Ally covered her mouth with her hand as they heard the loud footsteps of the men coming up the old wooden stairs.

If Rancher came, would he be able to take on the men alone? She saw at least three, but there could have been more.

All she wanted was Lord.

She didn’t have a gun and as the bathroom door slammed open, Betty fired.

Ally screamed as one of the men grabbed Betty and threw her hard against the wall. The gun she’d been holding dropped to the floor. As Betty tried to attack, struggling wildly, she got slapped in the mouth and Ally finally saw red.

She screamed, charging at the man. His jacket claimed him to be the President of the Skull Nation club.

Jumping on his back, she brought her arm across his neck, hoping her weight would do something to stop him.

He slammed her back against the wall, the impact winding her.

Within seconds, he had his hands wrapped around her neck as he smiled at her. “I knew I’d find you.”

Chapter Twelve

Lord cut off the guy’s dick, then nodded to Brick. As soon as he stepped away from the howling piece of shit, his VP put a bullet between his eyes.

“We ride out now,” he said.

This was the reason he’d sent Ally to stay with Rancher. He didn’t trust the Skull Nation to use her against him. Now he wasn’t sure if the VP had been fucking with him or telling the truth. What if they’d found out where Ally was staying?

She’d begged him to keep her at the club, and he was starting to believe it may have been the best choice. At least his compound was heavily fortified and protected by armed men. Rancher’s place may be off the grid, but it wasn’t a fort, and there was only one man guarding it. Rancher was a tough son of a bitch, but he wasn’t invincible.

It wasn’t supposed to go down this way.

He was certain he’d made the best choice. There was no way the Skull Nation could have found out what he’d done with Ally. As far as they were concerned, she was at home waiting for him.

Should he head back to the club or to Rancher’s place? Time was of the essence right now. They’d killed the VP, but Lord wanted their prez.

“Call Righteous. Find out if there’s any trouble at the club. Let them know to be ready for trouble,” said Lord.

He headed back out to his bike, swinging his leg over the seat. Before starting the engine, he looked to Tarmac, waiting for an answer.

“No trouble at home, boss.”

Lord kicked his bike to life and had one destination in mind. Even if the VP had been screwing with his head, he’d feel better knowing Ally was safe. Maybe he’d change his mind and bring her back to the clubhouse for his peace of mind.

Only his headlights on the asphalt ahead cut the pitch darkness. There didn’t even seem to be a moon tonight. They were far off, no signs of civilization for miles. He couldn’t believe how unsettled he felt. For decades, he’d lived on a fine line of life and death. Nothing much gave him pause because he didn’t give a shit about himself or anyone else.

Ally changed everything.

He wanted to wake up tomorrow because she made him want more out of life. That girl would become his old lady. They’d make a family together. Lord would make sure his kids were raised properly so they didn’t turn out fucked-up like him as adults.

Lord took a breath as he rode, keeping up the punishing pace. He’d lived through countless disappointments, even came close to ending his own life on a few occasions. But he wouldn’t be able to come back from losing Ally. You couldn’t kiss the sunshine and return to the darkness unscathed. It would destroy him.

First, he’d kill every single Skull Nation and their families, but he probably wouldn’t stop there. Her death would turn him into a devil. And he’d welcome a bullet when his rampage was over just to end the pain. The way his life had panned out, he almost expected fate to steal her away from him.

Fuck, that hotel had been far out. Was that their plan all along? Lead him away from his woman?

As much as he didn’t want to announce Ally’s location in case that VP had been blowing smoke up his ass, he had to be safe.

Lord slowed down and pulled into a lookout point along the side of the highway. The other brothers joined him moments later.

Reaper walked up to his side. “What’s the trouble? Your bike?”

He shook his head. “You heard what he said. I’m not going to pretend everything’s good. I’m calling Rancher to be safe.” After pulling out his cell, he dialed his old friend. He hated the fact he could have put the man and his family at risk. It had never been his intention.