Harold found us just as Anna was straightening the covers on the bed. “Oh good, there you are. I thought I’d lost you. Everything…okay?” He quirked a brow as he took in Anna’s actions and the pleasing flush in her cheeks. My girl had had an orgasm for the record books. But I’d totally bend her over and give her another one if she wasn’t satisfied yet. She deserved it, after what I’d put her through recently.

Anna giggled in a charmingly seductive way that made me want to sit her on my lap. “Oh yeah…everything is good.” Smiling brighter, she turned to me. “Let’s go meet your costars.”

It gave me no end of delight that she was finally as eager about this as I was. We followed Harold with fucking springs in our step. Everything was turning out exactly as I’d hoped. It just reaffirmed the fact that I was doing the right thing by cutting ties with the D-Bags. It was time.

On the way there, Anna asked Harold about the pilot. “So, who picked up the show? What network?”

Harold started playing with his tie while he walked. “LMF.”

Anna and I exchanged a glance. I hadn’t heard the name before, and it was clear Anna hadn’t either. “LMF? I’ve never heard of ’em. You sure they’re legit?”

Harold nodded. “Yeah, yeah, they’re a bit on the new side, but they are a real up-and-coming network. They’re going to blow the big boys out of the water soon. And they’re the perfect vehicle for this program…they’re focusing on real cutting-edge stuff. And they are crazy about you. They are going to promote the hell out of this show. You’ll be everywhere!”

Smiling, I hugged Anna tighter. “Everywhere…I like that. So, when’s it airing?”

Harold’s smile matched mine. “Monday night, prime time.”

My smile dropped. “Wait…I’ll be competing with Monday Night Football?” Damn, even I might not watch me now.

Harold swished away my concern with his hand. “With DVRs it doesn’t really matter anymore. It will hardly affect us, and who knows, it might even help. This is an incredible deal for us, truly something to celebrate!”

Grinning, I replayed screwing Anna on the set. Damn straight I was celebrating. I was going to rule the airwaves this fall. Take that, D-Bags.

When we got to the room where the rest of the cast was waiting, I introduced my wife. “Anna, this is my ‘band’—Vicky, Elijah, Cole, and Christine. They play Scarlet, Crash, Stix, and Kiki. Guys, this is my wife, Anna.” On the show, Vicky and Christine’s characters—Scarlet and Kiki—were blonde, busty babes who totally wanted me…they’d even gotten into a hair-pulling catfight over me in the pilot. It was awesome. I think Cole’s character, Stix, wanted me too, but I wasn’t entirely sure yet. But all my costars’ eyes were on my wife right now. She ruled the room just by being in it. Yep, I know. Go ahead and be jealous, ’cause that hotness you see before you is all mine.

“Nice to meet you all. I just saw your set. It’s pretty amazing.” She winked at me and my dick twitched. Fuck, I’d love to take her on Ace’s bed again.

Harold handed me a script though. “Best get started.” He introduced me to the guy who’d be directing the episode; it was a different person from last time.

While I flipped through the script, the director dude held his hand up. “Okay, in this episode, the main story line is Scarlet hooks up with Stix to try and forget about Ace.”

He pointed at me, and I nudged Anna in the ribs. “Fat chance of that, huh? I bet she cries afterwards. Sorry, dude,” I said to Cole. He flipped me off.

While Anna laughed, Harold approached her. “Excuse me, Mrs. Hancock, would you like to watch the completed pilot? It’s an amazing piece of work, if I do say so myself. And then I could arrange for a ride home for you. This is going to be a long day, and the actors need to focus.”

I bristled at that, I’d wanted Anna here for the whole thing, but Anna seemed content to let me work in peace. “Knock ’em dead, babe. See you tonight.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving with Harold.

I clapped my hands together once she was gone. “All right! Let’s kill this shit!”

When I got home after rehearsal wrapped up, I felt like my head was going to explode. It was a lot to remember, and I already felt like I remembered too much, what with all the D-Bags lyrics and rhythms spinning in my head. I supposed I could let myself forget those, now that I didn’t need them anymore. That thought made my chest hurt, like an elephant was stepping on my sternum. I didn’t want to deal with that feeling right now though, so I shoved it to the I’ll worry about that later section of my brain. It was a full section.

Mom and Dad’s place was chaos, with a half dozen relatives visiting for dinner; that happened a lot. Anna greeted me at the door with Onnika in her arms; her smile seemed forced, and I wondered what had happened since this afternoon. She’d been in such a great mood while touring the set with me. Onnie smiled and I reached out to take her. “Hey, baby girl, I missed you.”

Just as Anna was handing her to me, Gibson weaseled her way between us and unceremoniously shoved Anna away from me; Anna almost lost her hold on Onnika with the unexpected movement. “Gibson!” she snapped, “I almost dropped the baby. Be careful.”

Ignoring her, Gibson tossed her arms around my legs like we’d been separated our entire lives. “Daddy!” she exclaimed.

“Hey, kiddo,” I said, putting a hand on her back. “Be nice to your sister…and listen to your mom.” Anna’s smile turned genuine as she kissed Onnika’s head. She always liked it when I backed her up.