I nodded. “I know. But the three of you determine who gets on the show…and all I’m asking for is a chance. Put me through my paces, like anybody else. Let me prove to you, to everyone, that I’m good enough to be a part of this band. Let me earn my right to play with you again…because I don’t think I earned it the first time around, and I definitely didn’t appreciate it. I do now though, and I want this. I want to play with you guys again. I want to be a D-Bag.”

The auditorium was so silent, I could hear myself breathing; it was much heavier than it usually was. I felt like I’d just run a fifty-meter dash, and I was waiting on the judge to tell me if I’d won or not. By the impassive looks around me, I couldn’t tell. It could still go either way.

Kellan was the first one to break the silence. “I’m a yes. He should move on.”

The crowd cheered in agreement as Kellan’s eyes moved over to Matt and Evan. One down. Matt’s lips were pressed into a firm line. Of all the guys, I’d hurt him the most when I’d left, both physically and emotionally. I’d taken a gigantic dump on our familial bond; he wasn’t going to forgive me anytime soon.

With Matt not speaking yet, Evan piped in. “I’m a yes too,” he said with a nod toward me. Two down. The crowd screamed again, and then all eyes shifted to the last judge. Getting in had to be a unanimous decision, and I silently begged Matt to give me a chance. I even hung my head while I waited. You have all the power here. I know that, and I accept it. Just don’t say no…I’ve got nothing left.

Like he could hear me, Matt simply said, “Yes.” When the shrieking from the other contestants died down, he added, “You’re in, Griffin…but just so you know, it’s not going to be easy.”

Feeling like my face was going to split apart from smiling so hard, I nodded. “I don’t want it to be easy.” I wanted to prove to them, to the world…and to myself…that I belonged here.

Liam went on after me. I was nervous as hell watching him with my family; it was even worse than when I’d been up there. People in the stands were watching me more than Liam. I ignored them and focused all my attention on him. Hopefully if I didn’t engage them they’d watch him too. And he deserved to have their attention. He was killing it!

When his song was over, I shot to my feet, whistling and shouting at the top of my lungs. All three judges approved Liam going to the next level, and I almost fell into the people in front of me I was jumping around so much. Matt walked onto the stage to give his cousin a quick hug of congratulations, and the crowd cheered at the display. Liam looked like he was going to cry. Fucking pansy. I couldn’t have been happier for him.

When he joined us in the audience, I picked him up in a bear hug. And even though he was my oldest sibling, I gave him a noogie like he was my kid brother. After everyone in our group had auditioned, our lot was escorted out so the next set could come in. Mom and Dad wanted to take Liam and me out to celebrate, but there was something I needed to do first. Well, there were several things I needed to do, but there was one thing in particular that couldn’t wait.

“You guys go ahead. I need to talk to the band.”

Liam looked around the lobby flooded with people who’d just finished auditioning or were waiting for their turn. Now that I wasn’t wearing my disguise, people were starting to notice me. I was getting stares, whispers, and curious expressions. Is that who we think it is? “Even if you were a part of the band once, bro, they’re not going to let you talk to them. You’re just a schlub now, like us.”

Shaking my head, I told him, “I have to try. I need to clear the air before the chaos starts.”

Nodding, he patted my shoulder. “I hope they let you in then.”

When it was clear there were no more groups left, I started to get nervous. What if the guys were whisked away by security, slipped out the back so nobody could bother them now that their job for the day was done. It was strange to not be a part of that. Looking at their fame from the other side made them seem larger than life, unapproachable. They weren’t though. They were my friends. Or were, once upon a time.

Hoping they were still there, I snuck back into the auditorium. Luckily, they were. All three guys were clustered around the judging table, discussing the auditions. Matt was saying, “I knew we’d find talent in L.A.” I hoped he meant me.

Just as I started to approach them, a hand clamped onto my shoulder. “Auditions are over, you need to leave now.”

I looked up at the massive bulk blocking my path and was about to tell him who I was, when I realized he already knew. “Sam? Damn, it’s good to see you.” Giving him a slug in the shoulder, I wondered if he felt the same.

He cracked a small smile. “Griffin…it’s been a while.”

Taking that small gesture as a positive, I started moving around him. “I need to talk to the guys before they leave.”

He moved to block my path. “Auditions are over. The band isn’t seeing anyone right now.”

My expression was incredulous. “Dude…it’s me.”

Sam shrugged. “I have my orders. No one is to bother the band once auditions are over, and I hate to have to tell you this, Griff, ’cause I do like you, but…you’re not part of the band anymore. I’m sorry, but you need to leave.”

He started pushing me back toward the doors. Unbelievable. I’d known this guy since he was a glorified bouncer at Pete’s. But I guess I couldn’t fault him for wanting to keep his job. Maybe if I’d been equally diligent, I’d still have mine. I wasn’t about to give up that easily though. “Kellan!” I shouted.