She shimmied out of her yoga pants, then pulled her long-sleeved shirt over her head. She was wearing a lacy red bra and matching underwear, and I instantly stopped worrying about just letting her sleep. No one who didn’t want to be nailed wore underclothes like that. “Fuck, baby, you look amazing.”

“Yeah?” A tired smile brightened her face as she ran her hands over her curves. She wasn’t back to her pre-baby body yet, but I didn’t fucking care. What she was showing me right now was hotter than the rest of the female population. If I didn’t get inside her soon, I might need surgery to correct the internal damage going on.

Unzipping my pants, I showed her my raging hard-on. “Yeah. Lie down…relax.”

With another small yawn, she removed the remaining pieces of clothes and then did as I asked. Only, she didn’t casually lie on the couch, like I thought she would. No, she straddled it, then lay back with her feet resting on the floor and her legs wide open. Holy fuck. The Promised Land was right in front of me, and I gave myself a few long strokes as I stared in awe at what was being offered. Un-fucking-believable.

Anna yawned again as she stretched out, and I knew that I might lose her to sleep if I didn’t get moving. Stopping my own self-exploration, I ripped off my clothes and tossed them aside. Her eyes were closed, but she smiled when I finally touched her. “Mmmmmm.” A satisfied groan left her as my hands traveled up her warm, supple body. I straddled one of her legs, mainly to stop myself from nestling between them and thrusting into her. I wanted this to be about her, about relaxing her, about bringing her body so much pleasure that she’d be too exhausted to open her eyes afterward.

My lips placed soft kisses along her skin, almost ghostly soft on her erogenous zones. Her satisfied noise turned to a lusty one, and she squirmed on the couch. Her fingers threaded into my hair when I reached her nipple. I didn’t go for it right away. No, I kissed around the area, then skipped over it, then kissed around it again. She hissed in frustration. Only when I swear I could hear her silent plea did my lips wrap around it, and when my tongue flicked it, she gasped. Oh, yeah, my girl was ready.

I played the same game with her pussy. Holding my fingers just out of reach from where she really wanted them. She was panting in no time, and her eyes were open, awake, and looking at me with such heat that my skin felt ten times hotter than usual.

When I finally ran my fingers between her legs, she shuddered, cried out, squirmed, and then she finally begged. Grabbing my backside with both hands, she murmured, “I want you. Now. Please…now.”

I was so ready for her my cock was nearly purple, and I prayed I lasted long enough to satisfy her. Adjusting my position, I shoved into her. She arched her back, and her claws dug into my skin. Fuck, yes. “More,” she breathed, moving her hips against me.

God, yes, I wanted to come. Our hips started moving together with unrestrained purpose. We both wanted this release so much; we needed it. This connection, this reminder of who we were together. Perfect.

Since everything, everywhere was so loud anyway, we didn’t hold back. We moaned, groaned, and fully enjoyed the impending explosion. Anna cried out so loud when she came, my ears rang. Then I felt her constrict around me and I couldn’t hold back anymore. “Fuck, God, yes, Anna. Fuck, fuck, fuck…”

The world evaporated as the best high in the world coursed through me. Jesus, I loved this…

Once we were both spent, Anna started breathing in a low, soft way that I knew meant she’d be snoring soon. Guess she really was tired. Without jostling her too much, I removed myself. Then I put down a little towel, just in case my awesome juice was too much for her. Finding a blanket, I laid it over her so she wouldn’t be cold. She smiled but didn’t stir. Good night, babe. I’ll wake you when it’s time to go.

I never thought it would take three hours to get a two-month-old ready, but it did. Of course, my mother and I were interrupted by every person who came across us. They all wanted to hold Onnika, play peekaboo with her, and ask her to repeat stuff. Shit like that. It was really annoying considering the fact that we were on a schedule. I felt like Matt whenever I asked someone to give her back so we could get her ready. I needed a nap by the time she was.

Mom told me to get used to it. “Little girls take time. Older girls take even more.” I already knew that though. Anna took forever to get ready for anything. It was always worth the wait though. She looked like a fucking supermodel when she was finished.

After we were done with Onnika, we had to deal with Gibson, who needed almost as much time as her sister, since I couldn’t let her leave the house without perfectly symmetrical ponytails. When both girls were finally ready, it was well past the time we needed to go. Like a commander ordering troops into battle, I hustled people to their vehicles.

The church Anna had picked out for the ceremony was in Tacoma. Why the hell she had to pick one so far away, when Seattle had a bunch of perfectly decent churches around, was something I would never understand. She claimed she liked the architecture. Whatever.

Anna was browsing the Internet on her phone as I drove us. I was just about to ask her what the score on the football game was when she started laughing to herself. “What?” I asked. “Find something about me?” The Hand Solo incident had died down, but it still popped up sometimes.

“Well, yeah, kind of.” She flipped the screen to me, but I couldn’t read it while I was driving. “Some fans have started a petition. They want us to change Onnika’s name.”

I was floored that of all the things to vote on in my life, that was what was circulating. “What? I love the name Onnika. What do they think would be better?”