“You lying little B. There is no ‘just friends’ with the ILB.”

As we near the wide steps leading up to the main courtyard, second year shadows Jace, Layla, and Richard join us.

Jace grins, his handsome face brightening, and tips his head. “Ladies.”

Richard stares glumly forward, his fingers clenched tightly around his backpack straps.

A pang of sympathy threatens to darken my happy mood. I can’t imagine what he’s feeling after Evelyn’s transformation to a darkling. Especially considering what caused her change. t so badly to let him kiss me. My body practically thrums as one of his hands lazily runs up and down my back, stroking, reminding me how he once lavished that same gentle, meticulous attention on my thighs, and other places.

He must feel the shiver that slams through my core, because he chuckles.

Not fair. “Is there a way to inactivate the, you know, mating bond, once we . . . turn it on?”

His fingers slide up my neck, take hold of my jaw, and gently tilt my head back. His eyes dance with amusement and something else, something more primal. “You mean, once we make love and the magic binding your soul to mine reaches its full power?”

I nod, my throat suddenly dry. “Yeah, that.”

Another wolfish smile. Shimmer save me. “No, there’s no turning it off. Our soulbond isn’t a light switch, Summer. It’s a rare gift from Queen Titania, one that every Evermore in existence would kill for. Once the powerful magic is finalized it’s permanent.”

“Permanent,” I repeat, breathless, my throat choked with emotion.

I still struggle to commit to my sock color every morning; I’m definitely not ready to activate some magical bond thingy that locks me with a Fae male for the rest of eternity. Especially considering Vi’s reaction today.

Over the summer, I let myself believe she would warm up to the Fae world, given enough time. I ignored the rancor in her voice whenever I brought up anything academy related. Overlooked the horrified way she would stare at the prince’s brand on my arm when she thought I wasn’t looking.

Speaking of . . .

“And when do I get this removed?” I hold up my arm, moving it so that his metallic gold swirls glint softly. Admittedly, a part of me relished having something of the prince during his absence. At the same time, having a tattoo that marks me as someone’s property goes against everything I believe.

His gaze shifts to the mark, the corners of his mouth hardening. “You know I can’t remove my claim on you, Summer. As long as it darkens your flesh, you’re protected.”

That all sounds fine in theory, but . . .

Sighing, I retreat from his embrace.

A muscle ticks in his temple. His sensual lips purse, as if he has a thousand things he wants to say, but then he nods. Swallows.

“If you need to get to know me before you make your decision, I respect that.” He reaches for me, purposefully brushing his fingertips lightly over my waist just so I’ll squirm at his touch. “You can get to know as much of me as you want.”

My eyes widen. Titania restrain me, he knows exactly how dirty that sounds.

“Just be aware,” he continues, teasing me with that gravelly voice, “I don’t fight fair when it comes to getting what I want. So from now on, I’ll be helping Eclipsa train you. We’ll be in close contact every single day, giving you countless opportunities to discover what sort of . . . underwear I prefer.”

This mofo came to play. Against my will, a rush of excitement surges through me at the thought of seeing Valerian every day. The physical contact, the adrenaline of the fight. That sex-on-a-stick Fae body slick with sweat—

Get. Ahold. Of. Your. Thirsty. Self.

I brush off my enthusiasm with a cool shrug. “Okay.”

From the corner of my eyes, I see Asher waving and mouthing something, but Valerian ignores him. “See you at the academy?”

“Yep.” I force a cool smile. “I’ll be there, ready to kick some ass.”

An arched dark blue eyebrow lifts, a devilish look overtaking his face. “Good. Because as my shadow, I don’t plan on showing you any mercy.”

Mack pops her head out the door, pink strawberry frosting rimming her lips. “Sorry to interrupt this love fest”—she waggles her eyebrows at me when she says this—“but Nick sent the doorman out for another cake, and they’re all ready to sing happy birthday to you.” Her gaze skips from Valerian to Asher, her lips curving upward. “You guys are welcome to join us.”

A smile stretches across the dragon shifter’s square jaw, but Valerian shakes his head. “Thanks for the offer of what I’m sure are delicious mortal treats, but we were just about to leave.”