat on the back before she shut the door behind her. I was too riled up to respond though. Pointing at the door where they’d just exited, I yelled, “She should be ticked too! She’s family, same as me, and that fucker excluded her too! And you! He left you out of the loop, and even your friends played along with his plan. Aren’t you pissed?”