When Kellan unclasped my bra and ran his glorious tongue around my nipple, mimicking what I'd done to him earlier, all thought of anyone else being around left my consciousness and I did cry out. Breathing so fast I was nearly hyperventilating, I discretely shoved his head down. He didn't need any more direction then that. Wrapping his fingers around the slim straps of my underwear, he yanked them off and continued exploring the southern region of my body. When his tongue swirled around my core, I screamed out.

He teased my body right to the edge of release, right to the point where I was panting and clutching at pillows, and petals were sticking to every section of my damp skin. He stopped before I crested, and I ached with the loss. Kellan didn't let me ache for long, though. Quickly slipping off his boxers, he moved over the top of me. He slid inside me at the same time he brought his mouth to mine. "Oh, God . . . I've missed you," I murmured as he filled me. Or maybe I shouted it, I wasn't sure.

Kellan rested his head in the crook of my neck as he let out a groan of relief. "You never have to miss me again," he panted. Then he started to move; there was nothing in this world more wonderful than the feeling of him moving inside of me.

My legs wrapped around his as I clenched him tight. The feel of his muscles stretching and flexing as he held himself above me was deliciously erotic. His skin was just as moist as mine, and somehow stray petals had found their way to his back. I wasn't too surprised. If I were a petal, I would find my way across Kellan Kyle's skin too. His breath was getting faster as his lips worked their way up my neck. Even though I could feel his body start to shake, he kept up the slow, steady rhythm that was rushing me to a soul-shattering cli**x. The scent of Kellan mixed with the light scent of sweat and flowers, filling my senses. I didn't think I would ever be able to forget this moment.

Nearing the end, even though a part of me didn't want to, I arched my back. I felt Kellan's body turn rigid, his shaking increase; he was nearing the end too, but by the look on his face, I could tell he was trying to hold off. I couldn't. Closing my eyes, I tensed as the burst of euphoria washed over me. I cried out in a long series of moans as I rode out the bliss. Somewhere near the tail end, I heard Kellan murmur, "Fuck," and then I felt his release as he groaned in my ear. It only added to the pleasure racing through me.

Drained and satisfied, we slumped in each other's arms. Once our breaths were somewhat normal, Kellan husked out, "Sorry, I was going to try to give you a twofer, but I couldn't hold out." He lifted his head and raised an eyebrow. "I blame it entirely on the underwear."

Giggling, I gave him a light peck. "If the first one is done right, I don't need two."

Kellan chuckled, and we languidly kissed as we cuddled, both of us now covered in stray petals. As Kellan picked off a few near my breast he murmured, "Give me a minute, and I can probably change your mind about that."

I was laughing at his answer when the door to the bedroom suddenly banged open.

I screamed and grabbed for anything that could shield my body. Kellan helped, moving over me so that all anyone would really see was him, which he didn't seem worried about. Horrified, I helplessly watched as my worst nightmare played out before my eyes. Griffin sauntered into the room. His expression was giddy as he beamed at Kellan. Maybe I was misinterpreting it, but I didn't think his happiness was from catching us post-coital. In fact, he didn't seem to even notice that I was there.

Now I was positive I would never forget this moment.

Glaring at the person intruding on our very private moment, Kellan yelled, "What the fuck, Griffin?"

Bouncing on his feet, Griffin ignored him. "Kellan, you're not gonna believe who's here!" His shirt and hair were covered in white, curdled goo; he smelled awful, overpowering the perfect rose aroma that had filled my love nest until just a few seconds ago.

Irritated, Kellan tossed a thick purple pillow at him. "I don't care! Get the f**k out!"

Griffin took a step back as the pillow dinged him in the face. I felt red-hot, but Griffin still hadn't noticed me yet. "Dude, you're gonna care when you see her. Get the f**k out of bed, lazy-ass!" It was only then that Griffin seemed to notice that Kellan had company. His smile growing, Griffin drawled, "Hey, Kiera . . . it's good to see you."

He meant that in the most provocative way possible. I was sure that Kellan would've stormed over and decked Griffin if he hadn't been busy using his body to cover the bulk of mine from Griffin's sight. Realizing he was sort of stuck, Kellan yelled, "Matt! Get your cousin out of my f**king bedroom before I toss him off the f**king balcony!"

It took a moment, but eventually Matt and Evan stormed into the room to remove their bassist who clearly had a death wish. I groaned and covered my face. Damn it! Now this really was my worst nightmare. Matt and Evan were courteous enough to not look at us directly, but still, it was mortifying. As Anna peeked her head into the room, giggling, Matt and Evan dragged a protesting Griffin out. "Dude, they can bone later! He needs to see who's here!" Griffin returned his attention to us. "She's asking for you, dude. You!"

Matt smacked him on the back of the head. "Remember what we said about giving Kellan some space when Kiera got here . . . because of that thing he was going to give her?" When Griffin seemed oblivious, Matt hit him again. "Fucking moron," he muttered, pulling him out of the room. "Sorry, Kell!" he yelled as he shut our door.

Mortified, I clutched at Kellan. "Oh my God! That did not just happen, did it?"

Kellan sighed and rubbed my back. "Unfortunately . . . it did. Sorry, I forgot to lock the door." He chuckled. "I was a little preoccupied."

I pulled back to glare at him. None of this was very funny. Remembering Griffin's words-because how would I ever forget them-I asked, "Do you know what he was talking about? Who's here to see you?"

Kellan shook his head. "No idea." He turned his head to the door, where we could hear Griffin and Matt arguing about Griffin's complete and total lack of common decency. "I suppose I should go see, though."

Chapter 8: An Offer

Thanks to the layer of rose petals we were both wearing, it took Kellan and me a few minutes to redress. Kellan laughed to himself as he pried a few petals loose from my hair-hair that I'm sure was a snarled, tangled mess that screamed to the world that I'd just had an afternoon delight-or late-morning delight, to be more accurate. Oh well, things could be worse. The entire band could have walked in on us completely nak*d and exposed. Oh yeah, that's right-they did.

I was frowning as I stood up and stared back at the rumpled bed. Kellan followed my gaze as he slipped on his shoes. Slowly standing beside me, he smiled, inhaled a deep breath, then kissed my forehead. "Stay here. I'm gonna go kill Griffin."

I instantly grinned and followed him as he stormed out the door. If Kellan was about to cause Griffin bodily harm, there was no way was I going to miss it. Griffin was on the other side of the living room, as far from our door as his cousin could get him. He was partially undressed, using his T-shirt to scrub sour milk out of his chin-length hair. Matt and Evan were telling him something, and Anna was tapping her foot. I was sure she wanted to berate him for giving her a boy but hadn't had a chance to tell him yet with the other annoyances that had cropped up. How one person got in so much trouble so fast was beyond me.

Griffin looked up when he spotted Kellan storming his way. A wide smile stretched his thin lips. "Dude-"

Griffin didn't get to say anything else. Kellan walked right up to him, placed both palms on his chest, and shoved him to the floor. He hit his ass hard, and the smile finally fell off of his face. "What the fuck, Kell?"

Lips in a hard line, Kellan stared down at Griffin. I'd seen Kellan ticked off before, at other people and even at me, but I'd never seen him direct that anger toward his band. Well, except for the one time that he'd gotten irritated enough at Griffin harassing me that he'd snapped at him to knock it off. This seemed different, though. He seemed . . . done, like Griffin had finally crossed the line with him.

When he didn't answer, Griffin rolled his eyes. "Relax, besides your ass, I didn't see anything."

Kellan pointed to the hallway that led downstairs. His voice low and cold, he told Griffin, "Grab your shit, and get out."

Matt and Evan stared at Kellan, shocked. Even Anna was speechless. Griffin snorted and stood up. "Oh, come on, Kell." He pointed back to our bedroom. "It's not like I knew she was here."

As I heard my sister mutter, "Did you think we flew in separately?" Griffin sniffed and crossed his arms over his chest. Griffin had a handful of tattoos across his body, but for some reason, I could not stop staring at one of a busty girl in a sailor suit straddling a sword. I guess it hit a little close to home at the moment. That, and I couldn't quite look Griffin in the face yet.

"Besides, you can't kick me out of the band, dude."

Kellan stepped toe to toe with Griffin, and the others tensed. Matt and Evan exchanged a brief glance, and I could almost hear the conversation in their eyes: Okay, on three, you take Kellan, and I'll take Griffin.

"Why the hell would I keep you?" Kellan seethed, his eyes hard.

Not looking intimidated, Griffin smirked and relaxed into his hip. "Because I'm the shit, and you know it." He gave him an innocent smile. "And we're best friends."

Kellan closed his eyes and took a step back. Matt and Evan both relaxed their stances. Inhaling a calming breath, Kellan finally opened his eyes. "If I am anywhere with my wife-anywhere-you knock and wait for permission to enter. Can your tiny f**king brain comprehend that?"

Griffin shrugged. "Fine, whatever, dude." Shaking his head, Kellan turned around and grabbed my hand. Even though my cheeks felt flaming hot, I forced myself to smile at Matt and Evan in a small token of appreciation for their earlier help.

Griffin, seeing that the heated moment was over, must have figured that all was right as rain again. Stepping up to Kellan as we walked away, he slung an arm over his shoulder. I could smell the sour stench of spoiled dairy even from the other side of Kellan. God, Porta Potties smelled better. "So, can I show you who's here now?" he asked.

Kellan grimaced at the stench wafting from the half-naked bassist and pushed him away. Maybe thinking Kellan was still angry, Griffin frowned. "Hey, come on, I'm sorry for barging in on you, okay? I just got excited." Grinning, he bounced on his toes, eager again. "I mean, how often do you get to meet a p*rn star!"

My heart sank as I began to get a really bad feeling about who was here. As Kellan furrowed his brow, Matt muttered, "She's not a p*rn star, Griff. Stop calling her that."

Griffin scowled at Matt. "Tomato, tomato, dude. She had sex on tape. I got off on it. Boom-porn star."

I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly be more horrified by him, Griffin would find a way to prove me wrong. Ignoring Matt rolling his eyes and Anna looking intrigued, Griffin focused on Kellan. "And she's asking to see you . . . by name! Can you believe that shit?"

Kellan stopped walking and looked around the room. "Who the hell is he talking about? Who's here?"

Evan scratched his buzz-cut head. "Uh, Sienna Sexton."

Kellan's jaw dropped. So did mine. Sienna Sexton was a huge celebrity-everyone knew her name. And not just for the reason Griffin had mentioned. Yes, an ex-boyfriend of hers had leaked a sex tape, and yes, the tape was widely available on the Internet, but all of that aside, she was actually a very talented artist. She'd grown up under the spotlight as a child actor. When she'd started maturing, she'd branched out into music. When the sex tape scandal had exploded, it could have killed her career, but she'd used the new provocative image of her to shift her music into a more adult sound. She was consistently on top of the charts. And she knew my husband's name . . . and wanted to see him. I couldn't believe it.

Kellan looked between Matt and Evan. "Are you serious? Sienna Sexton? The Sienna Sexton? Why does she want to see me? How does she even know who I am?"