“Please? You can go with Mack and me. We’re meeting a few other shadows, but I promise they’ll be on their best behavior.”

Eclipsa sighs. “You are aware that your friends are terrified of me, right?”

“Then come. Show them you’re all puppies and unicorns. And wear something slutty.”

“So you want me to be a puppy unicorn slut?”


She rolls her eyes, but she doesn’t say no.

“Um, have you seen yourself in that dress?” Mack asks. She’s sitting on the floor. Thornilia has just finished putting Mack’s freshly streaked purple hair into magical rollers and is now painting her toenails a dark metallic green to match her dress.

I twirl as I check myself out in the mirror, the long skirt of my gown floating around me, lighter than air. The pink color is a bit too . . . pink. But it favors my tanned skin and pale blonde hair. Giant dandelion heads have been meticulously sewn into the skirt, and they ripple at the slightest movement, making my dress seem alive.

“Have you thanked the ILB yet?”

I run a hand down the lacy corset. “I will tonight.”

The dress arrived in a long white box with the name from the most famous Fae tailor emblazoned on the top. I hate how happy that single gesture made me, even if he didn’t leave a note.

Perhaps what Eclipsa said is true. Perhaps he’s been distant because he’s trying to find a way to open his heart to loving me.

“Does that mean you’re getting back together?” She doesn’t look up from her toes, but the caution in her voice tells me more than her expression ever could.

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly.

“You know I like the prince, and I know you swear you’ll use precautions with him—but there’s no pill to protect your heart, Summer.”

I glance down at Mack. I can’t put my finger on it, but she seems different lately. Distant.

It’s probably all the time I’ve spent preparing for the final gauntlet while she’s been studying for the regular second year exam.

The exam! “Oh, shoot. I forgot to ask how your final went this morning?”

“Good, I think.” Her normally confident tone when it comes to tests is missing, but with the gauntlets and the exams, the last few months have been hard for all of us.

She looks at the time on her iPhone and then hops up, yanking out her rollers. “Crap. I have to go. I’ll be back in a few.”

“I’ll go with,” I chirp, moving to follow her.

Her back is turned, shoulders tight as she shakes her head. “No need. I’ll be right back.”

“I don’t mind.” I grab a light cardigan.

She’s frowning when she turns to face me, her arms crossed. “I’m going to the gym for our final physicals, okay?”

“Our what?”

“Every quarter, before our tests, second year and above shadows have to pass physicals.”

“Physicals?” I repeat, imagining running sprints and being timed.

“Yeah. Remember? They take our measurements and weight, check our BMI. Make sure we’re up to certain impossible male standards that set us back like fifty years. You know, important stuff.”

Confused lines wrinkle my forehead. “I’ve never had to do that.”

Exhaling, she meets my eye. “That’s because you’re the special guardian of Prince Sylverfrost, and he demanded you be exempt.”