The boys finish and I wait an extra twenty minutes before sitting up on the bench, waiting to replenish the blood I lost. My body aches in ways that no one should ever have to get used to, but I wear the pain as a badge of yet another battle that couldn’t take me out.

Kairo comes at me with a bottle of water and painkillers. “Here, take these,” he tells me, handing over the small pills that are bound to knock me the fuck out if I’m not careful. “They’ll help take the edge off.”

I take them greedily and throw them back. I’ve never understood those douchebags who refuse painkillers in their need to be high and fucking mighty. It sounds stupid to me. If there’s something there to ease the pain and make life just that little bit easier, then I’m down. Why be in pain if you don’t have to be? Using pain as self-punishment is a different story.

Once the pills make their way to the bottom of my stomach, I stand and look down at Kai. “Where’s my car?”

“The fuck?” he grunts, flying to his feet beside me and catching my elbow. “What do you mean ‘where’s my car?’ The fuck do you think you’re going?”

“Where do you think?” I growl, glaring at the guy who I trusted to help keep Roni safe—and where she belongs. “I’m getting my girl and bringing her home.”

“Dude,” he says, slowly shaking his head with regret in his eyes. “She’s not your fucking girl. You took her from her home. She’s with her brother now and I can guarantee that she’s not coming back. I don’t know what the fuck you think is going on between you two, but no chick I’ve ever met is willingly going to go back to the dickhead who kidnapped her and kept her locked in his secret little underground bunker.”

I shake my head. “Exactly my fucking point, you don’t know Roni, and you have no fucking idea what’s going down between us. I wasn’t fucking lying when I told you that I’ve been in love with her since I was sixteen years old. She’s my fucking girl and she belongs wherever the fuck I am.”

He narrows his eyes, watching me with curiosity. “What about Ocean? You spent two fucking years claiming that you were in love with her. You tried to talk her into marrying you, bro.”

“Look, don’t get me wrong here, I do love Ocean. I always have and I always will, but you know just as much as the boys do that what I had with Ocean wasn’t real. She was always meant to be with that rich prick. With her, it was raw and fast like a burning candle that was always meant to sizzle out. With Roni, it’s the fucking sun that only gets stronger with time. She’s not sizzling out, bro. She hasn’t for twelve years. She’s the reason I threw myself so completely in with Ocean. I needed a distraction, someone to take my mind off her, and it worked for a while, but when I found her again in Bellevue Springs, I knew it was only a matter of time.”

Kairo watches me for a moment, his brows raised as he stares, considering every last word. “You’re serious about this?”

“So fucking serious that I’ll walk into that fucking Wolf Den right now just to get her back.”

Kai nods, and a second later, he’s pulling a set of keys out of his pocket. “Then I’ll drive. You’re in no state to get behind the wheel. You’ll fucking kill yourself and every fucker on the road before you can find her.”

A grin stretches wide across my face and within seconds, I’m moving toward his car. I get into the passenger side and instantly put the chair right back to take some of the strain off my wounds. It’s going to be a long fucking night. I’m already bleeding through the bandages the boys dressed my wounds with. I can’t wait to see the extent of the infection I’ll most likely get from this bullshit.

After letting the boys know what’s going on, Kairo takes off down the road, and not actually being stupid enough to walk into the Wolf den, we head for Bellevue Springs. If she’s not with Christian, then hopefully, she’ll be home.

The drive to Bellevue Springs is longer than I could possibly bear, but for Roni, there’s not a damn thing I wouldn’t do. I really hadn’t hoped to be back here so soon after the breakout, especially since my face is pretty well known around here and the fuckers with gold lining their pockets will call the cops the second they see me. The rules of Bellevue Springs are far different from the ones I grew up with.

I have to make this quick.