Not getting the reaction she wanted, Anna pouted. "Yes."

I pointed at her new husband. "To him?"

Anna put her hands on her hips, her pout now a hard, angry line. "Yes."

As I struggled to not shake her and scream, Why on earth would you do that? Kellan came over and gave her a hug. "Congratulations, Anna."

Anna's frosty mood melted into excited giggles. "Thank you!"

Shaking his head, Kellan patted Griffin's shoulder. "You too, I guess."

Griffin raised his chin, pride on his face. "Thanks." Leaning over, he added, "The bachelor party is at the next stop."

Recovering, Matt and Evan finally offered their congratulations. Then Matt grabbed Griffin's elbow. "We have to go."

All of the boys left the room. When the dull thud of the background rock music was our only noise, I turned to my sister and again asked, "You married . . . Griffin?" She smacked my arm so hard I felt it in my teeth.

While Anna told me all about her romantic day of hanging out at City Hall, trying to get married in one afternoon, I contemplated the fact that Griffin was now officially my brother-in-law. Holidays, birthdays, family reunions . . . he would be there for all of it, cursing like a sailor. And, oh God, if Kellan and I ever had kids, he would be their uncle. Uncle Griffin. Just the thought sent a chill up my spine.

I watched the show in a daze. My sister married Griffin. On a whim. Because he said he loved her. And even more shocking, Griffin, the biggest player I'd ever met, married my sister. I never thought I would see the day. It was like the world had screeched to a stop and started spinning in the opposite direction. How had Anna beaten me to the altar? Our parents were going to flip. Or maybe not. Things like this tended to happen with Anna; they'd both learned to go with the flow years ago.

Needing to share my utter disbelief with someone, I texted Denny. Guess who decided to throw logic out the window this afternoon and officially become Mrs. Griffin I'm-a-God Hancock.

Denny's response was fast in coming. Anna married Griffin? Really? Wow. Your dad is going to lose his mind. I laughed at Denny's reaction. We really were a lot alike.

Chapter 21: Party Time

A few days after my sister's impromptu marriage, the tour was in Washington, D.C. Kellan and I had spent a good chunk of the morning exploring the city with everyone and were resting up a bit before the show tonight. I could not believe how much heritage was crammed into our nation's capital. Everywhere we'd turned there had been some amazing historical artifact or monument that I'd just had to see. It was like a School House Rock video come to life. Kellan and I were definitely coming back here when we had more time to explore.

While Kellan scribbled down some song lyrics in one of his journals, I typed The End on my story, saved the file, then reached across the table and wrapped my fingers around Kellan's. A sense of relief and completion filled me as I leaned back in the chair. It felt really good to get all of that out of my head, to finally be done telling my story. Kellan lifted his head as he noticed my expression. "You're finished? Do I finally get to read it?"

I hesitated, then turned the laptop so that it faced him. There were parts of this he was not going to like. A lot of parts, actually. But he wanted to know them, and I'd given him my word that I would let him read them. His eyes remained locked on mine as he set aside his pen and paper and slowly sat up straight. He knew the amount of trust I was showing him by letting him read my deepest thoughts.

When his eyes went down to the computer screen, a horrible feeling filled my stomach; it was a bad case of nerves mixed with a hefty dose of fear. I suddenly wanted to be anywhere other than the bus. I'd rather be in a press conference admitting to the world that I was Kellan's girlfriend than be sitting across from Kellan while he read my torturous book.

As Kellan worked his way to the beginning of the story, I stood up. His eyes flashed to mine, and I shook out my trembling fingers. "I can't just peacefully sit here while you read it." I looked around the empty bus, not knowing where to go. Everyone was still gone. Some were at the hotel, some were still exploring the city. My sister had gone shopping with Griffin. She was starting to turn the back of the bus into a nursery, which made me wonder if she really was going to stay on the tour until she delivered.

Kellan started to close the laptop. "If it bothers you, I won't read it."

I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair. "No, I want you to. I just . . . can't watch you do it."

As Kellan reopened the computer, I headed toward the cubbies. I could grab his Discman and listen to some classic tunes for a while. There were a few fans hanging around the perimeter of the parking lot. From the corner of my eye, I saw them start to freak out. Cell phone cameras were recording, people were yelling. They reminded me of a pack of jumping, chattering hyenas. I had no idea why they were suddenly riled; things had been pretty quiet here for a while.

The bus door was lightly rapped on, and Kellan and I both twisted to look. Who the heck was knocking? Security? Someone from the crew? I was pretty sure all of the guys in the band were still gone. Besides, none of them would've knocked; they would just enter if they were back. Well, except Griffin; he was still making an effort to knock whenever Kellan and I were alone together. I couldn't tell if he was trying to be respectful or trying to be an a**hole. Either way was fine with me, so long as he didn't walk in on us again.

While I stayed near the center of the bus, Kellan headed over to the door. I peered out the window to get a better look and rolled my eyes. Sienna. Of course it was Sienna. Who else could get the Kell-Sex fans in a tizzy? I stepped forward as Kellan opened the door. "Sienna? What are you doing here?" She didn't usually bug us on our bus.

Sienna gave Kellan an adoring smile. "Can I come in?"

Kellan stepped back, swishing his arm to indicate that she could. When Sienna walked by him in the doorway, she paused. "Thank you," she murmured, batting her eyelashes.

Kellan kept his face neutral as he closed the door on the crowd of prying eyes. The fans shouted out comments and questions the entire time until the door seal drowned them out. How long have you been together? Are you getting married? We love you guys! Kell-Sex forever! Hearing that, I couldn't contain my eye rolling. How one imaginary relationship had become such a focal point for some people was beyond me.

As Sienna entered the lounge area of the bus, she smiled brightly at me, like none of that had just happened. "Kiera! Lovely to see you."

"You too," I muttered, not really meaning it.

Coming up behind her, Kellan asked, "What is it?" He said it slowly, like he was sure she had a hidden motive for being here. I was sure too, but with all those pictures that had just been snapped, I think she'd already accomplished it.

Sienna twisted to him, a coy smile on her face. "Can't a girl drop in on her friends? I'm used to having people around me, but this tour it's just been my security and me on the bus. Gets a little lonely." Thinking of something, her face lit up. "Would you two like to ride the next leg of the tour with me?"

Kellan opened his mouth, but I beat him to it. "No, it's all right, we're fine here." The tabloids would proclaim Sienna to be pregnant by the next venue if she and Kellan shared a bus.

Sienna pouted like she was crestfallen. "Well, the offer stands if you change your mind." Her dark eyes flicked around our home-away-from-home. "My bus really is much nicer than this one."

Walking past her, Kellan scooped my laptop off of the table, then twisted to Sienna. "I was actually going to rest a little bit before the show. Hope you don't mind." Sienna shrugged as she shook her head. Kellan turned to me. "You okay?" He discreetly indicated Sienna, and I knew what he meant-Are you okay being alone with her?

I nodded. Feeling those butterflies return, I touched the laptop with my finger. "I'm more worried about you reading this."

Kellan kissed my cheek, then breathed in my ear, "It won't change how I feel about you." His breath on my skin raised the hairs on my neck.

As Kellan started walking toward the back, I turned to face Sienna. She was watching him leave with a small smile on her lips. "Kind of weird, wasn't it?" I asked her.

She tore her gaze away from Kellan's backside to look at me. "What, love?"

I smiled at her as genuinely as I could, but it felt fake to me. "All those photographers waiting at the club when we arrived?"

Sienna's perfectly painted lips curved into a smirk. "Not really. My location seems to be leaked on a daily basis. I can barely use the bathroom without a witness." She indicated the empty bus with her hand. "It makes me a little jealous to watch how easily the group of you can come and go. I mean, your sister is shopping at a mall right now, isn't she?" I nodded, and Sienna sighed. "I can't even step inside a mall without being mobbed."

As I considered what her life was like, what Kellan's life was quickly becoming, I told her, "You could give it all up, move somewhere remote?"

Sienna laughed as she twirled a dark lock around her finger. "Give up the stage? Sure, I could, but what's the point of life if you're not doing what makes you the happiest? And even though it has its setbacks, the perks far outweigh them. I'm on top of the world right now, and I wouldn't change that for anything. I like where I am."

Her eyes drifted back to where Kellan was hiding away and I thought there was one thing Sienna would change if she could-Kellan would be right beside her on her throne as she ruled the world.

Sienna stayed and visited with me for about an hour. She glanced back at the cubbies a handful of times, but Kellan never reemerged. Perhaps bored, perhaps disappointed, Sienna frowned and said, "See you at the show," loud enough for Kellan to hear. If he did, he didn't respond. Slapping on a flawless smile, Sienna proudly left the bus.

After Sienna left, curiosity got the better of me and I went to go check on Kellan. He had closed the curtain to the sleeping area behind him when he'd gone in there. I tentatively pulled it aside and stuck my head in. The light was on in our cubby, and the privacy curtain was open. Kellan was on his side, staring at the laptop. His expression was intense, absorbed.

Quietly walking toward him, I murmured, "Sienna left."

He started and peeked up at me. "I didn't hear you come in. You scared the piss out of me."

I smiled at his comment and sat on the edge of our bed. Chewing my lip, I pointed at the computer. "Do you hate me?" I whispered.

Kellan stared at me a long, silent moment. His face was still blank. Aside from that brief moment of surprise, I had no idea what he thought. Had he read about my feelings for Denny? God, had he read our sex scenes? I shouldn't have let him read the full manuscript. I should have edited. How did he feel about it? Not knowing anything that was going on in his head was killing me, but I waited for him to be ready to speak. When he sighed and closed the computer screen, I braced myself for the worst.

Climbing out of the hole we slept in, he moved to sit beside me on the edge of the mattress. Our heads rested against the bunk above us. Face softening into sadness, he finally whispered, "I'm so sorry . . . for all the pain I put you through."

My eyes watered. "For all the pain you put me through? I'm the one that cut out your heart, then handed it back to you in pieces."

Kellan smirked. "I haven't gotten that far in the story yet. I'm still at the part where I'm an a**hole."

Smiling, I bumped his shoulder with mine. "I kind of like it when you're an a**hole."

Kellan smiled at the ground. "I'll keep that in mind." He looked up at me again. "But I mean it. I really am sorry. I should have just been honest with you. I wanted to tell you how I felt . . . I just . . . couldn't. It was too hard."

Swallowing, I nodded. "I know. But you don't have to apologize. What I did to you was so much worse. Sorry isn't a big enough word to cover it." Kellan didn't argue with me. He just gave me a sad smile and wiped a tear off of my cheek with his fingers. Needing to say it now, while we were knee-deep in regrets, I added, "I'm so sorry about the scenes with Denny. I shouldn't have let you read those."