Welp, that escalated quickly.

I have no idea what the classroom rules state about threatening death against another student, but thankfully Reina loses interest, and Ruby falls asleep the moment the room darkens and the projector flashes across the wall.

After class ends, I rush to second period, praying Reina isn’t there. But of course she is. In some horrible cosmic twist of fate, I share every class with Inara’s shadow.

The rest of the day goes exactly how I expect. Snickers. Stares. Uninspired jokes. Ruby handing out death threats like a serial killer hands out candy. Professors pretending I’m not covered in syrup and bacon so they don’t have to address why I’m a walking buffet.

At one point between classes, as I unsuccessfully scrub at the stains on my clothes with paper towels in the bathroom, the woman from the CMH strolls in. She glances at my hair, my clothes, frowns, and walks away.

So much for that protection.

A few human shadows afford me looks of pity, but that’s almost worse than being gaped and laughed at.

Somehow, I endure all of it with steely resolve.

Ruby’s rare words of wisdom were right: Inara wants to hurt me until my insides resemble hers. But that can’t happen unless I give her permission to wound me so badly that I shatter.

Now that I know my purpose in life is to protect humans from the Fae, it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than covering me in breakfast to break me.

When it’s time for lunch, I rush back to the dorm to shower and change. A new super cute white crop top and navy blue Nike jogging pants later, I’ve recovered the dregs of my dignity, enough at least to hold my head high.

I glance in the dressing mirror.

Summer, you badass bitch, show them your lady balls are made of Teflon.

Emboldened by my little speech, I wrangle my wet hair into a messy top-knot and sprint back to campus. The fuzzy dandelion seeds that swarm this place stick to my damp skin. I make it back just in time to meet Mack and the others at the picnic tables near the lake.

She tosses me an apple and a cheese stick. “Hurry, they’re cutting lunch short for a mandatory announcement in the main courtyard.”

A dramatic sigh bursts from my chest. “I was just there this morning and look how great that turned out.”

Richard, Jace, and Layla find something else to stare at. A part of me wonders if just by sitting with me, they’re making themselves targets of Inara’s rage.

Once again, I’m radioactive.

Have you accidentally been exposed to Summer Solstice? I think in my best TV lawyer impression. Symptoms may include random bullying, higher risk of death, and social suicide.

Eff my life.

As if Valerian can feel my spirit sagging, my cell buzzes in my pocket. Thank the Shimmer one of Mack’s birthday gifts was a protective case or it would have been fried during my orange juice bath.

Shoving the cheese stick into my mouth, I quickly scan the short text. Eclipsa’s on her way.

My shoulders sag. The last thing I wanted was for Valerian to feel like he has to protect me.

Before I can reply, another text pops up. Want me to come back and talk to Inara?

Yes, I type, can you murder her please and thank you? I stare at my words before hitting delete and writing, No, I can handle it.

As much as I’d love to watch Valerian talk to Inara, I can’t let him fight my battles. Plus, someone already did that . . .

Little dots flash as he writes. I can’t stop thinking about what you’d taste like covered in syrup.

Heat barrels through my core just as Mack yanks my phone away. “Fae tits! What are you, a pancake?”

Her fingers fly over my phone screen as she sends him a barrage of pancake gifs.

Yes—yes I am, I don’t say. A confused, lonely, radioactive pancake.