“Was it Inara? I’m going to murder her and then have Eclipsa transfer her soul just so I can murder her again.”

He chuckles, the throaty sound hinting that he’s still right next to me. “Whoever set that spell in the doorway hid their mark, so there’s no way to tell, but I’m absolutely going to have a chat with her about it.”

“No, please. I need to deal with her on my own.”

I can hear the hesitation in his silence. I begged the same thing after the incident at the Wild Hunt, too. As much as I would love to see Valerian handle Inara, I can’t let him fight my battles.

My eyes are still squeezed shut, which is unnerving considering I can feel Valerian watching me. “Wait, why am I in your room?”

“I was running late to class, so I only discovered you were hurt when Eclipsa and Asher were already sprinting down the hall with you. The quickest way to break a tormentor spell is to remove the victim from the original spell’s location. When I saw you, Summer, wailing in Asher’s arms, your face contorted in pain—I freaked out. My need to protect you made me see everyone as a potential threat, even Asher and Eclipsa.”

“Did you hurt them?” I ask, startled.

“Hurt isn’t the right word. It takes a lot to injure a dragon shifter and Lunar assassin. But they’ll be sore for a few days and rightfully pissed.” He exhales. “I might have also set up wards to keep everyone out.”

I’m alone. With Valerian. In his bed. The bond between us tugging low in my belly, growing more and more insistent with every second that passes. Flooding my body with a startling, feverish heat.

This feels . . . dangerous.

My eyes pop open as I feel cool wetness on my cheeks. Valerian meets my stare, a gray washcloth bunched in his hand. Without a word, he cleans the puke from my face. My hair. Gently. The act so caring, so intimate that I have to look away.

Once he’s done, I struggle to my elbows once again. “I need to get up. The test—”

“I’ve already arranged a new time for you to take it in the morning. The spell should leave your system soon, but until then, you’re going to rest.”

“If I don’t?”

“Then the link between the spell and your psyche will reactivate from the stress and you’ll experience the same thing over again.” He stares down at me, daring me to argue.

I kind of want to just because he’s being so bossy, and also because he looks hot when he’s mothering me, but there’s no way in the Fae hells I’d survive another hallucination watching freakish arachnid creatures slaughter my entire family.

So I peer through my lashes at him and say, “Fine, but I’m not missing training tonight.”

“Good.” He flashes a wolfish grin. “Because I’m not going to take it easy on you.”

“And I need a shower,” I add.

“Done.” His sharp eyebrows arch devilishly. “Let me know if you need any help with that.”

Oh, boy. The horny hooker inside me takes his suggestion and runs with it like a quarterback near the end zone—

Get a grip, Summer. This is all physical, a reaction to the magic, not your heart.

Blowing out a steadying breath, I say, “I think I can manage that alone.”

His face is emotionless as he watches me a moment longer before turning to go.

“Are you leaving?” I blurt. I should be relieved, but I’m still raw from watching spider-creatures massacre my family and I don’t want to be by myself right now.

He glances back over his shoulder. When I see the dark intent in his eyes, my stomach flutters wildly.

“Princess, you’re in my bed. Alone. And I’m already overwhelmed by the primal need to make you mine so I can protect you properly. So unless you want that to happen, I should probably go. Besides, I need to reassure your friends that you’re okay.”


“The one and only. She and your sprite are currently making a scene at my front door.”

My heart sinks. She must be so worried. Is she done with the test already?