“Something tells me we aren’t getting married at the courthouse.” I smiled at my bestie, and started to brush my teeth.

Shea shook her head. “Ew, no. Archangel Michael has offered to officiate the service, and Bliss Donuts is totally catering.”

Spitting my toothpaste out onto the cement, I stopped to stare at Shea, then my mom and everyone else. “I love you guys.”

My mom reached out and rubbed my back. “I couldn’t be happier for you, hon.”

I leaned in, giving her a hug. Chloe piped up then. “Highlight of my day was hearing Shea argue with Michael that he needed to get ordained online.”

I burst out laughing, pulling away from my mom’s embrace. “You didn’t!” I just stared at her.

Shea shrugged. “I need to make sure this wedding is legally legit. Archangel or not, he needs to get the certificate.”

My mouth hung open. “Did he?”

Shea nodded. “Of course. Everything is set for two o’ clock.”

Oh my gosh.

I was blown away.

We walked to the school cafeteria together, which was just dying down from the lunch crowd, and sat at the back, where Shea had decorated the table with gawdy bride-to-be stuff. Angela, Fred, and tons of students stopped by one by one to congratulate me, and welcome me back. It was overwhelming and amazing; I felt so loved and welcomed.

“Okay, we have five minutes until hair and makeup. Should we use that time to throw this in Tiffany’s face or…?” Shea asked.

I chuckled. My mom had left to get my brother and would meet me later. Throwing my wedding in Tiffany’s face sounded pretty good, but I did have another idea.

“Where is hair and makeup?” I asked her.

“Our old dorm room. I kicked the first years who live there out for a few hours so we could reminisce.”

I grinned. “Okay, I’ll meet you there. I have one thing I need to do.”

I skipped away, still in my pj’s and bride sash, and made my way to Raphael’s office.

He called out for me to come in after only one rap on the door. There was something comforting about knowing he was always there, always in his office if I needed him.

When I opened the door, he looked up and immediately beamed at me. “Hello, Brielle. I’m glad you stopped by. I wanted to tell you how happy I am that you and Lincoln are back safely, and congratulate you on the upcoming nuptials.”

Stepping into the office, I closed the door behind me. “Thank you. I actually wanted to ask you a favor.”

I played with the hem of my bride sash nervously.

“Anything,” he replied sincerely.

My throat tightened with emotion. “Well, I’m getting married in an hour, and normally the bride’s dad walks her down the aisle. Since mine’s… gone, I was wondering… if you would.”

Raphael stepped out from behind his desk, eyes filled with emotion. “Brielle, I would be very honored to do that for you.”

I smiled shyly. “Okay, awesome. I’ll pick you up in an hour?”

He nodded. “It’s a date.”

I grinned. “Okay, I’ll see you later.”

Bursting from his office, I ran toward the dorm room I’d shared with Shea. I’d been gone a year, so who the hell knew where my clothes were, and I hadn’t had time to shop for anything super fancy. I might be getting married in my pj’s for all I knew, or cared.

When I peeled open the door, I saw my mom, Shea, Chloe, and Luke were all there holding curling irons and makeup bags. But what grabbed my attention was the simple white slip dress in my mom’s hands.

It looked familiar.

“Mom, is that…?” I was totally going to cry this entire day.

She nodded. “The dress I married your father in. It’s so simple, so I figure it’s kind of timeless. We didn’t have much money back then.”

“It’s perfect.” I tried and failed not to sound as emotional as I was. It was made of a shimmery white silk with spaghetti straps, and nothing else embellishment-wise. A simple, yet beautiful dress.

“Try it on so I can alter it while the girls are getting you ready.”

“Bless you for calling me one of the girls.” Luke looked touched, hand over his heart, and my mom blushed.

“Sorry, Luke, I forget you’re a boy sometimes with how well you can apply false eyelashes,” she told him, and we all busted out laughing.

It was true.

“I’m totally your maid of honor, right? I mean, you didn’t ask, but…?” Shea batted her lashes at me.

I chuckled. “Of course you are! Chloe and Luke, will you be my bridesmaids?”

They both nodded excitedly, and we started on our makeover. I’d spent the past year in Hell with no tweezers, so they had their work cut out for them.

As I sat there and let them fuss over me, I tried to soak it all up and just be happy. But there was something heavy pulling on my heart, something I could never forget.

I’d left two dear friends down there with Lucifer, and I wouldn’t ever be truly happy until I got them back. Getting married to Lincoln without Sera, or Raksha, there felt wrong in some ways. It was definitely something I wanted, but I also wanted to get them out of there. It was bittersweet.

When we were finally done, I looked in the mirror and gasped, all other thoughts forgotten for the time being.

“Holy crap.” Shea had changed my hair back to blonde, and now it was curled and pinned over one shoulder. My mom’s dress fit me perfectly—she’d only needed to take it in a little at the boobs. I leaned in closer to the mirror, and marveled at how amazing false eyelashes were. I looked simple and understated, yet classy and glamorous. It was perfect.

I wondered what Lincoln was doing, what he would wear.

“Is Noah with Lincoln?” I asked Shea.

She nodded. “They just got back from the strip club.”

My eyes widened and she burst out laughing. “Kidding. They’re all getting ready in the trailer. Mikey’s with them too.”

Leave it to Shea to retain her sense of humor in serious moments.

I turned to my mom. “I hope it’s okay with you, but I asked Raphael to walk me down the aisle.”

My mom looked sad for a moment but then smiled. “Great choice. Your father would be so proud of you.”

“Don’t make her cry. Eyelashes.” Luke pointed at my mom and she laughed.

“All right, let’s go!” My mom ushered everyone out, and then handed me a small bouquet of five white roses.

I kissed her on the cheek, and she, Luke, and Chloe left, leaving Shea alone with me.

My best friend was wearing a long deep blue dress, and she faced me with a serious expression.

“I never thought we’d get here. Living in Angel City, engaged to Celestials. Damn, girl. I’m so happy for you.” She hugged me. “I never lost faith that you would make it back to us.”

I hugged her back, feeling that flash of sadness that Sera wasn’t here, but happy knowing she’d want this for me. She’d told me to live my best life, and I was.

“Thank you for everything,” I told my best friend. “Life can be gone in a blink of an eye, and I’m ready to live mine to the fullest for whatever time I have left.”

She nodded. “Let’s get you married to that sexy man.”

With a grin, I grabbed her hand and we walked to Raphael’s office.

He was waiting outside for us in a crisp black suit, his white wings splayed out behind him. My jaw nearly dropped at the sight. He looked so handsome.

“You look beautiful,” he said, taking my arm from Shea’s.

She kissed my cheek and then disappeared across the quad.

“Thank you.” I blushed.

We started to walk onto the field, and when we got there, I saw the sign first.

‘Lincoln weds Brielle’ was scrolled in cursive across a poster board, followed by a trail of white rose petals.

Looking farther out onto the field, I saw what must’ve been hundreds of people sitting in chairs.

“Whoa. There’re a lot of people,” I exclaimed as we started to walk, soft classical music playing out of portable speakers.

“Lincoln is a very well-respected captain of the Fallen Army, and you… well, everyone is thrilled that you’re alive and well. Word spread quickly this morning, and hundreds requested to attend and pay their respects,” Raphael assured me.

Damn. A few tears leaked out of my eyes at that. Hundreds of people gathered with a few hours’ notice to honor Lincoln and me? I almost didn’t feel deserving enough for this amazing new chance I’d been given.


“You have pretty amazing friends,” Raphael acknowledged.

I nodded. “I do.”

The best.

We turned the corner then, and Lincoln came into sight, making my breath hitch. He was standing at the end of the aisle wearing a light gray suit and a crisp white shirt. He looked so handsome, but it wasn’t his suit that held my attention—it was his eyes. The way he looked at me right then was as if I were the only person there.

I barely saw that Noah, Mikey, Blake, and Darren were standing beside him, that Archangel Michael was behind him, or that Shea, Chloe, and Luke were waiting for me. I kept all of my attention on those blue eyes that were taking in my presence from head to toe.

Before I knew it, we’d reached the end of the aisle, and Raphael shook Lincoln’s hand, passing me over to him.

When Lincoln grasped my hands and I stood before him, everything else blurred away. Time slowed and I just breathed in the moment, grateful for every single second of it.

Michael started off by welcoming everyone to the joining of our lives in marriage. He read the poem How Do I love Thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, then asked for Lincoln and me to say a few words.

Lincoln and I had yet to take our eyes off each other. Reaching up, he cupped my face in both hands.

“I’ve dreamed of this day for a long time. I can pinpoint the exact moment that I knew Brielle was my perfect match. It was the second day we met. She was taking too long to get ready, so I started to leave without her.” o;Something tells me we aren’t getting married at the courthouse.” I smiled at my bestie, and started to brush my teeth.

Shea shook her head. “Ew, no. Archangel Michael has offered to officiate the service, and Bliss Donuts is totally catering.”

Spitting my toothpaste out onto the cement, I stopped to stare at Shea, then my mom and everyone else. “I love you guys.”

My mom reached out and rubbed my back. “I couldn’t be happier for you, hon.”

I leaned in, giving her a hug. Chloe piped up then. “Highlight of my day was hearing Shea argue with Michael that he needed to get ordained online.”

I burst out laughing, pulling away from my mom’s embrace. “You didn’t!” I just stared at her.

Shea shrugged. “I need to make sure this wedding is legally legit. Archangel or not, he needs to get the certificate.”

My mouth hung open. “Did he?”

Shea nodded. “Of course. Everything is set for two o’ clock.”

Oh my gosh.

I was blown away.

We walked to the school cafeteria together, which was just dying down from the lunch crowd, and sat at the back, where Shea had decorated the table with gawdy bride-to-be stuff. Angela, Fred, and tons of students stopped by one by one to congratulate me, and welcome me back. It was overwhelming and amazing; I felt so loved and welcomed.

“Okay, we have five minutes until hair and makeup. Should we use that time to throw this in Tiffany’s face or…?” Shea asked.

I chuckled. My mom had left to get my brother and would meet me later. Throwing my wedding in Tiffany’s face sounded pretty good, but I did have another idea.

“Where is hair and makeup?” I asked her.

“Our old dorm room. I kicked the first years who live there out for a few hours so we could reminisce.”

I grinned. “Okay, I’ll meet you there. I have one thing I need to do.”

I skipped away, still in my pj’s and bride sash, and made my way to Raphael’s office.

He called out for me to come in after only one rap on the door. There was something comforting about knowing he was always there, always in his office if I needed him.

When I opened the door, he looked up and immediately beamed at me. “Hello, Brielle. I’m glad you stopped by. I wanted to tell you how happy I am that you and Lincoln are back safely, and congratulate you on the upcoming nuptials.”

Stepping into the office, I closed the door behind me. “Thank you. I actually wanted to ask you a favor.”

I played with the hem of my bride sash nervously.

“Anything,” he replied sincerely.

My throat tightened with emotion. “Well, I’m getting married in an hour, and normally the bride’s dad walks her down the aisle. Since mine’s… gone, I was wondering… if you would.”

Raphael stepped out from behind his desk, eyes filled with emotion. “Brielle, I would be very honored to do that for you.”

I smiled shyly. “Okay, awesome. I’ll pick you up in an hour?”

He nodded. “It’s a date.”

I grinned. “Okay, I’ll see you later.”

Bursting from his office, I ran toward the dorm room I’d shared with Shea. I’d been gone a year, so who the hell knew where my clothes were, and I hadn’t had time to shop for anything super fancy. I might be getting married in my pj’s for all I knew, or cared.

When I peeled open the door, I saw my mom, Shea, Chloe, and Luke were all there holding curling irons and makeup bags. But what grabbed my attention was the simple white slip dress in my mom’s hands.

It looked familiar.

“Mom, is that…?” I was totally going to cry this entire day.

She nodded. “The dress I married your father in. It’s so simple, so I figure it’s kind of timeless. We didn’t have much money back then.”

“It’s perfect.” I tried and failed not to sound as emotional as I was. It was made of a shimmery white silk with spaghetti straps, and nothing else embellishment-wise. A simple, yet beautiful dress.

“Try it on so I can alter it while the girls are getting you ready.”

“Bless you for calling me one of the girls.” Luke looked touched, hand over his heart, and my mom blushed.

“Sorry, Luke, I forget you’re a boy sometimes with how well you can apply false eyelashes,” she told him, and we all busted out laughing.

It was true.

“I’m totally your maid of honor, right? I mean, you didn’t ask, but…?” Shea batted her lashes at me.

I chuckled. “Of course you are! Chloe and Luke, will you be my bridesmaids?”

They both nodded excitedly, and we started on our makeover. I’d spent the past year in Hell with no tweezers, so they had their work cut out for them.

As I sat there and let them fuss over me, I tried to soak it all up and just be happy. But there was something heavy pulling on my heart, something I could never forget.

I’d left two dear friends down there with Lucifer, and I wouldn’t ever be truly happy until I got them back. Getting married to Lincoln without Sera, or Raksha, there felt wrong in some ways. It was definitely something I wanted, but I also wanted to get them out of there. It was bittersweet.

When we were finally done, I looked in the mirror and gasped, all other thoughts forgotten for the time being.

“Holy crap.” Shea had changed my hair back to blonde, and now it was curled and pinned over one shoulder. My mom’s dress fit me perfectly—she’d only needed to take it in a little at the boobs. I leaned in closer to the mirror, and marveled at how amazing false eyelashes were. I looked simple and understated, yet classy and glamorous. It was perfect.

I wondered what Lincoln was doing, what he would wear.

“Is Noah with Lincoln?” I asked Shea.

She nodded. “They just got back from the strip club.”

My eyes widened and she burst out laughing. “Kidding. They’re all getting ready in the trailer. Mikey’s with them too.”

Leave it to Shea to retain her sense of humor in serious moments.

I turned to my mom. “I hope it’s okay with you, but I asked Raphael to walk me down the aisle.”

My mom looked sad for a moment but then smiled. “Great choice. Your father would be so proud of you.”

“Don’t make her cry. Eyelashes.” Luke pointed at my mom and she laughed.

“All right, let’s go!” My mom ushered everyone out, and then handed me a small bouquet of five white roses.

I kissed her on the cheek, and she, Luke, and Chloe left, leaving Shea alone with me.

My best friend was wearing a long deep blue dress, and she faced me with a serious expression.

“I never thought we’d get here. Living in Angel City, engaged to Celestials. Damn, girl. I’m so happy for you.” She hugged me. “I never lost faith that you would make it back to us.”

I hugged her back, feeling that flash of sadness that Sera wasn’t here, but happy knowing she’d want this for me. She’d told me to live my best life, and I was.

“Thank you for everything,” I told my best friend. “Life can be gone in a blink of an eye, and I’m ready to live mine to the fullest for whatever time I have left.”

She nodded. “Let’s get you married to that sexy man.”

With a grin, I grabbed her hand and we walked to Raphael’s office.

He was waiting outside for us in a crisp black suit, his white wings splayed out behind him. My jaw nearly dropped at the sight. He looked so handsome.

“You look beautiful,” he said, taking my arm from Shea’s.

She kissed my cheek and then disappeared across the quad.

“Thank you.” I blushed.

We started to walk onto the field, and when we got there, I saw the sign first.

‘Lincoln weds Brielle’ was scrolled in cursive across a poster board, followed by a trail of white rose petals.

Looking farther out onto the field, I saw what must’ve been hundreds of people sitting in chairs.

“Whoa. There’re a lot of people,” I exclaimed as we started to walk, soft classical music playing out of portable speakers.

“Lincoln is a very well-respected captain of the Fallen Army, and you… well, everyone is thrilled that you’re alive and well. Word spread quickly this morning, and hundreds requested to attend and pay their respects,” Raphael assured me.

Damn. A few tears leaked out of my eyes at that. Hundreds of people gathered with a few hours’ notice to honor Lincoln and me? I almost didn’t feel deserving enough for this amazing new chance I’d been given.


“You have pretty amazing friends,” Raphael acknowledged.

I nodded. “I do.”

The best.

We turned the corner then, and Lincoln came into sight, making my breath hitch. He was standing at the end of the aisle wearing a light gray suit and a crisp white shirt. He looked so handsome, but it wasn’t his suit that held my attention—it was his eyes. The way he looked at me right then was as if I were the only person there.

I barely saw that Noah, Mikey, Blake, and Darren were standing beside him, that Archangel Michael was behind him, or that Shea, Chloe, and Luke were waiting for me. I kept all of my attention on those blue eyes that were taking in my presence from head to toe.

Before I knew it, we’d reached the end of the aisle, and Raphael shook Lincoln’s hand, passing me over to him.

When Lincoln grasped my hands and I stood before him, everything else blurred away. Time slowed and I just breathed in the moment, grateful for every single second of it.

Michael started off by welcoming everyone to the joining of our lives in marriage. He read the poem How Do I love Thee by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, then asked for Lincoln and me to say a few words.

Lincoln and I had yet to take our eyes off each other. Reaching up, he cupped my face in both hands.

“I’ve dreamed of this day for a long time. I can pinpoint the exact moment that I knew Brielle was my perfect match. It was the second day we met. She was taking too long to get ready, so I started to leave without her.”