Of course, he’s only wearing a speedo. A very tight, very revealing blue speedo.

He turns around and . . . my God, is that Valerian’s sigil stamped onto his ass?

Valerian and Asher sit at the bar, their stools half-submerged in water. My breath hitches when I realize Valerian is shirtless, wearing dark gray swim trunks.

Duh. This is a pool, Summer. There’s going to be skin. And abs. Washboard abs and a little tuft of hair leading down . . .

Heat barrels between my thighs, a wave of dizziness washing over me.

Holy hell. This is a bad idea. I watch my mate, unable to look away. He and Asher are laughing about something, and Valerian is gesturing, the muscles of his back rippling.

Ugh. Get a grip, Summer.

I focus on the tattoos covering his upper torso, the dark silver and black markings sharp against his pale skin.

Just as I start walking toward them, a soft gust of wind whips my robe back. Before I can readjust, Valerian and Asher both whip their heads to stare at me.

For a breath, Valerian’s eyes go dark, his expression unapologetically lupine as he devours me with his gaze. That familiar cord between us jerks taut so hard I clutch my belly.

Asher does a double take, earning a low snarl from Valerian.

A mischievous smile lights up the dragon shifter’s face.

“Don’t do it, idiot,” Eclipsa warns beneath her breath.

Asher lets out a low whistle.

Eclipsa steps in front of me. “Crap.”

Before Asher can finish his catcall, Valerian attacks. The two explode into the pool, sending water flying everywhere. They fight so fast I can’t even track their movement or what’s happening.

“Males,” Eclipsa mutters. She must notice the horror on my face because she adds, “They won’t mortally wound each other, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

“Do they do this all the time?” I ask, frowning as Asher bellows, either in pain or rage, I can’t tell.

“Since you arrived, yeah.” She takes one look at my face and explains, “They’re not fighting over you, Summer. Asher’s helping the prince release some of the . . . tension. It’s not natural to fight the mating bond, especially one as strong as yours.”

I peer at what looks to be blood tinging the water. “They’ve been doing this since I arrived at the academy?”

“Better Asher suffers the prince’s wrath than some poor mortal boy who accidentally touches you when you pass in the hall. Or worse, an Evermore who tries to claim you just to piss him off. We may seem like we all get along at the academy, but the courts are primed for war at any moment. If the Winter Prince kills every Evermore male who looks at you wrong, he would be costing thousands of lives by starting another war.”

My tongue shrivels as the moisture flees my mouth. A war?

I startle as both Fae males don their wings and take the fight to the air. “How long does this usually last?”

She shrugs. “Fifteen minutes? An hour, if he’s been near you recently. Sometimes, if the prince is really amped up, I join in. And after what happened in the cave and then seeing you like that now”—her eyes sweep down my offending curves—“let’s just say, it might be awhile.”

I’m in too much shock to protest as she drags me into the warm, inviting water, but I have enough sense to shuck off my robe and grab my phone. I hold it above my head as the water laps at my stomach, thankful for the sun’s hot kiss on my flesh.

The last time I was in Evernell, it was miserably cold.

“Why’s the weather so much warmer now?” I ask, taking a spot next to Eclipsa on a smooth stone stool, one of countless that circle the bar.

“The legislation that allows mortal tourists to enter certain entertainment areas of Everwilde is close to passing, so the Winter King poured a crap ton of money into spells to make this area more appealing to humans.” Her face takes on a haughty look. “Your kind die at the drop of a hat. Couldn’t have some drunk dumbass passing out in the alley and freezing to death, could we?”

While I mull over what a terrible idea letting humans into Everwilde is, she orders us two green smoothies.

The server brings the tall glasses over. Mine is topped with whipped cream and a cherry, no doubt to hide the healthy grossness inside.