“Ha! Is that what she told you? She saved me.” I placed my hands on Catia’s neck, and let the healing go where it needed.

The relief in her face was immediate, her cheeks slackening as the sweat stopped dripping.

“I seem to remember hiding behind your shield,” Scarlet offered.

We talked easily for the next twenty or so minutes, until Lincoln came to pull me into another room. Room after room I moved through the clinic, staunching blood, and taking pain where I could.

For the first time ever, I worked alongside Raphael. It was incredible to see the Archangel of Healing at work. The entire room lit up when he healed someone, and just being near him gave me more energy.

When I was finally done for the night, Lincoln and I made our way out of the clinic, tired as hell and dragging our feet. The moment we stepped outside, I heard Grace’s angry voice off to the side, in the atrium, as she argued with Raphael. Lincoln pulled me into the shadows so we could listen and watch without being seen.

“The time is now! After tonight, it’s become abundantly clear that we can’t wait,” Grace told the archangel.

Raphael sighed. “I’m inclined to agree with you, but—”

“But nothing. When the new school year starts in a few weeks, I’m going to bring in human recruits, and start training them. We can work alongside each other. Angel blessed and demon gifted students working with human demon hunters. It’s the way of the future.”

Raphael rubbed his temples. “You can’t just start up a school in two weeks. There are rules, parental consent, funding and teaching staff to take care of first. So many things to figure out. In a year’s time would be better.”

Grace shrugged. “Watch me.”

Raphael smiled. “You are the most passionate woman I have ever met.”

Grace’s lips stretched into a perfect grin. “’Passionate’ is a kind way of calling me stubborn.”

He nodded. “Indeed, it is.”

“So, two weeks? I’ll start tomorrow. Got room in your office for a desk for me?” she asked.

Raphael belly laughed, a genuine chuckle I had never heard from him before. “Oh, Grace. I’ll always make room for you. See you tomorrow.”

After a warm embrace, they went in separate directions, Raph back to his office and Grace to the dorms, presumably to check on Emberly. When they were gone, Lincoln pulled me out of the shadows, and we walked hand in hand.

“Humans learning to fight demons alongside us next year?” I frowned. I mean, I was all for the idea, but what if they got hurt? I couldn’t imagine having a human in my battle class. It would be better in a couple year’s time, like Raphael said, when the last cohort of the first years had gone through the program. Then we could focus solely on training the humans with no powers, and not worry about them being hit by friendly fire in the process.

Lincoln shrugged. “Grace seems to know what she’s doing, and I can’t deny that we need them. Tonight, was an ambush through and through.”

His tone was clipped, eyes red-ringed and tired, but I wanted to hear more.

“What happened on your side of things?” I asked, crossing the parking lot to our trailer.

With a shake of his head, Lincoln sighed. “It worked at first. We were killing demons left and right, but they seemed to catch on quickly, and news of our raid spread throughout the war zone. There are so many more of them than there are of us, and I think they put two and two together that the school was unguarded.”

He stopped in the middle of the parking lot, and looked down at me with searing blue eyes. “I’m so sorry I left you here all alone. That will never happen again. From now on, you go where I go.”

Oh no. Stage-five-clinger Lincoln was back. I feared I’d never use the bathroom alone again.

Reaching up, I ran my fingers through his dark hair. “Linc, he’s going to come for me. I made a pact with the Devil. Do you think he’ll just let that go?” I needed to be real here. The time would come when I wouldn’t be able to escape Lucifer again. Tonight was a test, but the real day was coming.

Lincoln looked determined, jaw clenched and menacing scowl in place. “Let him come. I’m ready for him.”


He was all puffed up and looked ready to kill someone. I didn’t have the heart to tell him he couldn’t fight for me, that it would be pointless. Instead, I rested my forehead against his chest, and sighed.

His hands made their way to my face, cupping my cheeks and tilting my face toward his. “Brielle, I took a vow as your husband to protect you, and I meant it.”

“I know,” I murmured.

That’s what I was afraid of more than anything. If Lucifer killed Lincoln… No. I couldn’t even conceive of it. That would be my worst nightmare come to life.

“Lincoln, you know what the prophecy says. I’m the one who—”

“Fuck the prophecy. I’m going to kill that bastard the next time I see him, and then we won’t need to worry about anything anymore.”


It had been two weeks since the attack, and the school was still on high alert. All Fallen Army personnel not enrolled in classes were on duty for twelve hours a day. Today was the first day back at school, and last night had been the Awakening ceremony. Next year would be the very last Awakening ever. The fact that almost every single angel blessed, or demon gifted child had already grown up and awoken blew my mind. All that would be left to protect humanity from the demons was… humanity.

Grace had moved into Raphael’s office, and was starting the Demon Hunter Academy today as well. She had rounded up a whopping fourteen students who’d volunteered to learn how to fight demons. A slow and humble start.

Raphael had also agreed that all eleven of my students fought bravely, and would be passed into their second year without having to repeat the gauntlet. I was so damn proud. They’d all earned their place in year two.

Now, I had to start year four like I wasn’t a ticking time bomb, waiting to be kidnapped by the Devil, and taken to the gates of Hell.

“Nervous?” Lincoln asked as he poured me a cup of coffee.

I shrugged. “Feel a bit better now that you’ve agreed not to sit in my classes with me.”

He grinned. “Only because I’ve got Shea, Chloe, and Luke on your ass at all times.”

I nodded. “And you’re tracking my phone.”

Lincoln clinked my mug with his own. “And that.” He winked.

I grinned. My psycho stalker hubby was sexy. “You know, you’re kinda hot when you’re stalking me.”

Leaning forward, he claimed my mouth in a deep kiss, pulling my bottom lip into his.


When he moved back and met my gaze, my stomach did flip-flops. “Remember, I’m stationed at the front gate, so if your phone alerts me that you’ve left campus, or if you call in distress, I can be there in seconds.”

He was trying to hide it, but it was clear he was still genuinely worried, and I didn’t want to lie to him and say I would be fine. I wasn’t fine. Lucifer would be here any day now; it was a reality for which we all needed to prepare.

“Okay,” I replied simply. o;Ha! Is that what she told you? She saved me.” I placed my hands on Catia’s neck, and let the healing go where it needed.

The relief in her face was immediate, her cheeks slackening as the sweat stopped dripping.

“I seem to remember hiding behind your shield,” Scarlet offered.

We talked easily for the next twenty or so minutes, until Lincoln came to pull me into another room. Room after room I moved through the clinic, staunching blood, and taking pain where I could.

For the first time ever, I worked alongside Raphael. It was incredible to see the Archangel of Healing at work. The entire room lit up when he healed someone, and just being near him gave me more energy.

When I was finally done for the night, Lincoln and I made our way out of the clinic, tired as hell and dragging our feet. The moment we stepped outside, I heard Grace’s angry voice off to the side, in the atrium, as she argued with Raphael. Lincoln pulled me into the shadows so we could listen and watch without being seen.

“The time is now! After tonight, it’s become abundantly clear that we can’t wait,” Grace told the archangel.

Raphael sighed. “I’m inclined to agree with you, but—”

“But nothing. When the new school year starts in a few weeks, I’m going to bring in human recruits, and start training them. We can work alongside each other. Angel blessed and demon gifted students working with human demon hunters. It’s the way of the future.”

Raphael rubbed his temples. “You can’t just start up a school in two weeks. There are rules, parental consent, funding and teaching staff to take care of first. So many things to figure out. In a year’s time would be better.”

Grace shrugged. “Watch me.”

Raphael smiled. “You are the most passionate woman I have ever met.”

Grace’s lips stretched into a perfect grin. “’Passionate’ is a kind way of calling me stubborn.”

He nodded. “Indeed, it is.”

“So, two weeks? I’ll start tomorrow. Got room in your office for a desk for me?” she asked.

Raphael belly laughed, a genuine chuckle I had never heard from him before. “Oh, Grace. I’ll always make room for you. See you tomorrow.”

After a warm embrace, they went in separate directions, Raph back to his office and Grace to the dorms, presumably to check on Emberly. When they were gone, Lincoln pulled me out of the shadows, and we walked hand in hand.

“Humans learning to fight demons alongside us next year?” I frowned. I mean, I was all for the idea, but what if they got hurt? I couldn’t imagine having a human in my battle class. It would be better in a couple year’s time, like Raphael said, when the last cohort of the first years had gone through the program. Then we could focus solely on training the humans with no powers, and not worry about them being hit by friendly fire in the process.

Lincoln shrugged. “Grace seems to know what she’s doing, and I can’t deny that we need them. Tonight, was an ambush through and through.”

His tone was clipped, eyes red-ringed and tired, but I wanted to hear more.

“What happened on your side of things?” I asked, crossing the parking lot to our trailer.

With a shake of his head, Lincoln sighed. “It worked at first. We were killing demons left and right, but they seemed to catch on quickly, and news of our raid spread throughout the war zone. There are so many more of them than there are of us, and I think they put two and two together that the school was unguarded.”

He stopped in the middle of the parking lot, and looked down at me with searing blue eyes. “I’m so sorry I left you here all alone. That will never happen again. From now on, you go where I go.”

Oh no. Stage-five-clinger Lincoln was back. I feared I’d never use the bathroom alone again.

Reaching up, I ran my fingers through his dark hair. “Linc, he’s going to come for me. I made a pact with the Devil. Do you think he’ll just let that go?” I needed to be real here. The time would come when I wouldn’t be able to escape Lucifer again. Tonight was a test, but the real day was coming.

Lincoln looked determined, jaw clenched and menacing scowl in place. “Let him come. I’m ready for him.”


He was all puffed up and looked ready to kill someone. I didn’t have the heart to tell him he couldn’t fight for me, that it would be pointless. Instead, I rested my forehead against his chest, and sighed.

His hands made their way to my face, cupping my cheeks and tilting my face toward his. “Brielle, I took a vow as your husband to protect you, and I meant it.”

“I know,” I murmured.

That’s what I was afraid of more than anything. If Lucifer killed Lincoln… No. I couldn’t even conceive of it. That would be my worst nightmare come to life.

“Lincoln, you know what the prophecy says. I’m the one who—”

“Fuck the prophecy. I’m going to kill that bastard the next time I see him, and then we won’t need to worry about anything anymore.”


It had been two weeks since the attack, and the school was still on high alert. All Fallen Army personnel not enrolled in classes were on duty for twelve hours a day. Today was the first day back at school, and last night had been the Awakening ceremony. Next year would be the very last Awakening ever. The fact that almost every single angel blessed, or demon gifted child had already grown up and awoken blew my mind. All that would be left to protect humanity from the demons was… humanity.

Grace had moved into Raphael’s office, and was starting the Demon Hunter Academy today as well. She had rounded up a whopping fourteen students who’d volunteered to learn how to fight demons. A slow and humble start.

Raphael had also agreed that all eleven of my students fought bravely, and would be passed into their second year without having to repeat the gauntlet. I was so damn proud. They’d all earned their place in year two.

Now, I had to start year four like I wasn’t a ticking time bomb, waiting to be kidnapped by the Devil, and taken to the gates of Hell.

“Nervous?” Lincoln asked as he poured me a cup of coffee.

I shrugged. “Feel a bit better now that you’ve agreed not to sit in my classes with me.”

He grinned. “Only because I’ve got Shea, Chloe, and Luke on your ass at all times.”

I nodded. “And you’re tracking my phone.”

Lincoln clinked my mug with his own. “And that.” He winked.

I grinned. My psycho stalker hubby was sexy. “You know, you’re kinda hot when you’re stalking me.”

Leaning forward, he claimed my mouth in a deep kiss, pulling my bottom lip into his.


When he moved back and met my gaze, my stomach did flip-flops. “Remember, I’m stationed at the front gate, so if your phone alerts me that you’ve left campus, or if you call in distress, I can be there in seconds.”

He was trying to hide it, but it was clear he was still genuinely worried, and I didn’t want to lie to him and say I would be fine. I wasn’t fine. Lucifer would be here any day now; it was a reality for which we all needed to prepare.

“Okay,” I replied simply.