I swallowed; I understood how dire that sentence was. I felt like he was cutting me open and caressing me at the exact same time. I wanted to say something, but a look of absolute wonder filled Kellan's expression. "And then, beyond some miracle that I'll never understand, I got to keep you, and now . . . I'm only just beginning to understand what it means to truly want something. Because I want so much now. I want to make you happy. I want to give you the world. I want you to be proud of me. I want to comfort you. I want you to comfort me. I want to hold you when you're scared. I want you to hold me when I'm scared. I want to make you laugh. I want to make you blush." Leaning in, he whispered, "I want to make you scream."

I subsequently blushed, and Kellan chuckled. Sliding the ring over my knuckle, he told me, "I want to give you a home. I want to fill it with children. I want to take care of you. I want to grow old with you. I want you by my side, every day." Folding his hand over mine once my ring was in place, he shrugged and shook his head. "I just want you. Do you want me too?"

I could barely speak I was so choked up. Man, he had a way with words. Somehow, I managed to squeak out an, "I do."

The smile that blossomed over Kellan's face brightened his pallid cheeks. Wondering how on earth I could possibly follow up that speech, I inhaled a calming breath and swallowed a half-dozen times.

Gently grabbing Kellan's hand, I slid his ring onto his finger. "I never thought of myself as anything but plain and ordinary until you came along. The way you look at me, the way you see me . . . you pull something out of me. When I want to hide, you urge me forward. When I think I'm not good enough, you make me believe I am. When I feel anything but pretty, you convince me I'm beautiful. Just being around you makes me feel special. You don't think you're good at loving people, but you are. Your friends, your family . . . the level of love that you have for people astounds me. You don't think people love you back, but they do. They fiercely love you. I fiercely love you. I've never met anyone as passionate as you, as kindhearted as you . . . as amazing as you. You love with every fiber of your soul. You inspire me every day. And if you'll agree to be my husband, I'll do my best to make you proud of me, to inspire you."

A tear rolled down Kellan's cheek as he watched me. Realizing I hadn't technically asked him a question, I sputtered, "So . . . will you . . . do you? Take me?" Eyes widening, I quickly added, "As your wife."

Light laughter broke around the room, and Kellan laughed with them. It embarrassed me some, but these people loved me, so I let it go and laughed along with them. Stopping his chuckles, Kellan cringed and grabbed the IV stand. "I do," he told me, his face pained. Exhaling in a steady stream, he added, "So damn adorable. I never stood a chance."

As I grinned at him, the minister warmly told us, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Leaning forward, she told Kellan, "You may kiss your bride now."

As another tear rolled down his cheek, he muttered, "Thank God, 'cause I couldn't hold out another damn second."

Letting go of his supportive stand, Kellan reached up for my face at the same time that I reached over for him. Careful to not knock him over, I laced my arms around his neck and poured my heart and soul into our kiss. Warm and soft, sweet and luscious, the kiss was full of hope, love, passion, and faithfulness. It was a binding promise of everything we both wished for the other.

Lost in the moment, I could have moved my lips against Kellan's all night long. Over the din of clapping, I heard the minister announce, "Ladies and gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Kellan Kyle." The corresponding whistles and shrieks were as deafening as a D-Bags' concert.

We did it. We were officially husband and wife. And I could honestly say I had never been happier.

Chapter 29: Help

Once the cheers and shouts died down, Kellan and I pulled apart from each other. Looking overjoyed but tired, Kellan mumbled, "Can we lie down now?"

Seeing the discomfort on his face, the tightness in his jaw, I nodded and started leading him back to his bed. He started to follow me, then paused as something outside the window caught his attention. Hoping he wasn't too faint, since falling to the ground would not be good for his stitches, I glanced out the window too. The candle cups outside were frantically being waved back and forth as the fans celebrated our union. I could even hear faint cheering as our room quieted.

Smiling, Kellan changed his direction and stepped up to the window. Wanting to support him, I went with him. The faint cheers grew to loud screams when the people got their first unobstructed view of Kellan. He had tears in his eyes as he waved back at them.

"See how loved you are?" I whispered.

He turned his attention solely to me, and his gleaming eyes sparkled with unashamed adoration as they shifted over my features. "Yes, I do." In full view of his loyal followers, Kellan leaned over and gave me a tender, but passionate kiss. It was one that made my heart beat faster. One that reminded me of tangled limbs and glorious releases. One that made my breath quicken. One that made me curse the fact that I had to wait six weeks to officially consummate my marriage.

It was going to be the longest six weeks of my life.

When Kellan pulled back from our kiss, his eyes were simmering with desire, and I knew, without a doubt, that we would never make it the full six weeks. We'd just have to be very, very careful. Good thing Kellan was an expert at keeping things slow and steady.

Then he flinched, and I remembered his current situation. Putting steamy thoughts aside, I returned him to his bed. He exhaled in relief when he was back to his prone position. I crawled into bed beside him as people huddled around to congratulate us. I'm sure it was the oddest wedding any of them had ever been to. I also thought it was probably the most romantic. But then again, I was a bit biased.

My mom was sobbing as she filmed herself hugging me. Then she reached over me, nearly squishing me, to hug Kellan. My dad gave Kellan a firm handshake. I'd never seen my dad look so proud, and I knew that he'd finally let Kellan into his heart. He was family now, and my dad would protect him just as passionately as he protected his girls. I'd never cried while smiling so much in all my life.

Anna was next, engulfing me in a jiggling hug that rattled my brain. She dashed around the bed to give Kellan an equally loving, but far more gentle, hug. Griffin was behind Anna, and when he stepped up to me, he checked his breath in his hand; that made me nervous. I raised a finger at him in warning. Griffin smirked. "Relax, it's not for you." Laughing, he lunged over me and planted a wet one on Kellan instead.

Kellan couldn't do much to get him away, since every movement he made hurt him. The entire room burst into laughter as Kellan finally shoved his bassist back. "Fuck, man," he scowled at Griffin as he wiped his mouth.

Griffin chuckled as he smacked Kellan's thigh. "Congrats, dude." Pointing at Kellan, he laughed and said, "Hey, you took my advice. You're getting better at the tongue thing."

My parents looked horrified and mystified by the conversation. I was laughing so hard my stomach was starting to cramp. Shaking his head, Kellan smiled at me as he flipped Griffin off. Surprising myself, I motioned for Griffin to hug me. He seemed surprised by that too. When he wrapped his arms around me, I whispered in his ear, "You be good to my sister. I sort of love you two together."

Pulling back, Griffin gave me a devious smile. "You love me."

My smile faded some. "I didn't say that."

Nodding, Griffin released me. In singsong, he said, "But that's what you meant. You totally love me!" Standing, he put his hands up in the air so everyone would look at him. "Kiera totally wants me!"

Matt shoved him back as he took his place. As I gaped at Griffin, Matt muttered, "I think he was dropped a lot as a child." Matt gave me a modest hug while I agreed with his assessment. He gave me a light kiss on the cheek as he pulled away from me. "I'm glad you and Kell made it. I really have never seen him happier than when he is with you." He frowned. "Plus, he gets really grumpy when you guys are apart."

I smiled over at my husband. Three nurses were wishing him well on his marriage. By the seductive smiles they were flashing him, I highly doubted they meant it.

When Matt stepped away Evan took his place. Slinging his arms under me, he lifted me up off the bed and twirled me around. Jenny giggled from behind him. Stopping us when we were facing Jenny, he bent down a little so she could hug me too; her cheeks were just as tear-stained as mine. "I love you, Kiera," she gushed out.

I wanted to tell her I loved her too, but the boisterous pair were squishing me between them. When Evan set me down, finally letting me breathe, I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek. "I love you guys too."

When they left me to go say their congratulations to Kellan, Denny stepped up to me. I inhaled a deep breath as I stared at him. He seemed so much older, wiser. Our separation had somehow matured him from a boy to a man. I could only imagine the internal struggles he'd gone through while he'd being healing from our breakup. He'd been put through the fire, but it hadn't turned him brittle, it hadn't turned him hard. He was just . . . stronger. Looking at the man in front of me now, he seemed so different from the boy who'd driven me across country to start our new life together. I'd never imagined then that our relationship would crumble so fast. I'd thought we'd be together forever. But I supposed we still would be, in a way.

The smile on his face was peaceful as he stared at me. When he opened his arms, I wrapped him in a hug. He would always be my friend. We would always care about each other. Folding his arms around me, he whispered, "I really am happy for you, Kiera."

I nodded into his shoulder as tears streamed down my face. "Thank you. And thank you for being here. You don't know how much it meant to me, to us."

He rubbed my back. "I wouldn't miss my best friend getting married."

I wasn't sure if he meant me or Kellan in that sentence, and it made me really happy that I didn't know for sure. Pulling back, I smiled up at him. "Well, don't think I'm missing your wedding. When is it, anyway?"

His smile grew absolutely radiant as he looked across the bed at his fiancee giving Kellan a hug. "Abby picked Valentine's Day." He laughed. "She's really got a thing for holidays. She even made us go out to a nice French restaurant to celebrate Bastille Day . . . and neither one of us has even been to France."

I laughed at Abby's adorable quirk. Releasing him, I said, "Well, you know I'll be there for your wedding. Kellan and I both." I gave him a crooked smile. "And if you need a band, I think I know a couple of guys who would play for you."

Denny looked around the room, amusement in his eyes. "I might take you up on that." His expression more serious, he turned to me. "Before we leave, Abby and I want to talk to you and Kellan about something. Okay?"

Confused, I nodded. "What about?"

Denny glanced at the line of well-wishers behind him. "Later." He started to turn away, then looked back at me. Voice low, he told me, "For the record, I always thought you were gorgeous. I'm sorry if I didn't make you feel that way."

His frown broke my heart a little, and I gave him another quick hug. "It wasn't you. It was my hang up. It was always my hang up. A by-product of having a perfect ten sister." I shrugged.

Denny gave me his world-famous grin. "I always thought you were better looking than Anna." His eyes flashed to Kellan. "And I'm not the only one." Heat flooded my face as Denny laughed and walked away.

Justin congratulated me next, then Kate. Incredibly flirtatious glances were being passed back and forth between the pair, and I was pretty sure they'd be an official couple by the time Kate flew back home. After them, Rachel, Abby, Cheyenne, Hailey, and Riley gave me big hugs, and Hailey made Kellan promise to visit Pennsylvania soon. Deacon, along with the rest of Holeshot and Avoiding Redemption, gave us well-wishes next, and I thanked Deacon for playing so beautifully.

After he stepped away from our bed, Kellan and I were approached by Gavin. Kellan's father was clearly touched by the level of emotion in the air. His deep eyes, so similar to Kellan's, were brightly shining. As I watched Gavin struggle to keep it together, I wondered if Kellan's emotional, passionate nature was hereditary.