Speaking of . . .

“And when do I get this removed?” I hold up my arm, moving it so that his metallic gold swirls glint softly. Admittedly, a part of me relished having something of the prince during his absence. At the same time, having a tattoo that marks me as someone’s property goes against everything I believe.

His gaze shifts to the mark, the corners of his mouth hardening. “You know I can’t remove my claim on you, Summer. As long as it darkens your flesh, you’re protected.”

That all sounds fine in theory, but . . .

Sighing, I retreat from his embrace.

A muscle ticks in his temple. His sensual lips purse, as if he has a thousand things he wants to say, but then he nods. Swallows.

“If you need to get to know me before you make your decision, I respect that.” He reaches for me, purposefully brushing his fingertips lightly over my waist just so I’ll squirm at his touch. “You can get to know as much of me as you want.”

My eyes widen. Titania restrain me, he knows exactly how dirty that sounds.

“Just be aware,” he continues, teasing me with that gravelly voice, “I don’t fight fair when it comes to getting what I want. So from now on, I’ll be helping Eclipsa train you. We’ll be in close contact every single day, giving you countless opportunities to discover what sort of . . . underwear I prefer.”

This mofo came to play. Against my will, a rush of excitement surges through me at the thought of seeing Valerian every day. The physical contact, the adrenaline of the fight. That sex-on-a-stick Fae body slick with sweat—

Get. Ahold. Of. Your. Thirsty. Self.

I brush off my enthusiasm with a cool shrug. “Okay.”

From the corner of my eyes, I see Asher waving and mouthing something, but Valerian ignores him. “See you at the academy?”

“Yep.” I force a cool smile. “I’ll be there, ready to kick some ass.”

An arched dark blue eyebrow lifts, a devilish look overtaking his face. “Good. Because as my shadow, I don’t plan on showing you any mercy.”

Mack pops her head out the door, pink strawberry frosting rimming her lips. “Sorry to interrupt this love fest”—she waggles her eyebrows at me when she says this—“but Nick sent the doorman out for another cake, and they’re all ready to sing happy birthday to you.” Her gaze skips from Valerian to Asher, her lips curving upward. “You guys are welcome to join us.”

A smile stretches across the dragon shifter’s square jaw, but Valerian shakes his head. “Thanks for the offer of what I’m sure are delicious mortal treats, but we were just about to leave.”

As I watch Valerian create his portal, the snowflakes drifting into that rainbow oval and disappearing, a part of me aches for him to stay.

He catches my gaze, gives a dark smile, and disappears along with a sullen Asher before I can say anything.

Mack squeezes my shoulder, concern welling inside her corn-flower blue eyes. “What did he do? Do I need to murder him? I will, you know. I’ll make the ice prince my bitch.”

“Now that I would love to see,” Eclipsa drawls from the doorway. She has a death-grip on the now empty bag of Zapp’s potato chips, and she’s licking the last bit of spice from her baby-blue fingernails.

Frick, how does she sneak up like that?

“The prince didn’t do anything,” I assure them both. “In fact, he was actually pretty decent.”

Which is super annoying because this would all be so much easier if he switched back to dickhead mode.

Eclipsa raises a silver eyebrow, causing the jewels above to sparkle. “The Winter Prince, decent? Has the seven Fae hells frozen over?”

I shake my head, just as confused as she is.

“Oberon’s beard, I never thought I’d see the day. The Winter Prince, tamed by a mortal.” Eclipsa finishes licking her fingers and jerks her head toward the door. “You have to come back in there with me. I thought the tension between the Summer and Winter Courts was bad, but that room—”

I hold up my hand. “Coming. Just keep my aunt away from any weapons until then, okay?”

As soon as Eclipsa disappears, Mack wraps her arm in mine. “Pfft, how dare the Winter Prince be nice to you. Now, let’s go drown your sorrows in grocery-bought cake frosting before the tiny terrorists ruin that one too.”

I roll out my shoulders. “Mackenzie Fairchild, I don’t deserve you.”