Evan was a little pale at the party, but he always looked that way now. The closer it got to Jenny’s birth, the more of a jittery, nervous wreck he became. One of my favorite things to do now was silently sneak up behind him and scare the shit out of him. He always jumped and screamed like a little girl. It never got old.

I gave him a beer to unwind, then I gave him another one. I had a feeling it was best if he two-fisted it all night. Having someone more nervous than him put Matt in a really good mood all night. When we weren’t picking on Liam, who’d had his first successful groupie mating on St. Patrick’s Day, we were planning our next tour. “We’re gonna wrap this one up a little early, you know, because of the babies and stuff.” Matt looked over at Evan. “End of August, man. You ready? Got your duplicate car seats, cribs, bassinets, swings, bouncers? All that shit?” Evan cringed, then took a drink from both beer bottles at the same time. Matt chuckled. “At least there’s one thing he can handle two of.”

With a snort, I mimicked a pair of breasts. “I’m sure there’s one more thing he can handle in duplicate.” While the guys laughed at my comment, I reached down to grab my junk. “All this talk of boobs and babies is turning me on. I need to go find my wife and spread my seed again.”

Kellan grimaced. “I will give you my entire cut from the band next year if you never say ‘spread my seed’ again.”

I flashed him a smile. “Aw, Kell, I don’t need your money. And not only am I going to say it again, but I’m including it as a lyric in the next album. No, actually, I’m making it the title of the next album.” I raised my eyebrows and Kellan tossed a beer cap at me.

Laughing, I dodged his halfhearted throw and left the guys to go find Anna. She was having an in-depth conversation with Jenny when I approached her. Unlike Evan, Jenny was excited to be having twins. I think she underestimated how much work came with newborns. Or so I’d heard. My kids were nothing but awesome.

Walking up to Anna, I grabbed her elbow. When she looked over at me and smiled, I told her, “Kumquat.”

She looked at me blankly for a second, then turned to Jenny. “We need to…we’ll be back in a minute.”

Jenny rolled her eyes. “If you guys are going to pick a code word for sex, you should really pick something a little less obvious.”

Giving Jenny a mischievous smile, I said, “Where’s the fun in that?”

Anna and I were laughing as we darted away into the night. “Where do you want to go?” she asked me.

I looked up. There was a section of our roof that was secluded from view by a big tree in the front yard. We’d have an awesome view of the stars from up there, and if we were close enough to the peak, we’d also have a view of our guests. That was kind of hot to me. “This way,” I told her, pulling her toward the garage.

It took some preparation time as we wrestled the ladder into place, but we eventually had a blanket spread down on the roof shingles. Lying down on it, we began the process of stripping off our clothes. “Thank God all the kids are asleep,” she whispered as she stripped her shirt off.

Her breasts were calling me, so I only answered with a grunt. Unsnapping her bra, I took a nipple into my mouth. Fuck. Heaven. She let out a shuddering moan that was loud to me, but no one below us seemed to notice.

Getting all of our clothes off without rolling off the roof was challenging, and I thanked myself for going easy on the beer; I was sure I couldn’t do this if I were drunk. Once we were bare, the slight wind giving us both goose bumps, I braced my feet against the shingles. Anna clung to my body as I pressed against her. From my vantage point near the top of the roof, I could see the partygoers chatting and drinking in the backyard. Knowing none of my guests could see me but I could see them made me even harder.

Anna squirmed beneath me as her hands ran up and down my body. “I want you,” she breathed.

Looking down at her, my breath caught. She was gorgeous in the moonlight, like a freaking mythical goddess. And she was somehow mine. All mine. “You’re amazing,” I told her. My fingers came up to run down her cheek. “So amazing…”

As I leaned down to kiss her, I adjusted our bodies so I slipped inside her. We both gasped when we were finally one. No matter how many times I did this with her, how good we felt together shocked me. And it was even better when we started to move. “Oh God, Griffin,” she murmured. “Yes…”

I absolutely agreed, and a low groan escaped me as I rested my head against her neck. Nothing on earth felt this good. As our bodies rocked together the euphoria increased. Anna became a constrained wild animal beneath me, gasping, groaning, squirming, and moaning. Every move she made electrified me, drove me even closer to my own release. “You’re so fucking hot,” I groaned in her ear.

She ran her nails down my back, then she grabbed my hips and begged, “More.”

I knew she needed that final drive to push her over the edge. Fuck, I needed it too. I grabbed the very top of the roof and used it as leverage as I shifted the angle, so I was rubbing against her in just the right spot. Anna’s eyes rolled back in her head as she gasped. Then she started panting and murmuring, “Yes, right there…don’t stop…yes…”

I wasn’t about to stop, because I was getting fucking close too. Anna exploded first, and she let out a cry that I was sure somebody would hear. I lifted my gaze to the party, and just as I did, I hit my peak. As the glory of releasing all that built-up tension sent shockwaves of pleasure through me, my eyes drifted over the oblivious crowd. Awe…some.